Structure of Computer Systems
2011/2012 Academic Year
Instructor: Dr. Zoltan Francisc Baruch
Language: English
Study Year: Dipl. Eng. in Computer Science and Information Technology, 3rd year, 2nd semester
Teaching Activities
Lectures: 28 hours
Laboratory sessions: 28 hours
Project sessions: 14 hours
Course Syllabus
Introduction: Performance Metrics: Execution Time, CPU Time, MIPS, MFLOPS; Benchmark Programs; Quantitative Principles of Computer Design |
Arithmetic-Logic Unit:
Addition; Multiplication; Division; Floating-Point Numbers and Operations |
Memory Systems: Memory Hierarchy; Memory Types; Memory Performance Measures; Semiconductor Main Memory; Interleaved Memory; Associative Memory; Cache Memory; Virtual Memory |
Pipelining: Pipeline Structure; Pipeline Performance Measures; Pipeline Types; Instruction Pipelines; Arithmetic Pipelines; Pipeline Control |
RISC Architectures: Introduction; Causes for Increased Architectural Complexity; Advantages of RISC Architectures; The Use of a Large Number of Registers; Characteristics of RISC Architectures; Comparison between RISC and CISC Architectures; Applications of RISC Processors; SPARC Architecture |
Advanced Architectures: Taxonomy of Computer Architectures; Parallel Architectures; Current Directions |
Calendar of the lectures >
Documentation for the lectures >
Laboratory sessions >
Laboratory colloquy >
Project subjects >
Project resources >
Guide for writing the project report >
25% Laboratory
25% Project
50% Exam (mid-term and final)
Lab colloquy: closed book for theoretical questions, open book for problems
Exam: closed book

Baruch, Z. F., Structure of Computer Systems,
U.T.PRES, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, ISBN 973-8335-44-2.
(Out of print; available for loan at the library)

Baruch, Z. F., Structure of Computer Systems
with Applications, U.T.PRES, Cluj-Napoca,
2003, ISBN 973-8335-89-2.
(Available at the library)
Further Reading

Hayes, John P.,
Computer Architecture and Organization, Third Edition. McGraw-Hill,
1998, ISBN 0-07-115997-5.

Patterson, David A., Hennessy, John L., Computer Organization and Design,
The Hardware/Software Interface, Second Edition. Morgan Kaufmann, 1997, ISBN 1-55860-491-x.
Updated: February 19, 2012