If you want to know more about the structure of a scientific paper visit this page

Instructions for authors

    The papers should include an even number of pages (4- minimum, 6 or 8), on one side of the sheet. Quality white paper should be used. Multiplying will be carried out by 1:1 scale photocopying. In formatting your page, set the left margin to 2cm, the top margin on the first page to 5cm (on the other pages to 3cm), the right margin to 2cm and the bottom margin to 3cm. Authors are asked not to include any personal header (except for the header from the template, which will be left unchanged) and not to number the pages. If a printed draft copy will be sent, a laser printer should be employed.

Important: Try to format correctly (page format, columns, line spacing) even the draft version, sent for reviewing. Any paper with less than 4 populated pages (measured in ATN paper format- equivalent of approx 2500 words) will be rejected.

We recommend for authors to perform, before submitting the paper, a preliminary plagiarism checking, using at least one of the following free checkers:, or similar.

It is recommended to use the provided template.

We prefer Word  formats (.doc, .docx), found to be more compatible with our post-processing tools. Use the template as is. Do not delete or change elements of the layout (header and footer for example) and do not modify actual data (date, page numbering). The final form of the paper will be generated by our layout editors.

The text will include the following sequence of parts:

·         Title: 14 bold, all capitals, centered, close to the upper margin, followed by a free line

·         Authors: first name (lower case), surname (upper case), centered, 11 pt.

·         Affiliation: 10 pt, italic, followed by 2 free lines

·         Abstract: 9pt, bold, on 1 column

·         Keywords: 10 pt, italic, 1 column

·         The main text: 2 equal "balanced newspaper" columns, 0,5 cm between columns, 10pt.

·         References: 9 pt, numbered and written according with IEEE standard.

     In the main text reference citations will be indicated by arabic digits between square brackets [1], [1, 3-6] The best results should be obtained if serif typeface such as TIMES NEW ROMAN or TIMES ROMAN fonts are employed. Avoid sans serif typefaces such as Swiss or Helvetica. Titles headings will be centered on their columns, will be typed in all capital letters and numbered with Roman numerals. They will be separated from the previous text body by one free line. No free line will be left between the title and following paragraph. A new paragraph (tabs) should be indented by 0,5 cm. If your paper is longer than the allowed page limit, you may shorten it by using a slightly smaller type size for the main text or by slightly reducing the space between lines.

     Equations, tables and figures will be included in the text in the order of reference. Equations are to be numbered sequentially with arabic normal digits between parentheses, placed at the right end of the line. A blank line should be inserted both before and after the equation.

     Figures are to be accompanied by a caption using 10 pt, italic. They should be numbered sequentially. A blank line should be inserted both before and after the figure. All line drawings and photos should be in black and white, unless color is specifically required.  Ensure that the contrast of the image is acceptable for print not for electronic distribution. Smaller size equations, tables, illustrations will be positioned within the paragraphs; their width should not exceed that of the column. Large figures, tables, formulae can be inserted on the whole width of the page, preferably at the beginning or the end of the page. Physical quantities in the text should be typed italics too, e.g. in the explanations following the formulae. Refer to all equations, tables and illustrations in the text. Use only standard symbols and abbreviations unless defined when first used in the text. Be sure that all subscripts, superscript, Greek letters and mathematical symbols are clearly identified.


     The editing instructions in *.doc format are also available. Click here to view or download it.


     The Copyright Form must be sent by mail with the article (at least with the final format of the paper). Click here to view or download it. Fill in and sign the form, scan it and attach the scanned file to your mail.