Curriculum Vitae

prof.dr.eng. Gavril Toderean




NAME: Toderean Gavril-Ioan


DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 18 December 1946, Bogata de Jos, Cluj County, Romania; married with Ana, daughters: Gabriela Chira and Olivia Toderean. 


EDUCATION: "Andrei Muresanu" high school, Dej, Cluj county, Romania, head of the 1964 promotion; diplomat engineer, 1970, and Ph.D., 1981, both in computer science engineering, at "Traian Vuia" Polytechnic Institute (present name “Polytechnic” University of Timisoara), Timisoara, Romania.


INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIZATION: Moscow, Russia (1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1981), Prague, Czech Republic (1977), Milan, Italy (1992), Granada, Spain (1995), Coventry, UK (1995).

CAREER: engineer and researcher, Institute of Atomic Physics (IAPh, then ISI-Institute of Stable Isotopes; its present official name is: IIMT-Institute of Isotopic and Molecular Technology) of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1970-1981; at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania: lecturer, 1981-1989, associate professor, 1990-1991, professor since 1991, Ph.D. coordinator in telecommunications since 1992, member of the Senate, 1991-2000, representative of the university in the European Consortia for Education, Turin, since 1997, coordinator of "Leonardo" projects, 1999-2000, 2002; General manager, of the private firm PRO3 SOFT, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, since 1996; science expert of 2 research institutes.


ACHIEVEMENTS: the electronics of the first Romanian scientific equipment launched in the space, 1974, and of those included in other 5 launches, INTERCOSMOS program; on-line coupling of spectrometers to computers for heavy water, and for gases; automation of an isotope separation installation; applications of microprocessors; speech recognition and synthesis for the Romanian language; applications of artificial neural networks in the recognition of forms; software for monitoring the electric energy; 2 innovation patents; 18 certified Ph.D titles achieved by the coordinated Ph.D. candidates.


PUBLICATIONS: 20 books (including also readings and guides for students), among them: “The Utilization of Microprocessors”, 1983, “Modern Techniques of Communications”, vol. I 1985, vol. II 1986, “Electronic circuits and devices”, vol. I and II 1991; “Transputers and Digital Signal Processors”, 1993, “Artificial Neural Networks”, 1994, 2-nd edition 1995, “Introduction to the SIMULINK and MATLAB Programs in Telecommunications”, 1999; “Computer Networks”, 2000, "Speech Recognition Methods", 2005; more than 200 scientific papers, in national and international publications (from which ca 100 were published in English); more than 40 reports of scientific research contracts, national and international, and independent projects, in the fields mentioned above, at Achievements, the reports being of limited access, to those who receive the approval of the beneficiary institutions.


AWARDS: Gold Medal, Exhibition of International Scientific and Technical Achievements, Moscow, 1987, for the "Quadrupolar Mass Spectrometer for space research"; Decree of Merit, Outstanding People of the 20th Century, IBC, 2000; nomination for several awards and distinctions offered by IBC, ABI, etc.; listed in international and national biographical dictionaries.


MEMBERSHIPS: IEEE, 1992-1994; European Speech and Communication Association, 1997-1998; correspondent member of Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)


ADDRESS: home: Romania, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Calarasilor 16;


