Aplicatie web pentru vizualizarea masuratorilor de calitate a apei pe raul Somes

  • Masuratorile parametrilor de calitate a apei exista si sunt disponibile printr-un serviciu web
  • Tehnologie: ASP.Net, Web Services
  • 2 studenti

Internet of Things

  • Identificare a obiectelor si adresare simbolica a acestora bazata pe atribute de context
  • Dezvoltarea unui mecanism care permite accesul uniform la obiecte/dispozitive eterogene
  • 2 studenti

Simularea sistemelor de productie industriala - planificarea comenzilor in cadrul procesului de productie.

  • 2 studenti

Modelarea si simularea sistemelor paralele si distribuite de timp-real

Cateva din subiectele care pot fi abordate

  • Analiza si evaluarea performantei tehnicilor de planificare in sisteme de timp-real
  • Dezvoltarea unor limbaje pentru descrierea modelelor de sisteme de timp-real
  • 2 studenti

Aplicatie de gestionare a referintelor bibliografice

Scurta descriere

Tool pentru cercetatori, studenti, etc. Ajuta la organizarea documentelor in format electronic (articole, carti, jurnale, etc), regasirea lor pe HDD sau Internet, cautare in functie de cuvinte cheie (in baza de date cu documente), generarea de liste cu referinte pentru articole sau rapoarte tehnice (in format standard), si altele.

  • 1 student

Indrumator: as. dr. ing. Anca Hangan

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita un email la Anca.Hangan@cs.utcluj.ro

Assembly Language Learning Environment (ALLE)

Short description

ALLE will provide a friendly, interactive and helpful set of tools for students that are learning to write programs in x86 assembly language. The environment will guide the students' first steps in learning assembly language basics and will also help the teacher in assessing each student's work.

Supervisor: prep. ing. Anca Hangan

2 open positions (at least) for summer practice and graduation project

For applications, please send an email to Anca.Hangan@cs.utcluj.ro


  • Research - find similar projects and analyze them, identify the issues, find suitable system design and development solutions
  • Define the functional and non-functional requirements of ALLE
  • Analyze the requirements and design the system architecture
  • Develop the software
  • Test the software
  • Deploy the software

Requirements for applicants

  • Committed and hard-working 3rd year (or 2nd year) students
  • Basic knowledge of an Object Oriented programming language and of a development environment
  • Basic knowledge of software design