Text bilingv: romano-englez [Bilingual text: Romanian-English]


obtinute de prof.dr.ing. Gavril Toderean


obtained by prof.dr.eng. Gavril Toderean]


1.      Certificat de inventator nr. 98210, acordat autorilor Toderean G., Dobrota T.M. si Dobrota V.M., pentru inventia cu titlulInstalatie pentru supervizarea traficului telefonic de abonat”; Brevet de inventie nr. 98210/30.03.1989 [Certificate of invention no. 98210, awarded to the authors Toderean G., Dobrota T.M. and Dobrota V.M., for the invention entitled “Equipment for the supervision of the telephonic traffic of registered clients”; Invention patent no. 98210/30.03.1989]

2.      Certificat de inventator nr. 102300, acordat autorilor Toderean G. si Ghilescu T., pentru inventia cu titlul “Circuit pentru modulatia delta adaptiva”; Brevet de inventie nr. 102300/31.07.1990 [Certificate of invention no. 102300, awarded to the authors Toderean G. and Ghilescu T., for the invention entitled “Circuit for the delta adaptive modulation”; Invention patent no.102300/31.07.1990]