In lista
prezenta, articolele sunt date in limba in care au fost publicate, romana sau engleza
[In the present list -of
published scientific papers- the papers are given in the language they were
published, Romanian or English]
de Toderean
by prof.dr.eng. Toderean
1. B. Raicu, D. Ristoiu, G.
Toderean, F. Bolnavu, “Design consideration for a system of high
temperature ion source and R.F. Quadrupolar Mass Spectrometer, applied in
surface ion bombardment research”, Proceedings of The Electrode Processes
Applications Conference, Bucharest, Romania, May, 1974
I. Covaci, Gh. Vasaru, G.
Toderean, “Determinarea parametrilor de operare a unei cascade de
termodifuzie”, Studii si cercetari de fizica, nr. 2, 1974
V. Mercea, V. Istomin, I.
Chereji, G. Toderean, D. Ristoiu, “Calibrator for space flight mass
spectrometer”, Studii si cercetari de fizica, nr. 8, 1975
G. Toderean, “Algoritm dlia obrabotka dannih polucenih ot mass spectrometra”,
traducerea in romana fiind: “Algoritm de prelucrare a datelor obtinute de la
spectrometrul de masa”, Lucrarile Conferintei Internationale INTERCOSMOS de
Prelucrare a Datelor de la Satelitii Stiintifici, Budapesta, Ungaria, 6-11
septembrie, lucrarile au fost prezentate in limba rusa, 1976 [the English
translation: G. Toderean, “Data procession algorithm for the data obtained from
a mass spectrometer”, Proc. of the International INTERCOSMOS Conference of Data
Procession from the Scientific Satellites, Budapest, Hungary, September 6-11,
the papers were presented in Russian, 1976]
G. Toderean, Gh. Vasaru, “Generator de tact, cu perioada foarte
mare, pentru automatizarea unei cascade de termodifuzie”, Studii si cercetari
de fizica, tom 28, nr. 3, 1976, p. 309-315
G. Toderean, D. Ristoiu, “Generator pentru alimentarea unui filtru de mase
cuadrupolar”, Studii si cercetari de fizica, tom 28, nr. 7, 1976, p. 665-672
I. Pacuraru, G. Toderean,
“Q-metru numeric pentru cuarturi”, Electrotehnica, Electronica si Automatica
(E.E.A.), sectiunea Electrotehnica, anul 25, nr. 7, Bucuresti, Romania, oct.,
1977, p. 281-284
G. Toderean, I. Covaci, “Calculul frecventei de esantionare si a vitezei de conversie a
unui spectrometru de masa”, Studii si cercetari de fizica, tom 29, nr. 2, 1977,
p. 119-124
9. G. Toderean, I. Chereji, V. Mercea, V.
Istomin “Device for in flight callibration of mass spectrometer”, Space science
instrumentation, 4, 1978
10. G. Toderean, C. Fatu, V. Morariu, “A
Hall system for precise magnetic measurements”, Rev.Roum.Phys.,
nr. 1, 1978
11. G. Toderean, D. Ristoiu, V. Mercea, V.
Istomin “Quadrupol mass spectrometer launched on geophysical rocket Vertical
7”, Rev.Roum.Phys., tome 24, nr. 7, 1979, p. 685-690
D. Ristoiu, G. Toderean,
V. Mercea, S. Romantan, M. Trifu “Rezultate preliminarii obtinute cu
spectrometrul de masa cuadrupolar lansat pe racheta Vertical 7”, Lucrarile
Sesiunii anuale de comunicari “Progrese in fizica”, ICFIZ, Bucuresti, Romania,
21-22 iunie, 1979, p. VII-46 –VII-47
G. Toderean, D. Ristoiu, V. Mercea, “Spectrometru de masa cuadrupolar lansat pe racheta
Vertical 7. Blocul electronic”, Lucrarile Sesiunii anuale de comunicari
“Progrese in fizica”, ICFIZ, Bucuresti, Romania, 21-22 iunie, 1979, p. VII-48
E. Grecu, C. Ungureanu, G.
Toderean, “Metoda de analiza pentru ozon bazata pe reactia de
chemiluminiscenta dintre ozon si etilena”, Lucrarile Sesiunii anuale de
comunicari “Progrese in fizica”, ICFIZ, Bucuresti, Romania, 21-22 iunie, 1979,
p. III-10-III-11
G. Toderean, “Stabilizarea curentului de emisie la o sursa de ioni cu impact
electronic”, Studii si cercetari de fizica, tom 32, nr. 5, 1980, p. 499-504
G. Toderean, “Limitari in viteza de baleiaj a unui spectrometru de masa”, Lucrarile
simpozionului “Progrese in fizica”,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, iunie, 1980, editat de ICFIZ, Bucuresti, Romania,
G. Toderean, S. Romantan, A. Buza, “Unitate pentru prelucrarea datelor de la un
spectrometru cu doi colectori, bazata pe microprocesorul 8080”, Lucrarile
simpozionului “Progrese in fizica”,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, iunie, 1980, editat de ICFIZ, Bucuresti, Romania,
18. G. Toderean, “The on-line coupling of a
quadrupol mass-spectrometer with a microcomputer”, Rev.Roum.Phys.,
nr. 7, 1981, p. 673-680
G. Toderean, I. Covaci, “Metoda de calcul si program pentru cresterea rezolutiei unui
spectrometru de masa”, Lucrarile celui de-al 7-lea Simpozion “Informatica si Conducere”,
Laboratorul de informatica Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 8 mai, 1981
G. Toderean, T. Colosi, C. Singiorzan, D. Dumitru, V. Florian, “Microsistem de calcul
pentru simularea functiilor de transfer”, Lucrarile celui de-al 2-lea Simpozion national de teoria sistemelor,
Craiova, Romania, vol. 4, 1982, p. 90-94
G. Toderean, C. Miron, M. Bitiu, “Filtru numeric bazat pe microprocesorul 8080”,
Lucrarile sectiilor de electronica si telecomunicatii, CNETAC’82, Universitatea
Politehnica Bucuresti, cu participare nationala, Bucuresti, Romania, 17-19
nov., vol. 2, 1982, p. 5.68-5.73
22. G. Toderean, D. Anoaica, “Testor pentru modemuri bazat pe
microprocesorul 8080”, Lucrarile celui de-al 2-lea Simpozion de tehnologii si
echipamente de masurare automata, IPA, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 11-12 nov., vol.
23. A. Buza, G. Toderean,
“Microcomputer for the isotopic analysis of hydrogen”, Rev.Roum.Phys.,
tome 28, nr. 8, 1983, p. 705-710
C. Miron, G. Toderean,
M. Dabacan, C. Fatu, “Interfata intre voltmetrul digital E0303 - magistrala IEE
488”, Lucrarile celui de-al 3-lea Simpozion de Tehnologii si Echipamente de
Testare, IPA, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-27 oct., 1984, p. 280-286
S. Lungu, G. Toderean,
“Masurarea temperaturii electrodului de coagulare la aparatura de micro-electrochirurgie”,
Lucrarile Simpozionului National de Electronica
Medicala, CNETAC, editia a V-a,
UTCN, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1984, p. 30-35
G. Toderean, S. Bere, E. Farkas, “Sistem de dezvoltare pentru achizitia si prelucrarea
datelor”, Lucrarile Simpozionului National de Electronica Medicala,
CNETAC, editia a V-a, UTCN, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1984, p. 252-254
G. Toderean, P. Ogrutan, “Simularea semnalului EEG cu ajutorul calculatorului”,
Lucrarile Simpozionului National de Electronica
Medicala, CNETAC, editia a V-a,
UTCN, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1984, p. 321-324
G. Toderean, Cs. Andras., L. Moldovan, “Microcalculator realizat cu
microprocesorul 8086”, Lucrarile celui de al 4-lea Simpozion de Tehnologii si
Echipamente de Testare Automata, cu participare nationala, IPA, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-26 oct., 1985,
p. 156-159
G. Toderean, M. Milea, L. Veltan, “Sistem de
dezvoltare bazat pe microprocesorul 8085 cu control pe ecran TV”, Lucrarile
celui de al 4-lea Simpozion de Tehnologii si Echipamente de Testare Automata,
cu participare nationala, IPA,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-26 oct., 1985, p. 412-416
G. Toderean, C. Miron, V. Dobrota, D. Andrasiu, O. Cocian, “Sistem de apel la ora fixa
bazat pe microprocesorul Z80”, Lucrarile Sesiunii anuale de comunicari
tehnico-stiintifice, Telecomunicatii’85, Bucuresti, Romania, 31 oct.-2 nov.,
1985, p. 228-232
G. Toderean, C. Miron, M. Bere, M. Ilyes, “Prelucrari digitale ale semnalului vocal”,
Lucrarile simpozionului omagial, de 75 ani, a Institutului Politehnic din Iasi,
Romania, 1986
G. Toderean, V. Bota, P. Sicoe, “Asupra corectorilor de erori cu microprocesoare
microprogramate”, Lucrarile simpozionului omagial, de 75 ani, a Institutului
Politehnic din Iasi, Romania, 1986
G. Toderean, D. Gligor, “Traductor tensometric digital realizat cu circuitul beta
E555”, Lucrarile primului Simpozion national “Realizari si perspective in
domeniul traductoarelor pentru echipamente de masura”, UTCN, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, 23-24 oct., 1986, p. 124-129
G. Toderean, El-O. Ziad, “Traductor forta-deformatie. Metoda de
calcul”, Lucrarile primului Simpozion national “Realizari si perspective in
domeniul traductoarelor pentru echipamente de masura”, UTCN, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, 23-24 oct., vol.II, 1986, p. 348-353
G. Toderean, C. Miron, K. Pusztai, A. Plesa, “Asamblor pentru microprocesorul de semnal
2920”, Lucrarile CNETAC, Bucuresti, 26-28 nov., 7.11, 1986
G. Toderean, L. Galben, “Legatura semiduplex intre doua calculatoare TELEROM P cu sistem de operare CP/M ”, Lucrarile
CNETAC, Bucuresti, Romania, 26-28 nov., 14.7, 1986
G. Toderean, C. Miron, A. Turcu, V. Paven, “Sinteza de semnal vocal utilizand modulatia
delta adaptiva”, Lucrarile Sesiunii Anuale de Comunicari Stiintifice
Telecomunicatii’86, Bucuresti, Romania, 6-8 nov., 1986
G. Toderean, “Codificarea digitala a semnalului vocal”, Lucrarile Sesiunii Anuale de
Comunicari Stiintifice Telecomunicatii’87, Poiana Brasov, Romania, 21-22 mai,
1987, 4 pagini
G. Toderean, “Concentrator de date pentru supravegherea abonatilor telefonici”,
Lucrarile Sesiunii Anuale de Comunicari Stiintifice Telecomunicatii’87, Poiana
Brasov, Romania, 21-22 mai, 1987
G. Toderean, T. Turcu, A. Toderean, H. Albu, “Microcalculator de proces pentru comanda
liniilor tehnologice din industria alimentara”,
Probleme actuale de fizica, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. 7, 1987 , p.
G. Toderean, T. Ghilescu, S. Voicu, “Implementarea sistemului de operare MS-DOS pe un
microcalculator realizat cu microprocesorul 8086”, Lucrarile Sesiunii
Telecomunicatii’88, Poiana Brasov, Romania, 26-28 mai, 1988, p. 35-38
G. Toderean, I. Canta, A. Toderean, “Corectia in timp real a semnalului vocal utilizand
tehnici digitale”, Lucrarile celei de-a 10-a Sesiuni ICFIZ “Progrese in
fizica”, Constanta, Romania, 1988
G. Toderean, T. Ghilescu, T. Rusu, B. Rednic, V. Nesteanu, I. Badea, “Sistem de
achizitie date cu inregistrare pe disc flexibil, utilizat in
electroencefalografie”, Lucrarile Simpozionului National de Electronica
Medicala, editia a VII-a, UTCN,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 3-5 nov., 1988, p. 169-172
G. Toderean, T. Ghilescu, C. Muresan, S. Stroescu, “Interfata pentru achizitia datelor
pe calculator TIM-S”, Lucrarile Simpozionului National de Electronica
Medicala, editia a VII-a, UTCN,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 3-5 nov., 1988, p. 173-176
G. Toderean, St. Kovacs, S. Romantan, “Oscilator pentru alimentarea unui analizor de
masa cuadrupolar”, Lucrarile celui de-al 2-lea Simpozion national de
traductoare “Realizari si perspective in domeniul traductoarelor pentru
echipamente de masura”, UTCN, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 3-5 nov., 1988, p. 179-184
G. Toderean, V. Mirel, M. Leuca, “Amplificator electrometric digital”, Lucrarile celui
de-al 2-lea Simpozion national de traductoare “Realizari si perspective in
domeniul traductoarelor pentru echipamente de masura”, UTCN, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, 3-5 nov., 1988, p. 185-190
G. Toderean, T. Ghilescu, A. Toderean, “Data acquisition system with floppy-disk
recorder”, Lucrarile Simpozionului National de Calculatoare si Conducere
Automata a Proceselor, SCA, Timisoara,
Romania, 8-10 dec., vol. I, 1988, p. 147-150
G. Toderean, T. Ghilescu, S. Voicu, “Microsystem with a 8086 microprocessor for
didactical purposals”, Lucrarile Simpozionului National de Calculatoare si
Conducere Automata a Proceselor, SCA,
Timisoara, Romania, 8-10 dec., vol. I, 1988, p.139-142
G. Toderean, V. Bota, I. Sfirlea, T. Ghilescu, “Portable minitestor for synchron
modems”, Lucrarile Simpozionului National de Calculatoare si Conducere Automata
a Proceselor, SCA, Timisoara, Romania,
8-10 dec., vol. I, 1988, p. 143-146
T. Ghilescu, G. Toderean,
S. Voicu, A. Levi, “Modulator delta implementat pe microcalculator cu aplicatii
in sinteza de voce”, Lucrarile Sesiunii
Telecomunicatii’89, Poiana
Brasov, Romania, 18-19 mai, 1989
S. Voicu, G. Toderean, T.
Ghilescu, V. Crainic, “Convertor de protocol asincron pentru imprimante
compatibile EPSON”, Lucrarile Sesiunii Telecomunicatii’89, Poiana Brasov, Romania, 18-19 mai, 1989
G. Toderean, S. Chis, C. Chis, V. Sevianu, “Sistem de achizitie si prelucrare a datelor
de la un spectrometru RES”, Lucrarile celei de a 11-a Sesiuni anuale de
comunicari ICFIZ “Progrese in fizica”,
Oradea, Romania, 5-7 oct., 1989, p. 823-824
G. Toderean, T. Ghilescu, A. Toderean, S. Voicu, “Sistem biprocesor de achizitie a
datelor pe opt canale cu memorare pe floppy-disc”, Lucrarile celei de a 11-a
Sesiuni anuale de comunicari ICFIZ “Progrese in fizica”, Oradea, Romania, 5-7 oct., 1989, p. 825-826
G. Toderean, T. Ghilescu, A. Ciotmonda, L. Suciu, “Sistem de achizitie de date pentru comanda
testarii miniacumulatoarelor”, Lucrarile celui de-al 2-lea Simpozion de
Structuri, Algoritmi si Echipamente de Conducere a Proceselor Industriale,
Iasi, Romania, 27-28 oct., 1989, p. 289-293
G. Toderean, T. Ghilescu, S. Voicu, A. Toderean, “Sistem multicanal de achizitie a
datelor cu memorare pe floppy-disk”, Lucrarile celui de-al 2-lea Simpozion de
Structuri, Algoritmi si Echipamente de Conducere a Proceselor Industriale,
Iasi, Romania, 27-28 oct., 1989, p. 285-288
56. G. Toderean, M. Giurgiu, “Problems of
Analysis and Synthesis of Speech Signals”, Scientific Bulletin of the
Polytechnic Institute of Cluj-Napoca, now Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. 33,
1991, p. 45-50
57. G. Toderean, M. Giurgiu, “Major Problems
in Speech Analysis and Synthesis of Speech Signals”, Proc. of National
Scientific Conference, Oradea, Romania, May, 1992, p. 42
D. Ristoiu, G. Toderean, I. Chereji, D. O. Ursu, V. Istomin
“In-Flight Callibration of Mass Spectrometry”, Proc. of the Third International
Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space, SPACE’92,
Sheraton Denver Tech. Center, Denver, Colorado, USA, May 31 – June
4, 1992
59. M. Costeiu, G. Toderean,
“Small neural networks simulator”, Proc. of the 2nd Vigo Workshop on Adaptive Methods and
Emergent Techniques for Signal Processing and Communications, COST#229 WG.1+2,
section Neural Networks and Other Intelligent DSP Approaches, Bayona (Vigo),
Spain, June 16-18, 1993
60. G. Toderean, M. Costeiu, I.A.Letea, “Small
neural networks simulator”, Scientific Bulletin of the Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1993
61. G. Toderean, M. Giurgiu, B. Szekely,
“Isolated-Word Speech Recognition System”, Proc. of the International
Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electronics, ICATE’93, Craiova, Romania,
September 18-20, vol. E, 1993, p.75-80, and Acta Tehnica Napocensis:
Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, nr. 1, 1994, p. 103-107
62. G. Toderean, M. Giurgiu, “Low Bit Rate
Speech Coding Through Linear Predictive Analysis”, Proc. of the International
Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electronics, ICATE’93, Craiova, Romania,
September 18-20, vol. E, 1993, p. 81, and Acta Tehnica Napocensis: Electronics
and Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, nr. 1, 1994, p. 42-50
63. M. Costeiu, I.A. Letea, G.
Toderean, “Small Neural Networks Simulator (II)”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis:
Electronics and Telecommunications,
64. G. Toderean, V. Dobrota, “Local Digital
Switching Exchange Based on IBM-PC/AT, PS/2 or Compatibles”, Acta Tehnica
Napocensis: Electronics and Telecommunications,
65. G. Toderean, St. Chifu, N. Tomai,
“Aspecte privind interconectarea retelelor locale”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis:
Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, nr. 1, 1994, p. 108-117
66. M. Giurgiu, G. Toderean,
“An Approach to Isolated Vowel Recognition Using Multilayer Perceptrons”, Proc.
of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, Timisoara, Romania,
September 29-30, vol. II, 1994, p.
67. M. Costeiu, G. Toderean,
“Convergence of Backpropagation Algorithm”, Proc. of the Symposium on
Electronics and Telecommunications, Timisoara, Romania, September 29-30, vol. II, 1994, p. 207-215
68. M. Hotoleanu, G.
Toderean, “Caracterizarea amplificatoarelor optice cu fibre dopate cu
erbiu. Modelare si simulare”, Optoelectronica, vol.3, nr.1, ianuarie-martie,
1995, p. 21-26
69. G. Toderean, M. Giurgiu, “On the Use of
Neural Networks for Automatic Vowel Recognition”, Proc. of the International
IEEE ‘Industrial Automation and Control
Conference’ , IEEE IACC’95,
70. M. Giurgiu, G. Toderean,
B. Szekely, “An Approach to Isolated Word Recognition with Markov Models”,
Lucrarile celei de-a XXVI-a Sesiuni de Comunicari Stiintifice cu Participare
Internationala, Academia Tehnica Militara, Bucuresti, Romania, 16-17 nov.,
1995, p. 105-108
A. Ferencz, D. Zaiu, M.
Ferencz, T. Ratiu, G. Toderean, “Sistem hard-soft pentru experimentari
in domeniul analizei si sintezei semnalelor vocale”, Lucrarile Conferintei
“Realizari in domeniul Electronicii Profesionale”, editia a XII-a, REP’95,
Bucuresti, Romania, 16-17 nov., 1995, p. TC-9 – TC-12
A. Ferencz, D. Zaiu, M.
Ferencz, T. Ratiu, G. Toderean, R. Arsinte, T. Miclea, “Utilizarea
procesoarelor digitale de semnal la sinteza in timp real a semnalelor vocale”,
Lucrarile Conferintei “Realizari in domeniul Electronicii Profesionale”, editia
a XII-a, REP’95, Bucuresti, Romania, 16-17 nov., 1995, p. TC-13 – TC-16
73. G. Toderean, B. Szekely, Gabriela Toderean,
P. Platini, D. Allegranza, “Automatic Calibration System of a.c. Measurement Instruments”, Proc. of the
National Automatic Control and Testing
Conference, A’96-THETA 10, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, May 23-24, vol. 3, T3.10, 1996, p. 273-276
74. G. Toderean, B. Szekely, V. Schnedarek,
L. Martonosy, Gabriela Toderean, P. Platini, D. Allegranza, “Software for the
Control of an a.c. Measurement Intruments Network”, Proc. of the National Automatic Control and Testing Conference,
A’96-THETA 10 , Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
vol. 2, A7.4, May 23-24, 1996, p. 271-276
75. E. Lupu, G. Toderean,
L. Detesan, “Speaker Verification Experiments using Single Layer Perceptron”,
Proc. of the National Automatic Control and Testing Conference, A’96-Theta 10,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. 2, A7.5, May
23-24, 1996, p. 277-280
76. M. Giurgiu, G. Toderean,
“Results on LVQ Algorithms Applied to Automatic Vowel Recognition”, Proc. of
the National Automatic Control and Testing Conference, A’96-THETA 10,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, A7.6, May 23-24,
1996, p. 281-284
77. M. Giurgiu, G. Toderean,
“On the Use of Filter Banks for Speech Analysis with TMS320C50 Signal
Processors”, Proc. of the International Conference on Applied and Theoretical
Electricity, ICATE’96,
78. E. Lupu, G. Toderean,
C. Voicu, “Medium for speech analysis”, Proc. of the International Symposium of
System theory, robotics, computers, and process informatics, SINTES, Craiova, Romania, June 6-7, 1996
79. M. Giurgiu, G. Toderean,
“Results on Speech Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks and Constrained
Clustering Segmentation”, Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent
Technologies in Human Related Sciences,
ITHURS’96, Leon, Spain, July, 1996
80. M. Giurgiu, G. Toderean,
“The Application of Self Organizing Feature Maps for Romanian Vowel
Recognition”, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Process
Control and Simulation, ASRTP’96, 1996,
81. G. Toderean, B. Szekely, V. Schnedarek,
Gabriela Toderean, P. Platini, V. Travaini, “Software control of an a.c.
measurement instruments network in plants area”, Proc. of the Symposium on
Electronics and Telecommunications, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-27, 1996,
in Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii “Politehnica” din Timisoara,
Timisoara, Romania, vol. I, 1996, p. 150-153
82. M. H. Fisher, J. F. Camapun,
D. Denes, G. Toderean, “Investigations in Colour Based Object
Recognition (1)”, Proc. of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications,
Timisoara, Romania, September 26-27, 1996, in Buletinul Stiintific al
Universitatii “Politehnica” din Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, vol. II, 1996,
p. 188-193
83. M. H. Fisher, J. F. Camapun,
D. Denes, G. Toderean, “Investigations in Colour Based Object
Recognition (2)”, Proc. of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications,
Timisoara, Romania, September 26-27,
1996, in Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii “Politehnica” din Timisoara,
Timisoara, Romania, vol. II, 1996, p. 194-197
84. V. Bota, G. Toderean,
“A Hybrid ARQ Code Changing Algorithm over a Markov Modelled Fixed Service
Channel”, Proc. of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications,
Timisoara, Romania, September 26-27, 1996, in Buletinul Stiintific al
Universitatii “Politehnica” din Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, vol. IV, 1996,
p. 51-56
85. V. Bota, G. Toderean,
“Efficiency of the Concatenated Reed-Solomon and BCH Codes in Digital
Transmissions”, Proc. of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications,
Timisoara, Romania, September 26-27, 1996, in Buletinul Stiintific al
Universitatii “Politehnica” din Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, vol. IV, 1996,
p. 150-155
86. A. Ferencz, R. Arsinte, T.
Ratiu, M. Ferencz, D. Zaiu, G. Toderean, “Experimental Implementation of
the LPC-MPE (multipulse excitation) Synthesis Method for the ROMVOX
Text-to-Speech System”, Proc. of the International Workshop on Speech and
Computer, SPECOM’96, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 28-31, 1996, p. 159-164
87. M. Hotoleanu, G.
Toderean, “EDFA Behavior in WDM Transmissions”, Proc. of the International
Symposium on Communications’96, Bucharest, Romania, November 27-29, 1996, p.
88. N. Tomai, G. Toderean,
“Quality of Service Using Rate Controlled Static Priority Queueing”, Proc. of
the International Symposium on Communications’96, Bucharest, Romania, November
27-29, 1996, p. 106-111
89. G. Toderean, B. Szekely, D. Denes,
Gabriela Toderean, P. Platini, “Software control of an a.c. measurement
instruments network in plants area (2)”, Proc. of the International Symposium
on Communications’96, Bucharest, Romania, November 27-29, 1996, p. 252-257
90. A. Ferencz, D. Zaiu, T.
Ratiu, M. Ferencz, G. Toderean, “Speech Synthesis from Unresticted Text
& the ROMVOX System for Romanian Language”, Studia, IV, 1996
A. Ferencz, R. Pavel, M. Ferencz, T. Ratiu, G. Toderean, D.
Zaiu, Cs. Kovacs, L. Simon, “Experimentari privind resintetizarea
semnalelor vocale achizitionate de la profesionisti vocali in vederea obtinerii
unor efecte de vibrato modificate”, Lucrarile celui de-al 3-lea Simpozion
National “Arta vocala in toate ipostazele”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 21-23 martie, 1997, p. 12
92. E. Lupu, G. Toderean,
“Speech analysis medium using Matlab”,
Proc. of the 9th International Mining Conference, BERG, Kosice,
Slowakia, September 2-4, 1997, p. 99-102 (150-153)
93. A. Ferencz, R. Arsinte, D. Zaiu,
M. Ferencz, G. Toderean, “Experimental Implementation of the
Pitch-Synchronous Synthesis Method for the ROMVOX Text-to-Speech System”, Proc.
of the EUROSPEECH’97,
94. E. Lupu, G. Toderean,”Cepstral
analysis technique for speech signal”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis: Electronics and
Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
vol. 37, nr.1, 1997, p. 32-35
95. E. Lupu, G. Toderean,”Speaker
verification using single section vector quantization”, Proc. of SCS’97, Iassy,
Romania, October 2-3, 1997
96. E. Lupu, G. Toderean,
O. Szemere, “Speaker Recognition Using Multilayer Perception and Kohonen Neural
Networks”, Proc. of the 2nd
International Workshop on Speech and Computer, SPECOM’97, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
October 27-30, 1997, p. 123-126
97. A. Ferencz, Cs. Kovacs, M.
Ferencz, T. Ratiu, G. Toderean, I. Nagy, L. Simon, “The evolution of the
Romanian ROMVOX Text-to-Speech Synthesis System from Monotonous to Enhanced,
DSP-Based Version”, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on
Speech and Computer, SPECOM’97, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 27-30, 1997, p.
98. A. Balogh, G. Toderean,
A. Albert, Zs. Csergo, D. P. Peter, “Implementation of an LPC-Vocoder on the
TMS320C50”, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Speech and
Computer, SPECOM’97, October 27-30, 1997, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1997, p.
99. Zs. Polgar, G. Toderean,
“Digital Implementation of the Nyquist Filtering Characteristic in High Speed
Data Communications”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis: Electronics and
Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, May, vol. 37, no. 2, 1997, p.
100. A. Balogh, G. Toderean, ”Nonsinusoidal
AC-Power-Factor measurement”, Proc. of the International Conference on Automation
and Quality Control, A&Q’98, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Q1.18, May 28-29, 1998,
p. Q 99-Q 105
101. E. Lupu, G. Toderean, ”Speaker
verification using DTW method”, Proc. of the Symposium on Electronics and
Telecommunications, ETc’98, Timisoara, Romania, September 17-18, 1998
102. Zs. Polgar, G. Toderean,
“A Comparative Study of Rate n/n+1 Complete and Punctured Response Signaling
Techniques Decoded by the Viterbi Algorithm”, Proc. of the Symposium on
Electronics and Telecommunications, ETc’98, Timisoara, Romania, September
17-18, 1998, p. 196-201
103. E. Lupu, G. Toderean,
G. P. Pop, “Text dependent speaker recognition using vector quantisation”,
Proc. of the Workshop on Text, Speech and Dialog, TDS’98, Brno, Czech Republic,
September 23-26, 1998
104. E. Lupu, G. P. Pop, G.
Toderean, “Speaker Verification Using Vector Quantization”, Proc. of the
First Workshop on Text, Speech and Dialog, TDS’98, Brno, Czech Republic, September 23-26, 1998,
p. 275-280
105. M. Breazu, G. Toderean,
“Region-based fractal image compression using deterministic search”, Proc. of
the IEEE Conference on Image Processing, ICIP’98, Chicago, USA, 1998
106. M. Breazu, G. Toderean,
D. Volovici, M. Iridon, “Speeding-up fractal image compression by working in
Karhunen-Loeve transform space”, Proc. of the IEEE-INNS 1999 Joint Conference
on Neural Networks, IJCNN’99, Washington, DC, USA, July 10-16, 1999
107. M. Breazu, G. Toderean,
“A new partitioning method for fractal image compression”, Acta Tehnica
Napocensis: Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of
108. Zs. Polgar, G. Toderean,
“Study of the Performances of a Digital Automatic Gain Control Method Based on
the Energy of the Received Signal”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis: Electronics and
Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
vol. 40, no. 2, 2000, p. 37-44
M. Breazu, B. Beggs, G. Toderean, P. I. Mihu, “Merging the transform step and
the quantization step for Karhunen-Loeve transform based image compression”,
Proc. of the IEEE-INNS 2000 Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’2000,
Como, Italia, July, 2000
M. Breazu, G. Toderean, D. Volovici, “A new weighted collage error definition for
block-artifact reduction in fractal image compression”, Proc. of the IEEE
Conference on Image Processing, ICIP’2000, Vancouver, Canada, September, 2000
G.P. Pop, G. Toderean, E.
Lupu, “Software for speech analysis”, Proc. of the Symposium on Electronics and
Telecommunications, ETc’2000, Timisoara, Romania, November 23-24, 2000, in
Buletinul stiintific al Universitatii POLITEHNICA Timisoara, Timisoara,
Romania, vol. II, 2000, p. 109-112
M. Breazu, G. Toderean, D. Volovici, “Block-artifact reduction in fractal image
compression by collage error weighting”, Proc. of the First IEEE
Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia,
Sydney, Australia, December, 2000
Zs. A. Polgar, G. Toderean, „On the
Error Performances of the Transmission Systems Employing Error Correcting Codes
and Partial Response Filtering”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Electronics and
Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. 42, no. 1, 2002, p. 11-16
G.P. Pop, G. Toderean, „Comparison
of Feature Parameters Used in Speaker Recognition”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis,
Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, vol. 43, no. 2, 2002, p. 43-46
Zs. A. Polgar, G. Toderean, „Cateva aspecte privind
sincronizarea tactului de simbol OFDM prin tehnica rotorului”, Revista
Telecomunicatii, Bucuresti, 2002
E. Lupu, G.P. Pop, G. Toderean, „Text
Dependent Speaker Verification Using DTW”, Proc. of the International
Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment , Brasov,
Romania, May 16-17, vol. III, 2002, p.
G.P. Pop, E. Lupu, G. Toderean, „On the
Influence of the First Features
Coefficients Over Speaker Recognition”, Proc. of 2002 IEEE-TTTC International
Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, A&QTR THETA 13,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 23-25, Tome 2, 2002, p. 159-164
G. Toderean, I. Toma, G. Chira, R. Vescan, C. Jurca, A. Inclezan, L.
Locuratolo, A. Serra, M. Contenti, „GPS Real-Time Car Navigation System”, Proc.
of 2002 IEEE –TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing,
Robotics, A&QTR THETA 13, Cluj-Napoca, May 23-25, Tome 2, 2002, p. 363-368
A. Inclezan, A. Hunt, G. Toderean, „Windows
Driver Model and Implementation for a DSP Board”, Proc. of 2002 IEEE-TTTC
International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics,
A&QTR THETA 13, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 23-25, Tome 2, 2002, p. 395-400
S. Badila, M. Chezan, C.
Madularu, S. Chiorean, S. Sanchez, F. Dalle Mese, G. Toderean, „Secure
E-Mail System”, Proc. of 2002 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation,
Quality and Testing, Robotics, A&QTR THETA 13, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May
23-25, Tome 2, 2002, p. 528-531
G. Toderean, I. Toma, G. Chira, R. Vescan, C. Jurca, A. Inclezan, L.
Locuratolo, A. Serra, M. Contenti, „GPS Real-Time Car Navigation System (2)”,
Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Development and Application
Systems, Suceava, Romania, May 23-25, 2002, p. 225-228
E. Lupu, P.G. Pop, G. Toderean, „Text
Dependent Speaker Verification Using DTW”, Proc. of the 8th International
Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2002,
Brasov, Romania, May 16-17, vol. III, 2002, p. 771-774
P.G. Pop, E. Lupu, G. Toderean, „On the
Use of Speech Energy’s Local Maxima in Speaker Verification with VQ”, Proc. of
the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, ETc’2002, Timisoara,
Romania, September 19-20, 2002, in Buletinul stiintific al Universitatii
POLITEHNICA Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, vol. I, 2002, p. 135-139
124. P.G. Pop, E. Lupu, G. Toderean, „Data Reduction in
Speaker Verification Using DTW”, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference
125. P.G. Pop, E. Lupu, G. Toderean, „TESPAR Alphabet
Generation Using Standard VQ and Kohonen NN”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis,
Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, vol. 44, no. 1, 2003, p. 39-42
126. Al. Caruntu, G. Toderean, “A Comparative Study of the Methods Used
in Isolated Words Recognition”, Proc. of the 2nd Conference on “Speech
Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue”, SpeeD 2003, organized by the Romanian
Academy and the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, volume edited by the
Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, April 10-11, 2003, p.155-159
127. G. Toderean, P. G. Pop, E. Lupu, “Contribution to Speaker
Recognition Using TESPAR Method”, Proc. of the 2nd Conference on
“Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue”, organized by the Romanian
Academy and the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, volume edited by the
Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, April 10-11, 2003, p.181-186
128. L. Miclea, I. Stoian, Enyedi Sz., G. Toderean, “Using BIST to
Increase Wireless Distributed Systems’ Security”, Proc. of the 1st
Internat. Workshop on Wireless Security Technologies, Middlesex University,
London, UK, April 15-16, 2003, p. 104-114
129. L. Miclea, Enyedi Sz., G. Toderean,
I. Stoian, “Web Based/Wireless BIST Management for Distributed Systems”,
Proc. of the European Test Workshop 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlans, May
25-28, 2003, p. 293-294
130. L. Miclea, E. Szilard (Enyedi Sz.), G. Toderean, A. Benso, P.
Prinetto, “Agent-based DBIST/DBISR and its Web/Wireless Management”, Proc. of
the Internat. Test Conference 2003, Charlotte, NC, USA, Sept. 30 – Oct. 2,
2003, ISBN 0-7803-8106-9, ISSN 1089-3539, p. 952-960, paper that received the
“Award of Excellence” of the conference
131. E. Geampana, G. Toderean, “DSP Fuzzy Controller for EDM”, Proc. of
the Conf. on Interdisciplinarity in
Engineering, Univ. “Petru Maior”, Tg. Mures, Romania, November 6-7, 2003, p.
132. T. Turc, G. Toderean, “Automation, Monitoring, and Data Transfer
System”, Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on
Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, Univ. “Petru Maior”, Tg. Mures,
Romania, November 6-7, vol. 2. “Automation and Industrial Informatics”, 2003, p. 193-198
133. T. Turc, G. Toderean, “Data Acquisition System Using the Parallel
Port of the Computer”, Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, Univ.
“Petru Maior”,Tg. Mures, Romania, November 6-7, vol. 2. “Automation and Industrial
Informatics”, 2003, p. 199-202
134. Enyedi Sz., L. Miclea, G. Toderean, “Reliability and other Problems
of a New Solution for Long Distance
Calls”, Proc. of 2004 IEEE-TTTC Internat. Conf. on Automation, Quality and
Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2004 - THETA 14, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 13-15, vol.
1, 2004, ISBN 973-713-046-4, p. 297-302
135. L. Gavra, G. Toderean,
“Managing Digital Display Design, DVI vs HDCP”, Proc. of 2004 IEEE-TTTC
Internat. Conf. on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2004 - THETA
14, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 13-15, vol. 2, 2004, p. 177-181
136. A. Caruntu, G. Toderean,
L. Miclea, “Feature Extraction for Continuous Speech
Recognition”, Proc. of 2004 IEEE-TTTC Internat. Conf. on Automation, Quality
and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2004 - THETA 14, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 13-15,
vol. 2, 2004, p. 263-268, paper that received the “Award
of Excellence” of the conference
137. M. Marian, G. Chira, G. Toderean, “Java application for
encryption/decryption of files or folders through a graphical menu”, Proc. of
2004 IEEE-TTTC Internat. Conf. on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics,
AQTR 2004 - THETA 14, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 13-15, vol. 1, 2004, p. 481
138. T. Turc, G. Toderean, “Industrial Data Acquisition Centralisation
and Display”, Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on
Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, Univ. “Petru Maior”, Tg. Mures,
Romania, June 3-5, 2004
139. T. Turc, G. Toderean, “Multiplexed System for Serial Data Lines”,
Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on
Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, Univ. “Petru Maior”, Tg. Mures,
Romania, June 3-5, 2004
140. L. Miclea, Sz. Enyedi, G. Toderean, A. Benso, P. Prinetto, “Towards
Microagent-based DBIST/DBISR”, Proc. of 2004 ITC Internat. Test Conf.,
A. Caruntu, G. Toderean, “Feature extraction and speech labeling
for continuous speech recognition”,
Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii “Politehnica” din Timisoara, Seria Electronica si
Telecomunicatii, Transactions on Electronics and Communications, Tom 49(63), Fascicola 1-2, 2004, p.262-265
E. Puschita. T.P. Palade, A. Caruntu, G. Toderean, “Evaluating
QoS Parameters on Different TCP/IP Layers for Wireless Scenarios”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2004, 6 p
A. Caruntu, G. Toderean, “Preliminaries to the Implementation of
a Continuous Speech Recognition System for the Romanian Language”, published in
the volume “Trends in Speech Technology”, coordinated by Corneliu Burileanu,
ed. by the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proc. of the 3rd
Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue “SpeD 2005”,
organized by the Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest,
and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 13-14,
2005, p.101-107
A. Zs. Bodo, G. Toderean, “Experiments for Prosody Modification Using the
Nonlinear Springing Method (NSM)”, published in the volume “Trends in Speech
Technology”, coordinated by Corneliu Burileanu, ed. by the Romanian Academy,
composed of the Proc. of the 3rd Conference on Speech Technology and
Human Computer Dialogue “SpeD 2005”, organized by the Romanian Academy, the
University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, and the Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,Romania, May 13-14, 2005, p.177-181
M. Antal, G. Toderean, “Phoneme Classification Using Two-Level Classification
Scheme”, published in the volume “Trends in Speech Technology”, coordinated by
Corneliu Burileanu, ed. by the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proc. of the 3rd
Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue “SpeD 2005”,
organized by the Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest,
and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 13-14,
2005, p. 231-238
L. Miclea, Sz. Enyedi, G.
Toderean, Dimitris Gizopoulos, Yiorgos Xenoulis, “ Processor-Based Periodic Testing and
Repair in Distributed Systems Using
Software Agents”, Proc.
of 15th Internat. Conf. On Control Systems
and Computer Science, 2005,
A. Caruntu, G. Toderean, M. Gata, “Speech Recognition Using
Hidden Markov Models in Romanian Language”, Proc. of the “Verificatori
Biometrici” Workshop, organized by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the
Universitas Napocensis “Babes-Bolyai”, Universitas Medicinae et Farmaciae
Napocensis, and CNCSIS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 26-27, 2005, p.231-234
M. Antal, G.Toderean, “Phonetic Analysis of GMM-Based Speaker Models”,
Proc. of the “Verificatori Biometrici” Workshop, organized by the Technical University
of Cluj-Napoca, the Universitas Napocensis “Babes-Bolyai”, Universitas
Medicinae et Farmaciae Napocensis, and CNCSIS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 26-27,
2005, p.235-240
G. Toderean, M. Gata, A. Caruntu, “Experimental Results on Isolated Speech Recognition
System”, Carpathian J. Math., vol. 21, No. 1-2,
2005, p.127-136
150. T. Turc, G.Toderean, “Microoperating System for Process Controler”,
Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on
Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, Intering, ISBN 973-7794-41-9, Univ.
“Petru Maior”, Tg. Mures, Romania, Oct., 2005, CD-ROM edition, 2005,
A.Caruntu, G.Toderean, Nica A., “Automatic
Silence/Unvoiced/Voiced Classification of Speech Using a Modified Teager Energy
Feature”, Proc. of 2005 WSEAS ITC Internat. Conf. on Dynamical Systems and
Control, CONTROL’05,
L. Miclea, Sz. Enyedi, G.
Toderean, Dimitris Gizopoulos, Yiorgos Xenoulis, Mihalis Psarakis, “Agents in Testing and
Repair of Processor-Based Heterogeneous Distributed Systems ”, Proc. of
3rd IEEE Internat. Workshop
on Electronic Design, Test&Applications,
153. M. Antal, G.Toderean, “Speaker Recognition and
Broad Phonetic Groups”, Proc. of the 24th IASTED Internat. Multi-Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, February 15-17, 2006, p.155-158
154. E. Puschita, T.
Palade, A. Caruntu, G. Toderean, “On the use of intelligent agents in a
wireless environment”, Proc. of the ACTTM Symposium, section C4ISR Systems (Communication
155. O. Buza, G. Toderean, A. Nica, A.
Caruntu, “Voice Signal Processing for Speech Synthesis”, Proc. of the 2006 IEEE-TTTC Internat. Conf. on
Automation, Quality, and Testing Robotics, AQTR 2006 - THETA 15, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, May 25-28, 2006, vol.2, ISBN: 1-4244-0360-X, 2006, p. 360-364
156. A. Nica, A.
Caruntu, G. Toderean, O. Buza, “Analysis and Synthesis of Vowels
Using Matlab”, Proc. of the 2006 IEEE-TTTC Internat. Conf. on Automation,
Quality, and Testing Robotics, AQTR 2006 - THETA 15, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May
25-28, 2006, vol. 2, ISBN: 1-4244-0360-X, 2006, p. 371-374
157. A. Caruntu, A. Nica, G. Toderean,
158. M. Gata, G.Toderean,
“Influence of the Parameters in the Learning Algorithm for Travelling Salesman
Problem Solved with Kohonen Neural Network ”, Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on
Computers, Communications & Control, ICCCC 2006, Baile Felix – Oradea,
Romania, June 1-3, 2006, Internat. Journal of Computers, Communications &
Control, vol. I, Supplementary Issue, 2006 , p. 208-211
159. G. Toderean,
A. Caruntu, A. Nica, “On the Use of Teager Energy for Automatic
Silence/Unvoiced/Voiced Classification of Speech Signals“,Proc.
of the 6th Internat. Conf. on Communications, COMM’06, organized by the Military Technical
Academy, the University Politehnica of Bucharest, and the IEEE Romanian Section
in Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, June 8-10, 2006, ISBN: 978-973-718-479-5,
2006, p.119-122
160. O. Buza, G.
Toderean, J. Domokos, A.Zs. Bodo, “Syllable Detection for Romanian
Text-to-Speech Synthesis”, Proc. of the 6th Internat. Conf. on
Communications, COMM’06, organized by
the Military Technical Academy, the University Politehnica of Bucharest, and
the IEEE Romanian Section in Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, June 8-10, 2006,
ISBN: 978-973-718-479-5, 2006, p.135-138
161. A. Nica, A.
Caruntu, G. Toderean, O. Buza,
“Features Extraction from Romanian
Vowels Using Matlab”, Buletinul st. al Univ. Politehnica din Timisoara,
Seria Electronica si Telecomunicatii, Tranactions on Electronics and
Communications, tom 51(65), fascicola 2, 2006, p. 81-84
162. M. Antal, G. Toderean,
“Broad Phonetic Classes Expressing Speaker Individuality”, Studia
Univ.Babes-Bolyai, Informatica, vol. LI, No. 1, 2006, p. 49-58
163. M. Gata, A. Caruntu, G. Toderean, “Speech
Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models for Romanian Language”, Chapter in book
Biometrics Verifier, Coordinator Eugen Lupu, Vol 1, Cluj Napoca 2005, Ed.
Risoprint, page 231-235, Cluj Napoca, 26-27 May 2005, Romania, 2005
164. M. Gata, G. Toderean, “System of Speaker
Identification of Text for Romanian Language Based on GMM Extract from the MFCC
Vectors”, Proceedings of the CompSysTech’06,
Vol IIIB.22, page 1-6, Session: Application Aspects of Computer Systems
and Technologies, CompSysTech’06, 15-16 June 2006, University of Veliko
Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2006
165. M. Gata, G. Toderean, “Text Independent
Speaker Identification System Based on
Gaussian Mixture Models with MFCC Vectors
IIIB.22., Chapter in book e-learning III and the Knowledge Society, 2006
166. M. Gata, G. Toderean, “Comparative Study of
Some Parameters Using a Text Independent System of Speaker Identification for Romanian Language Based on
GMM from the MFCC Vectors”, Internat. Conf. on Applied Mathematics (ICAM5), the
Fifth Edition, Sept. 21-23, 2006 Baia Mare, Romania, Creative Mathematics,
Series B, Mathematics-Computer Science, Vol XV, N0. 1, page 124-129, Romania,
2006 (Creative Mathematics and Informatics is a category B+ journal in the
CNCSIS classification Indexed by: Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH,
Zentralblatt fur Didaktik der Mathematik)
167. M. Gâta, G. Toderean, “E-Learning Open Source
System Based on Claroline for Computer Science Education”, Proceeding of the
CONTI'2006, vol. 2, page 281-286, The 7-th International Conference on
Technical Informatics (Session: Education. Lifelong-Learning and E-Learning),
8-9 June 2006, Timisoara, Romania
168. O. Buza, G.
Toderean, “A Romanian Syllable-Based Text-to-Speech Synthesis”, Proc. of the 6th WSEAS Internat. Conf. on Artificial
Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED ’07),
169. J. Domokos, G.
Toderean, “Frame-by-frame phoneme classification using MLP”, Proc. of
the Intering Sc.Conf.,
170. M. Gata, G.Toderean, “Results Obtained
in Speaker Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Models”, published in the volume “Advances in Spoken Language Technology”,
coordinated by Corneliu Burileanu and Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, ed. by the
Publishing House of thr Romanian Academy, composed of the Proc. of the 4th
Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue “SpeD 2007”,
organized by the Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest,
and the Technical University of Iassy, Iassy, Romania, May 10-12, 2007, p. 43-46
171. O. Buza, G. Toderean,
A. Nica, A. Zs. Bodo, “Original Method
for Romanian Text-to-Speech Synthesis Based on Syllable Concatenation”,
published in the volume “Advances in Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated
by Corneliu Burileanu and Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, ed. by the Publishing House
of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proc. of the 4th Conference
on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue “SpeD 2007”, organized by the
Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, and the Technical
University of Iassy, Iassy, Romania, May 10-12, 2007, p. 109-118
172. O. Buza, G.
Toderean, “About the Construction of a Syllable-Based TTS System”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS
on COMMUNICATIONS, May 2007, Issue 5,
vol. 6, ISSN 1109-2742, 2007
173. A. Zs. Bodo, O.
Buza, G. Toderean, “Acoustic Database for Romanian Text-to-Speech
Synthesis. Design and Realisation Results (I)”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis,
Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. 48, No. 2, 2007, p. 24-31
174. A. Zs. Bodo, O.
Buza, G. Toderean, “Realisation Results of a Speech Synthesis
Development Environment”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Electronics and Telecommunications,
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. 48, No. 2, 2007, p. 32-37
175. J.
Domokos, G. Toderean,
“Frame by Frame Phoneme Classification using MLP”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis,
Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISSN: 1221-6542, vol. 48, No.
4, 2007, p. 15-18
176. M. Gata,
G.Toderean, “Speaker Identification System Using Cepstal Coefficients and
Dynamic Time warping Algorithm”, Proceedings of Embedded Systems Design and
Applications, ESDA 2007, Sept. 17-22, 2007, Baia Mare, Romania, pg. 17-22,
Romania, 2007
177. M. Gata, G.
Toderean, “Results Obtained in Speaker Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture
Models”, the Fourth International Conference on “Speech Technology and Human-Computer
Dialogue”, the Fourth Edition, Iasi, 10-11 May, Romania, Chapter in Book
Advances in Spoken Language Technology, Editura Academiei Romane, page 43-47,
Romania, 2007
178. M. Gata,
G.Toderean, “The Influences of Distances Measures for Speaker Identification”,
International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM 6), The Sixth Edition,
September 18-21, 2008, Baia Mare, Romania, Creative Mathematics and
Informatics, Vol. XVII, Nr. 3, pag. 406-411, Baia Mare, Romania, 2008
179. J. Domokos, G. Toderean, “Continuous
speech phoneme recognition using dynamic neural networks”, Proc. of the 12th
Internat. Conf. on Applied Mathematics and Computer science,
180. J. Domokos, G.
Toderean, “Continuous speech phoneme recognition using dynamic artificial
neural networks”, Automation, computers, applied mathematics, ISSN:
1221-437X, vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, p.5-11
181. J. Domokos, G. Toderean,
O. Buza, “Statistical Language Modeling on Susanne Corpus”, Proc. of the 7th
IEEE Internat. Conf. on Communications, organized by the Military Technical
Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Electronica 2000
foundation, and the IEEE Romanian Section in Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, June 5-7, 2008, ISBN:
978-606-521-008-0, 2008, p.69-72
182. G.
Toderean, O. Buza, Al. Caruntu, “Metode de recunoastere si sinteza a vorbirii pentru limba romana”,
Proc. of the 2nd Internat. Conf. on
“Telecommunications, Electronics, Informatics”, ICTEI2008, Chisinau, Republic
Moldova, May 15-18, 2008, vol. 1, p.205-208
183. O. Buza, G. Toderean, “Metode de sinteza din
text a vorbirii pentru limba romana”, Proc. of the 2nd Internat. Conf. on “Telecommunications, Electronics,
Informatics”, ICTEI2008, Chisinau, Republic Moldova, May 15-18, 2008, vol. 1,
184. O. Buza,
G. Toderean, J. Domokos, A.Zs. Bodo, “Voice Synthesis Application based on Syllable Concatenation”,
Proc. of 2008 IEEE Internat. Conf. on Automation, Quality and Testing,
Robotics, AQTR 2008 - THETA 16, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 22-25, vol. 2, ISBN:
978-1-4244-2576-1, 2008
185. L. Petrean, G.
Toderean, “Portable Executable Format Security Patterns, IWCIT 2008,
186. L. Petrean, G.
Toderean, “Portable Executable File Format
- Import Address Table Redirection and Reconstruction”, microCAD 2008,
Miskolc, Hungary, 2008
187. A. Zs. Bodo, O.
Buza, G. Toderean, “TTS Experiments: Romanian Prosody”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis,
Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. 50, No. 1, 2009, p.31-36
188. A. Zs. Bodo, O. Buza, G. Toderean, “
Experiments with the Prediction and Generation of Romanian Intonation”,
published in the volume “From Speech Processing to Spoken Language Technology”,
coordinated by Corneliu Burileanu and Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, ed. by the
Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proc. of the 5th
Conference on “Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue - SpeD 2009”,
organized by the Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest,
the Institute for Computer Science Iassy, and the Maritime University of
Constanta, in cooperation with the European Association for Signal and Image
Processing (EURASIP) IEEE, IEEE Catalog No. CFP0955H-CDR, ISBN:
189. J. Domokos, G.
Toderean, O. Buza, “Text Conditioning
and Statistical Language Modeling for Romanian Language”, published in the
volume “From Speech Processing to Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by
Corneliu Burileanu and Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, ed. by the Publishing House of
the Romanian Academy, composed of the Proc. of the 5th Conference on
“Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue - SpeD 2009”, organized by the
Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Institute for
Computer Science Iassy, and the Maritime University of Constanta, in
cooperation with the European Association for Signal and Image Processing
(EURASIP) IEEE, IEEE Catalog No. CFP0955H-CDR, ISBN: 978-973-27-1808-7,
190. O. Buza, G. Toderean, J. Domokos, A. Zs. Bodo,
“Building a Text to Speech System for Romanian through Concatenation”,
presented as poster at the 5th Conference on “Speech Technology and
Human-Computer Dialogue - SpeD 2009”, organized by the Romanian Academy, the
University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Institute for Computer Science
Iassy, and the Maritime University of Constanta, in cooperation with the
European Association for Signal and Image Processing (EURASIP) IEEE, Constanta,
Romania, June 18-21, 2009, proposed and accepted to be published in a
scientific journal of this field by the professionals present at the conference
191. A. Zs. Bodo, G.
Toderean, O. Buza, “ TTS Framework
Building Results”, presented as poster at the 5th Conference on
“Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue - SpeD 2009”, organized by the
Romanian Academy, the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Institute for
Computer Science Iassy, and the Maritime University of Constanta, in
cooperation with the European Association for Signal and Image Processing
(EURASIP) IEEE, Constanta, Romania, June 18-21, 2009, proposed and accepted to
be published in a scientific journal of this field by the professionals present
at the conference
192. J. Domokos, G. Toderean, “Text conditioning and statistical language
modeling aspects for Romanian language”, 1st Internat. Conf. on
Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics,
MACRo2009, 2009
193. L. Petrean, G. Toderean, “ Assembly Metamorphic
Code Transformations as a Protection Method of Portable Executable Files”,
microCAD 2009,
194. O. Buza, G. Toderean, J. Domokos, A. Zs. Bodo,
“Construction of a Syllable-Based
Text-To-Speech System for Romanian”, MEMORIILE SECŢIILOR
Iassy Branch, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, ISSN 1224-1407, ISBN
978-973-27-1551-2, Series IV, Tome XXXII, 2009
195. A. Zs. Bodo, O. Buza, G.
Toderean, “TTS development environment
SCIENTIFIC SECTIONS, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, ISSN 1224-1407,
Series IV, Tome XXXIII, Iaşi 2010, pp. 157-168
196. O. Buza, G. Toderean, J. Domokos, “A Rule-Based Approach to Build a
Text-to-Speech System for Romanian”, the 8th International
Conference on Communications COMM 2010, organized by the University
“Politehnica” of Bucharest, the Military Technical Academy, under the aegis of
IEEE Romanian Section and Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, Bucharest,
Romania, ISBN 978-1-4244-6363-3, June 10-12, 2010, pp.83-86
197. O. Buza, G. Toderean, J. Domokos, Á. Zs. Bodó,
“Applied Method for Region and
Phonetic Segmentation of Voice Signal”,
the 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies ECIT
2010, organized by Romanian Academy - Iasi Branch, "Gheorghe Asachi"
Technical University of Iasi, "A.I.
Cuza" University of Iasi , under the aegis of the Romanian Academy,
Iaşi Branch and IEEE Romanian Section, Iasi, Romania, ISSN 2069-038X,
October 7-9, 2010, pp. 54-60
198. J. Domokos, O. Buza, G. Toderean, “Automated
Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion System for Romanian”, published in the volume „From
Speech Processing to Spoken Language Technology”, coordinated by Burileanu C.
and Teodorescu H. N., edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy,
composed of the Proceedings of the 6th
IEEE Conference on Speech Technology and Human Computer Dialogue, SpeD 2011, Braşov, Romania,
18-21 May 2011, ISBN:
978-1-4577-0440-6, pp. 1–6
199. I.Fitigau, G.
Toderean, “Internet Protocols. Distance vector and link state algorithms”,
MACRo 2011, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Recent
Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics;
Târgu-Mureş, România; ISBN: 978-973-1970-54-7, 4/8/2011, pp. 131 – 137.
200. G. Oncea, G. Toderean, O. Buza, “Temperature
control system for infrared soldering”, 2012 IEEE International Conference on
Automation Quality and Testing Robotics (AQTR 2012), DOI:
10.1109/AQTR.2012.6237774, May 2012, pp. 564 - 568
201. O. Buza, G. Toderean, Joszef Domokos,
“Automatic Algorithm for Region Segmentation of Speech Signal”, Fourth
International Conference on Communications, Mobility, and Computing (CMC 2012),
21-23 May 2012 in Guilin, Guangxi, China
202. J. Domokos, O. Buza, G. Toderean, “100K+ words,
machine-readable, pronunciation dictionary for the Romanian language”, The 20th
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2012), organized by the University POLITEHNICA of
Bucharest and Telecom ParisTech in cooperation with the European Association
for Signal, Speech, and Image Processing (EURASIP), August 27-31 2012, pp. 320
– 324
203. I.Fitigau, G.Toderean, Z.Nemes, ”Evaluation of
Queuing disciplines over the Networking Performance”,The 7th International
Scientific Conference “Defense Resources
Management in 21st Century”, Brasov, November 15th, 2012, ISSN 2248-2245
(CD-ROM), ISSN 2248-2385 (on line)
204. I.Fitigau, G.Toderean, “Performance analysis of
TCP and UDP using Opnet Simulator”, The 11 International Conference on
Development and Application System DAS 2012, May 17-19, 2012, Suceava ,
Romania, ISSN 1844-5039
205. I.Fitigau, G.Toderean, “A Similation Study of the TCP congestion
control algorithms”, 8th International Conference of PHD Students,
206. O. Buza, G.
Toderean, J. Domokos, ”Algorithm for Detection of Voice Signal
Periodicity”, 7th Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue
(SpeD), Sped 2013 Cluj Napoca, 16-17 Octombrie, Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/SpeD.2013.6682647, pp.1-5.
207. A. Balogh, O.
Buza, G. Toderean, ”Real-time
Platform for Vocoders”, poster la Sped 2013,Cluj Napoca,16-17 Octombrie.
208. I.Brandusoiu, G.
Toderean, ”Predicting Churn in Mobile
Telecommunications Industry,” Acta Tehnica Napocensis , Electronics and Telecommunications ,volume 54, number
3, 2013, pp. 7-13.
209. I.Fitigau, G.Toderean, ”Simulation-based analysis for email and voice traffic
over MOLS network architecture”, SBEEF 2013,Universitatea Valahia,Targoviste,
pp.25-28, ISSN 1843-6188, CNCSIS B+.
210. I.Fitigau, G.Toderean,
”Network performance evaluation for RIP, OSPF and EIGRP routing protocols”, 5th
edition of the International Conference in Electronics, Computers and Artificial
Intelligence ECAI 2013, 27-29 June 2013 ,vol.5 ,Nr.5/2013, ISSN 1843-2115,
pp.91- 95, IEEE Catalog Number ,CFP1327U-ART.
211. I.Fitigau, G.Toderean, ”Opnet Analyze for
FTP and Video network traffic using IP over MPLS protocol”, Analele
Universitatii “Eftimie Murgu”
212. I. Brandusoiu, G.
Toderean, “A Neural Networks Approach for Churn Prediction Modeling in
Mobile Telecommunications Industry” Facultatea de Electronica, Comunicatii si
Calculatoare (FECC), Universitatea din
Pitesti - University of Pitesti Scientific Bulletin, Series: Electronics
and Computer Science, 2013, Vol. 13,
Issue 1, pp. 1-10.
213. I. Brandusoiu, G.
Toderean, “Churn Prediction Modeling in
Mobile Telecommunications Industry using Decision Trees”, Facultatea de
Inginerie Electrica si Tehnologia Informatiei, Universitatea din Oradea -
Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems (JCSCS) Mai 2013, Vol. 6,
Number 1, pp. 14-19.
214. I. Brandusoiu, G.
Toderean ,“Churn Prediction in the Telecommunications Sector using Support
Vector Machines”, Facultatea de Inginerie Manageriala si Tehnologica,
Universitatea Oradea - Sesiunea anuala de lucrari stiintifice IMT Oradea
2013, Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 19-22.
215. J. Domokos, O.
Buza, G. Toderean, "Romanian phonetic transcription dictionary for
speeding up language technology development", Language Resources and
Evaluation, DOI 10.1007/s10579-013-9262-z, ISSN 1574-020X, Springer
216. I. Brandusoiu, G.
Toderean, “Applying Principal Component Analysis on Call Detail Records”,
Acta Technica Napocensis, Electronics and Telecommunications, Vol. 55, number
4, 2014.
217. I. Fitigau,
218. G. Toderean,
O. Buza, J. Domokos, “Achievements in the Field of Voice Synthesis for
Romanian”, The
8th IEEE International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer
Dialogue "SpeD 2015", October 14-17, 2015 -
219. I.B.
Brandusoiu, G. Toderean, H. Beleiu, “Methods for Churn prediction in the
Pre-Paid Mobile Telecommunication Industry”, The 11th International Conference on
Communications "COMM 2016", June 9-11, 2016 -
220. G. Toderean,
O. Buza, A. Balogh, “Text-to-Speech Systems for Romanian Language”, 9th
International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science, Chisinau,
221. A. Balogh, G. Toderean, O. Buza, Z. Rózsa, “Implementing
a true-RMS AC Power Factor meter on the PIC18 microcontroller”, IEEE
International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, 21-23 May 2020, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR49680.2020.9130009