Prof. Dorian Popa - Publications


Papers, ISI Journals

  1. J. Brzdek, D. Popa, B.Xu, A note on stability of the linear functional equation of higher order and fixed points of an operator, Fixed point theory, accepted paper.

  2. N. Lungu, D. Popa, On the Hyers-Ulam stability of a first order partial differential equation, Carpathian. J. of Mathematics, accepted paper.

  3. N. Lungu, D. Popa, Hyers-Ulam stability of a first order partial differential equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 385(2012), 86-91.

  4. D. Popa, I.Rasa, The Frechet functional equation with application to the stability of certain operators, Journal of Approximation Theory, 164(2012), 138-164.

  5. D. Popa, I. Rasa, On the Hyers-Ulam stability of the linear differential equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 381(2011), 530-537.

  6. J. Brzdek, D. Popa, B.Xu, Note on nonstability of the linear functional equation of higher order, Computer&Mathematics with Applications, 62(2011), 2648-2657.

  7. J. Brzdek, D. Popa, B. Xu, On approximate solutions of the linear functional equation of higher order, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373(2011), 680-689.

  8. D.S. Cimpean, D. Popa, Hyers-Ulam stability of Euler’s equation, Appl. Math. Lett. 24(2011), 1539-1543.

  9. J. Brzdek, D. Popa, B. Xu, Selections of set-valued maps satisfying a linear inclusion in single variable, Nonlinear Analysis-TMA, 74(2011), 324-330.

  10. M.S.Moslehian, D. Popa, On the stability of the first-order linear recurrence in topological vector spaces, Nonlinear Analysis: TMA 73(2010) , 2792-2799.

  11. J. Brzdek, D. Popa, B. Xu, On nonstability of the linear recurrence of order one, Journal of Mathematical Analysis an Applications, 367(2010), 146-153

  12. J.Brzdek, D. Popa, B.Xu, Remarks on stability of linear recurrence of higher order, Appl.Math.Lett.23(2010), 1459-1463.

  13. D. S. Cimpean , D.Popa, On the stability of the linear differential equation of higher order with constant coefficients, Appl. Math. Comput., 217(2010), 4141-4146.

  14. K.Nikodem, D.Popa, On single valuedness of set- valued maps satisfying linear inclusions, Banach J.Math.Anal.3(2009), 44-51.

  15. K.Nikodem, D.Popa, On selections of general linear inclusions, Publ. Math. Debrecen 75(2009), 239-249.

  16. M.S.Moslehian, K. Nikodem, D.Popa, Asymptotic aspect of the quadratic functional equation in multinormed spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl.355(2009), 717-724.

  17. D. Popa, On the stability of the general linear equation, Results in Mathematics, 53(2009), 383-389.

  18. J. Brzdek, D. Popa, Xu Bing, Hyers-Ulam stability for linear equations of higher orders, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 1-2(2008), 1-8.

  19. J. Brzdek, D. Popa, Xu Bing, The Hyers-Ulam Stability of Nonlinear Recurrences, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 335, 1(2007), 443-449. MR 2340333, Zbl 1123.39022.

  20. J. Brzdek, D. Popa, Xu Bing, Note on nonstability of the linear recurrence, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 76(2006), 183-189. MR 2293441.

  21. D. Popa, Hyers-Ulam stability of the linear recurrrence with constant coefficients, Adv. Difference Equ. 2(2005), 101-107. MR 2197125,Zbl 1095.39024.

  22. D. Popa, Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of a linear recurrence, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 309(2005), 591-597. MR 2154138, Zbl 1079.39027

  23. D. Popa, Functional inclusions on square-symmetric grupoids and Hyers-Ulam stability, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications. MIA 2(2004), 419-428. MR 2077819, Zbl 1058.39026

Papers, International Data Bases

  1. D. Popa, A property of a functional inclusion connected with Hyers-Ulam stability, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 4(2009), 591-598.

  2. D. Popa, I. Raşa, Inequalities involving the inner product, J. Pure Math. Appl. 8(3)(2007), art. 3. MR2345941, Zbl 05224796

  3. D. Popa, N. Lungu, On an operatorial inequality, Demostratio Math. 3(2005), 668-674. MR 2161370, Zbl 02226700.

  4. D. Popa, N. Vornicescu, Locally compact set-valued solutions for the general linear equation, Aequationes Math. 67(2004), 205-215. MR 2162227, Zbl 1054.39016

  5. D. Popa, A stability result for a general linear inclusion, Nonlinear Funct. Anal. Appl. 3(2004), 405-414. MR 2101188, Zbl 1067.39043

  6. D. Popa, Hyers-Ulam stability of the first order linear recurrence, Pure Math.Appl. 2-3(2004), 285-293. MR 2182013, Zbl 1112.39024

  7. D. Popa, Semicontinuity of locally p-convex and locally p-concave set-valued maps, Mathematica, 45(2003), 179-184. MR 2056050, Zbl 1084.545112D.

  8. D. Popa, Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of the general linear equation, Nonlinear Funct. Anal. Appl. 4(2002), 581-588. MR 1959637, Zbl 1031.39021

  9. D. Popa, Semicontinuity of a class of genelalized convex and a class of generalized concave set-valued maps,Pure Math.Appl.(PU.M.A),11-2 (2002), 369-374. MR 1839943, Zbl 1062.54020

  10. D. Popa, Additive selections of (a, b)-subadditive set-valued maps, Glas. Mat. 36(56)(2001), 11-16. MR 1842820, Zbl 1039.28013

  11. D. Popa, Hyers-Ulam Stability of the Pexider equation, Proceedings of ROGER - 2000, Gerhard Mercator Univ.Duisburg, 115-120. MR 1817271, Zbl 0990.39026.

  12. D. Popa, Set-valued solutions for an equation of Jensen type, Rev. Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx., 1(1999), 73-77. MR 1881350, Zbl 1075.39540

Papers, Romanian Journals

  1. D.Popa, On the stability of the Gamma discrete functional equation, Automat.Comput.Appl.Math.,17(2008), 543-549.

  2. O.M. Gurzau, D. Popa, T. Marita, M. Lucan, Mathematical and experimental models of the heat transfer in tissues, Automat. Comput. Appl. Math., 16(3)(2007), 67-73.

  3. D. Popa, On the continuity of generalized convex set-valued maps, Automat. Comput. Appl. Math., 16(2)(2007), 299-305.

  4. D. Popa, I. Rasa, Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities, Automat. Comput. Appl. Math. 15(2006), No. 1, 7-9.

  5. C.Sandea,D.Popa, Iterative procedure for solving a concurential populational model with medical applications, Applied Medical Informatics, 18(2006),30-33.

  6. D. Popa, A representation of p-convex set-valued maps with values in R, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai 4(2003), 77-81. MR 2107577, Zbl 1067.54507

  7. D. Popa, A remark on a functional equation, Automat. Comput. Appl. Math. 2(2003), 65-68.

  8. D. Popa, A generalization of Jensen equation for set-valued maps, Sem. on fixed point theory, 3(2002), 317-322. MR 1929776, Zbl 1022.39024

  9. D. Popa, N. Lungu, On some differential inequalities, Sem.on fixed point theory, 3(2002), 323-326. MR 1929777, Zbl 1028.34009

  10. D. Popa, The stability of a generalization of Jensen equation, Automat. Comput. Appl. Math. 10( 2001), 36-39.

  11. D. Popa, I.R. Peter, Some properties of polyholomorphic maps, Automat.Comput. Appl. Math. 10(2001), 43-48.

  12. D. Popa, p-Convex set-valued maps with values in R, General Mathematics 6(1998), 80-84. MR 1942296, Zbl 1052.49500

  13. D. Popa, Continuity of additive set-valued maps, Automat. Comput.Appl. Math. 1 (1998), 31-34. MR 1886375

  14. D. Popa, On single valuedness of some classes of set-valued maps, Automat. Comput. Appl. Math. 2 (1997), 42-46. MR 1887369.

  15. D. Popa, An inequality in inner product spaces, General Mathematics 1 (1994),29-32. Zbl 0881.26018

  16. D. Popa, On the Aczél inequality, Bul. Stiint. Int. Politehn. Cluj-Napoca, 34(1991), 157-160. MR 1285652

  17. D.Popa, Asupra calculului unor limite de siruri, RMT 3(1997), 9-12

Proceedings - International Conferences

  1. D.Popa, Approximate solutions of the linear equation, Int .Series of Numerical Math.vol.157(2008), 299-304.

  2. D. Popa, Hyers-Ulam Stability of a second order linear recurrence, Mathematical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Proceedings of RoGer (2004), 181-188.

  3. D. Popa, Some remarks on additive, affine and convex multifunctions, Proceedings of the 10th Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Timişoara (2003), 126-129. MR 2232787

  4. D. Popa, On the continuity of a class of generalized convex set-valued maps, Mathematical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Burg Verlag (2002), 221-226.  MR 2076835, Zbl 1033.54010

  5. D. Popa, Some convergence properties in the space of fractals, Proceedings of Int. Workshop " Trends and recent achievements in information technology", May 2002 Cluj-Napoca, pag.94-95

  6. D. Popa, Approximately convex set-valued maps .Symposium on Math. and Appl. - Timişoara (2001), 123-126. MR 2224315

  7. D. Popa, On the stability of a functional equation, Numerical Analysis and Approx. Theory, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, 404-410. MR 2006948, Zbl 1051.39030


  1. D.Inoan, A. Novac, D. Popa, Probleme de Analiza Matematica, Editura Mega, 2011, ISBN 978-606-543-165-2

  2. D. Popa, Functional equations. Set-valued solutions. Stability, Ed. UTPress, 2006, ISBN 978-973-662-223-6

  3. D. Popa, Calculus, Ed. Mediamira 2006, ISBN 973-713-144-4

  4. D. Popa, Calcul integral, Ed. Mediamira, 2005, ISBN 973-713-029-4

  5. D. Popa (în colaborare), Calcul diferenţial, Editura Mediamira,2004, ISBN 973-713-008-1

  6. D. Popa (in colaborare) Analiza matematica – Culegere de probleme, UT Press-2002, ISBN 973-9357-20-2

  7. D. Popa, Incluziuni şi inegalităţi funcţionale, Editura Todesco, 2002, ISBN 973-8198-40-2

  8. D. Popa, Analiză matematică - calcul diferenţial, Casa de Editură Transilvania Press, 2000, ISBN 973-98180-4-8

  9. D. Popa (et al.), Probleme de analiză matematică - calcul integral, Editura UT Pres, 2000, ISBN 973-9471-44-7

  10. I. Muntean, D. Popa, Metoda şirurilor recurente, Editura Gil. 1995, ISBN 973-97135-5

Reviewer for the Journals

    Abstract and Applied Analysis

    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

    Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods&Applications

    Advances in Difference Equations

    Applied Mathematics Letters

    Fixed Point Theory

    Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen

    Results in Mathematics

    Journal of Mathematical Inequalities

    Journal of Inequalities&Applications

    Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Science Society

    Boletino de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana

    Aequationes Mathematicae

    Carpathian Journal of Mathematics


    Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai

    Automation Computers Applied Mathematics

Last Updated: February 18, 2012