Computer Architecture
Calendar of the Lectures (2004/2005)
No. |
Week | Subject | Documentation |
1 | 04.10-08.10 | --- | |
2 | 11.10-15.10 | Introduction. Structure of the Physical Machine. Boolean Algebra Elements |
3 | 18.10-22.10 | Logic Gates. Canonic Forms of Boolean Functions. Minimization of Boolean Functions |
4 | 25.10-29.10 | Minimization of Boolean Functions (cont.). Central Processing Unit (CPU). CPU Structure. Registers. Stack Memory. Instruction Execution |
5 | 01.11-05.11 | Instruction Execution (cont.). Instruction Sets. Machine Instruction Elements. Assembly Languages |
6 | 08.11-12.11 | Number of Addresses per Instruction. Instruction Types |
7 | 15.11-19.11 | Instruction Types (cont.). Addressing Modes. Arithmetic Logic Unit. Circuits for Adding Two Binary Digits |
8 | 22.11-26.11 | Circuits for Adding Two Binary Digits (cont.). Serial Adder. Parallel Adder. Direct Multiplication |
9 | 29.11-03.12 | Direct Multiplication (cont.). Booth Multiplication. Binary Division |
10 | 06.12-10.12 | Restoring Division Method. Control Unit. Micro-Operations |
11 | 13.12-17.12 | Instruction Cycle. Control of the CPU. Internal CPU Organization |
12 | 03.01-07.01 | --- | |
13 | 10.01-14.01 | Control Unit Implementation. Hardwired Control Units. Microprogrammed Control Units |
14 | 17.01-21.01 | Memory Unit. Characteristics of Memory Systems. Semiconductor Memory Types. Cache Memory |
Updated: January 24, 2005