1. Unele aspecte ale ferorezonantei serie în circuite ce contin bobine neliniare
comandate ortogonal / Some aspects concerning serial feroresonance inside the
circuits with orthogonal controlled nonliniear coils (
2. O metoda de calcul a armonicilor de curent la motorul asincron alimentat
prin tiristoare în antiparalel / Computation method of current harmonics of the
asynchronous motor supplied by antiparallel thyristors (A. Kelemen, V. Trifa).
Scientific Bulletin of Polytechnical
3. Dispozitiv de comutatie cu tiristoare pentru alimentarea cu impulsuri a
motoarelor de inductie / Thyristor switching devices for pulse supply of
induction motors (A. Kelemen, M. Crivii, V. Trifa). Scientific Bulletin of IPA
and ICPE
4. Masa de pozitionare în doua coordonate cu comanda numerica, actionata cu
motoare pas cu pas / Numerical control two - coordinate positioning table
drived by stepping motors (M. Crivii, V. Trifa, A. Szekely, R. Lazar).
Scientific Bulletin of Polytechnical
5. Dispozitiv de alimentare secvential pentru motoare pas cu pas cu patru
înfasurari de comanda / Sequencial supplying device for four - phase stepping
motors (V. Trifa, V. Maier). Scientific Bulletin of Polytechnical
6. Simularea numerica a schemelor de comutatie cu tiristoare pentru
alimentarea motoarelor pas cu pas / Numerical simulation of thyristor switching
circuits for supplying the stepping motors ( M. Crivii, V. Trifa, S. Baloga, E.
Verestoy). Scientific Bulletin of Polytechnical
7. Studiul functionarii motorului pas cu pas reactiv prin modelare numerica
/ Study of reactive stepping motors behaviour by numerical simulation (M.
Crivii, V. Trifa). EEA Electrotehnica Revew nr. 2/1975, pp. 53-57.
8. Dispozitiv de pozitionare numerica în doua coordonate a unei mese de
lucru adaptabila masinilor unelte, actionata cu motoare pas cu pas / Two -
coordinates numerical positioning control device for a working table drived by
stepping motors, used for machine - tools (A. Kelemen, M. Crivii, V. Trifa, A.
Szekely). EEA Electrotehnica Revew nr. 4/1975, pp. 173-176.
9. Metode de proiectare a motoarelor pas cu pas reactive cu patru faze /
Design methods of four - phase variable reluctance stepping motors (A. Kelemen,
V. Trifa, A. Szekely). Scientific Bulletin of ICPE,
10. Consideratii privind utilizarea motoarelor pas cu pas în sisteme de
reglare a pozitiei / Considerations over the use of stepping motors in
positioning control systems (A. Kelemen, V. Trifa). EEA Electrotehnica Revew
nr. 2/1977, pp. 75-81.
11. Scheme electronice de comanda si alimentare pentru motoare electrice
pas cu pas / Electronic supplying and control circuits of stepping motors (A.
Kelemen, V. Trifa). EEA Electrotehnica Revew nr. 7/1978, pp. 250-260.
12. Stepping motor positioning control system (A. Kelemen, M. Crivii, V.
Trifa). Scientific Bulletin of Polytechnic Institute of Cluj, nr. 20/1977, pp.
13. Microstepping control of stepping motors (V. Trifa). Scientific
Bulletin of Polytechnic Institute of Cluj, section E-II, 1978, pp. 22-26.
14. Sistemul de reglare în circuit închis a motoarelor pas cu pas cu bucla
minora / Minor - loop stepping motor control sistems (V. Trifa). Scientific
Bulletin of Polytechnic Institute of Cluj, section E-II, 1978, pp. 66-71.
15. Dispozitiv numeric cu motor pas cu pas pentru profilarea longitudinala
a danturilor prelucrate pe masina de frezat FD-400 / Stepping motors numerical
device for longitudinal processing of toothed wheels on milling machine FD-400
(V. Trifa, A.Szekely, R. Lupse). Scientific Bulletin of Polytechnical Institute
of Cluj, section E-II, 1978, pp. 54-56.
16. Sistem de urmarire cu motor electric pas cu pas / Stepping motor
positioning control sistem (V. Trifa). Scientific Bulletin of Polytechnic
Institute of Cluj, nr. 21/1979, pp. 47-50.
17. Phase-locked loop control of stepping motors (V. Trifa, M. Crivii).
Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference of Electrical Drives, Cluj, 1980,
pp. 43-46.
18. Angular transducer for self - commutating control of stepping motors
(M. Crivii, V. Trifa, A. Broscoi). Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference
of Electrical Drives, Cluj, 1980, pp.47-50.
19. Numerical simulation of linear stepping motor for X-Y plotter (V.
Trifa, Z. Kovacs). Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference of Electrical
20. Phase-locked loop stepping motor positioning control system using
microprocessors (A. Kelemen, V. Trifa, M. Crivii). Proceedings of the 3rd
National Conference of Electrical Drives,
21. Numerical simulation of a hybrid - type AC - 3 phase- stepping motor
incremental motion control system (A. Kelemen, M. Crivii, V. Trifa).
Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference of Electrical Drives,
22. Utilizarea unui procedeu numeric de liniarizare pentru analiza unui
sistem de pozitionare incrementala / Analysis of an incremental motion system
by numerical aproximation method (V.Trifa, T.Colosi). Sc. Bulletin of Univ.
Craiova, section I, 1982, pp. 45-49.
23. Consideratii privind utilizarea motoarelor electrice pas cu pas în
actionarea robotilor industriali / Considerations over the use of stepping
motors for driving industrial robots (M. Crivii, V. Trifa). Bulletin of
Electrotechnic and Energetic National Conference (CNEE), section 6,
24. Comanda de faza a servomotorului bifazat liniar cu indusul disc / Phase
control of two phase disc armature liniar servomotor (V. Iancu, V. Trifa).
Bulletin of Electrotechnic and Energetic National Conference (CNEE),section 6,
25. Microstepping control principles of the stepping motors (V. Trifa, M.
Crivii). Proceedings of the 4th National Conference of Electrical Drives,
26. Stepping motor starting with variable frequency control (M. Crivii, V.
Trifa). Proceedings of the 4th National Conference of Electrical Drives,
27. Stadiul actual si perspectivele utilizarii MPP în sisteme de pozitionare
incrementala / Present and future trends in using stepping motors for
incremental positioning systems (A. Kelemen, M. Crivii, V. Trifa). The 5th
technical symposium, June 1984, Cugir.
28. Amplificator PWM pentru comanda pe indus servomotoarelor de c.c. / PWM
amplifier for armature control of
29. Numerical simulation of self-commutating linear stepping motor (M.
Crivii, V. Trifa). Proceedings of the 5th National Conference of Electrical
30. Study of the closed-loop control of hybrid stepping motors using back
e.m.f. sensing (V. Trifa, M. Crivii). Proceedings of the first Intern. Conf. of
El. Mach. and Drive Systems (INCEMADS), Eforie Nord, 1986, pp. B229/1-8.
31. Considerations over X-Y open-loop positioning systems using stepper
motors (V. Trifa, M.-H. Cornea). Proceedings of OPTIM Conference,
32. Vector control of stepping motors (A. Kelemen, Maria Imecs, V. Trifa).
Proceedings of OPTIM Conference,
33. Closed-loop control of variable reluctance stepping motors using
capacitive step detection (V. Trifa, A. Broscoi). Proceedings of OPTIM Conference,
34. Fundamentals of the vector control of stepping motor. Part I and II (A.
Kelemen, Maria Imecs, V. Trifa). Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of
Electrical Drives,
35. Stepping motor control using capacitive step detection (V. Trifa, A.
Broscoi, T. Pana). Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of Electrical
36. The identification of PM-hybrid stepping motor for the field - oriented
control (A. Kelemen, V. Trifa, Maria Imecs, A. Szekely). Proceedings of
International Conference of Electrical Drives (ICED), Poiana Brasov, 1988, pp.
37. Mathematical modelling of vector-controlled PM-hybrid stepping motor
(A. Kelemen, V. Trifa, Maria Imecs). Proceedings of the 7th National Conference
of Electrical Drives,
38. Microprocessor-based real time control of the stepping motor (V. Trifa,
C. Rusu, Carmen Todea). Proceedings of the 7th National Conference of Electrical
39. Z80-microprocessor-based on-line
40. PC-based control of stepping motors using the field- orientation
principle (V. Trifa, Cs. Szasz, A. Forrai). Proceedings of OPTIM'91 Conference,
41. Microprocessor-based closed-loop stepping motor control system (V.
Trifa, T. Pana, C. Rusu, A. Broscoi). Proceedings of ICATE'91 Conference,
42. Solutions for implementing the sampling rate for real- time process
control using IBM-PC compatible computers (V. Trifa, Michaela Cistelecan).
Bulletin of Symposium on Development and Application Systems, Suceava -
43. Real-time modelling and numerical simulation of vector- controlled
PM-hybrid stepping motor (V. Trifa, Cs. Szasz, A. Forrai). Proceedings of the
8th National Conference of Electrical Drives,
44. Mathemetical modelling and numerical simulation of DC servomotor
positioning systems with variable structure control. Proceedings of SIMSIS'7
45. Modelling and simulation of switched reluctance motor drive with
variable structure control (V. Trifa, Cs. Szasz, Mihaela Cistelecan, A.
Forrai). Proceedings of 4th OPTIM'94 Conference,
46. Modelling and simulation of double PWM Converter-Fed induction motor
drives (R. Marschalko, V. Trifa, A. Szekely, Cs. Szasz). Proceedings of
D&AS Conference, Suceava, 1994, vol. 5, pp. 67-72.
47. Considerations about PWM inverter-fed PM-hybrid stepping motor (V.
Trifa, R. Marschalko, A. Szekely, Cs. Szasz). Proceedings of D&AS
Conference, Suceava, 1994, vol. 5, pp. 133-138.
48. Modelling and experimenting the PWM inverter-fed PM-hybrid stepping
motor (V. Trifa, R. Marschalko, A. Szekely, Cs. Szasz). Acta Electrotehnica
Napocensis. Mediamira Science Publisher, vol. 35, nr. 1, 1994, pp.
49. Experimental PC-Driven DSP developing system for electrical drives
applications (V. Trifa, Cs. Szasz, M. Cistelecan). Proceedings of D&AS
Conference, Suceava, 1994, vol. 5, pp. 139-144.
50. Neural network control of PM-hybrid stepping motor based positioning
systems (V. Trifa, R. Munteanu, L. Moldovan, Elena Gaura). Proceedings of the
1st Electromotion symposium,
51. Investigations concerning the neuro-control of switched reluctance
motor drives (V. Trifa, Elena Gaura, L. Moldovan). Proceedings of the 5th
SACCS, AC Systems,
52. DSP-based control of PWM-inverter fed PM-Hybrid stepping motors (V.
Trifa, R. Marschalko, Cs. Szasz, C. Vermesan). Proceedings of 5th OPTIM'96
53. Method for integrating sliding mode control, neural networks and fuzzy
systems (Mihaela Cistelecan, V. Trifa). Proceedings of Automatic Control and
Testing Conference (THETA'96),
54. A neural sliding-mode controller with enhanced input space (Mihaela
Cistelecan, V. Trifa). Proceedings of International Symposium on System Theory,
Robotics, Computers & Process Informatics (SINTES'8), 8th Edition, 6-7 June
55. Design and simulation of a neuro-fuzzy controller for switched
reluctance motor drives (V. Trifa, Elena Gaura, L. Moldovan, C. Baciu).
Proceedings of the 2nd Electromotion symposium,
56. Investigation of a four phase switched reluctance motor supplied from a
PWM inverter (V. Trifa, R. Marschalko, A. Szekely, Cs. Szasz, Ramona Galatus).
Proceedings of 6th OPTIM'98 Conference,
57. Data acquisition and signal processing in vector control of PM-hybrid
stepping motor (Cs. Szasz, R. Marschalko, V. Trifa, A. Szekely). Proceedings of
6th OPTIM'98 Conference,
58. Investigations concerning the modelling of switched reluctance motor
drives (V. Trifa, R. Marschalko, Ramona Galatus, A. Szekely). Proceedings of
A&Q International Conference on Automation and Quality Control,
Cluj-Napoca, 1998, pp. A402-407.
59. Simplified vector control of PM hybrid stepping motors (R. Marschalko,
Cs. Szasz, V. Trifa, I. Szasz). Proceedings of A&Q International Conference
on Automation and Quality Control, Cluj-Napoca, 1998, pp. q402-405.
60. Investigations concerning the vector control of PM-hybrid stepping
motors (Cs. Szasz, R. Marschalko, V. Trifa). Proceedings of the 9th National
Conference on Electrical Drives. Craiova, 1998, pp. 311-314.
61. Implementing of the simplified vector control for a PM-hybrid stepping
motor servodrive (R. Marschalko, V. Trifa, Cs. Szasz, A. Szekely). Acta
Electrotehnica Napocensis. Univ. Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, vol. 39, nr. 1, 1998,
pp. 63-67.
62. Determination of Electromagnetic Torque of an 8/6 Switched Reluctance
Motor (V. Trifa, R. Marschalko, Ramona Galatus, A. Szekely). Proceedings of the
2nd CADEMEC'99 Workshop, Cluj-Napoca, 7-9 sept. 1999, pp. 19-22.
63. Computer analysis of an 8/6 switched reluctance motor drive (V. Trifa,
Ramona Galatus A.Szekely). Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iasi, tomul XLV
(IL), fasc. 5B, 1999, pp. 238-241.
64. Investigarea proprietatilor electromagnetice ale motorului cu
reluctanta autocomutat, folosind tehnici de instrumentatie virtuala (V. Trifa).
Revista de Instrumentatie Virtuala. Anul II (1999), vol. II, nr. 4(8), pp.
65. Studiul sistemului de actionare electrica cu motor cu reluctanta
autocomutat (V. Trifa, L. Zarnescu). Sesiunea de Comunicari Stiintifice a
Centrului de Cercetare Stiintifica pentru Tehnica de Marina, 25-27 mai 2000,
66. LabVIEW implementation of a switched reluctance motor controller (V.
Trifa, O. Rabulea, A. Peculea). A X-a Conferinta Nationala de Actionari
Electrice, CNAE 2000, Iasi, 12-14 oct. 2000, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic
Iasi, tomul XLVI (L), fasc. 5, 2000, pp. 79-84.
67. Sisteme de culoare în grafica computerizata (Cornelia Melenti, V.
Trifa). Sesiunea de Comunicari Stiintifice a Univ. "Bogdan Voda", 25
aprilie 2001, Cluj-Napoca
68. Evaluation of SRM magnetization surface using neural networks (V.
Trifa,V.T. Dadârlat, A. Peculea). Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop
on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, P.U. Bucharest, 7-9 June 2001, pp.
69. LabVIEW implementation of a switched reluctance motor controller (V.
Trifa, R. Munteanu, O. Rabulea, A. Peculea). Revista Electromotion 8(2001),
Cluj Napoca, pp.39-44.
70. New control strategies of variable reluctance stepping motors using
labVIEW environment (V. Trifa, O. Rabulea,L. Zarnescu). Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference EMES'01, Felix-Oradea, pp. 448-451.
71. Experimental approach of a switched reluctance motor drive system (V.
Trifa, O. Rabulea). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference EMES'01,
Felix-Oradea, pp. 444-447.
72. Modelarea si simularea sistemelor de pozitionare cu motoare pas cu pas
(V. Trifa, L. Zarnescu). Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium of
Naval and Marine Education 2001. CD Rom ISBN 973-85070-0-6, Section S2, pp.
73. Simularea functionarii motorului pas cu pas autoexcitat (V. Trifa, L.
Zarnescu). Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium of Naval and Marine
Education 2001. CD Rom ISBN 973-85070-0-6, Section S2, pp. 326-333.
74. Sistem expert de generare a culorii pentru WEB design (V. Trifa, I.
Sbârciu, M. Baciu, Cornelia Melenti, Oana Gui). Proceedings of the 17th
International Symposium of Naval and Marine Education 2001. CD Rom ISBN
973-85070-0-6, Section S6, pp. 39-46.
75. Consideratii asupra sistemului de actionare electrica cu motor cu
reluctanta autocomutat (V. Trifa, L. Zarnescu, O. Rabulea, A. Peculea). Revista
EEA Electrotehnica 49(2001), nr. 1-2, ian-feb. 2001, pp. 1-6.
76. Mathematical model of switched reluctance motor including magnetical
nonlinearities (V. Trifa, O. Rabulea). Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Development and Application Systems, 23-25 May 2002, Suceava, pp.
77. Using labVIEW package to control variable reluctance stepping motors
(V. Trifa, O. Rabulea, L. Zarnescu). Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Development and Application Systems, 23-25 May 2002, Suceava, pp.
78. Four-quadrant, variable speed 8/6 switched reluctance motor drive using
a dsp controller (V. Trifa, O. Rabulea). Proceedings of the 11th National
Conference on Electrical Drives, Galati, 10-12 Oct. 2002, pp. 207-210. ISBN
973-8352-83-5. Printed on CD.
79. New control strategies of variable reluctance stepping motors using
digital signal processors (V. Trifa, O. Rabulea, L. Zarnescu). Proceedings of
the 11th National Conference on Electrical Drives, Galati, 10-12 Oct. 2002, pp.
211-214. ISBN 973-8352-83-5. Also printed on CD.
80. Approximation of switched reluctance motor phase inductivity using
neural networks (V. Trifa, O. Rabulea). Analele Universitatii din Craiova,
seria Inginerie electrica, anul 26, ISSN 1223-530X, 2002, vol. II, pp. 226-271.
81. Switched reluctance motor phase inductivity using artificial neural
networks (V. Trifa, O. Rabulea). Workshop on Variable Reluctance Electrical
Machines. U.T. Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, ISBN 973-8335-98-1, pp. 52-55.
82. Simulink models for the investigation of variable reluctance stepping
motors dynamics (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, O. Rabulea, L. Zarnescu). Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference EMES’03, Felix-Oradea, Analele
Universitatii din Oradea, fascicola Electrotehnica, ISSN – 1223 – 2106, pp.
83. Investigation of variable reluctance stepping motors dynamics using
Matlab-Simulink environment (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, L. Zarnescu). Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference on Development and Application Systems,
ISBN 973-666-106-7, 27-29 May 2004, Suceava, pp. 164-166.
84. PWM inverter for reluctant electric motor based servosystems (V. Trifa,
L. Zarnescu). Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium of the Military
Equipment & Technologies Research Agency, 27-28 May 2004, Bucharest, Vol.
II, Ships and Board Installations, ISBN 973-0-03501-6, pp. 405-410.
85. Using virtual instrumentation for the investigation of PWM inverter fed
reluctant motors (V. Trifa, L. Zarnescu, A.C. Marincas). Rev. Acta Electrotehnica,
vol. 45, no. 3, 2004, ISSN 1224-2497, Acad. of Techn. Sc. of Romania, Technical
Univ. of Cluj-Napoca, pp. 141-144.
86. New strategies to improve performances of the variable reluctance
stepping motors based electrical drive systems (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, I.
Precup). Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iasi, Tomul L(LIV), Fasc.5C, 2004,
ISSN 1223-8139, pp.1099-1104.
87. Simulink models for dynamic analysis of sensorless controlled pm hybrid
stepping motors (V. Trifa, Noemia Cristea). Buletinul Institutului Politehnic
Iasi, Tomul L(LIV), Fasc.5C, 2004, ISSN 1223-8139, pp.1393-1398.
88. Optimal design of variable reluctance stepping motors based electrical
drive systems (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, I. Precup). Proceedings of papers, B.
Herculane 2004, Ed. Universitaria Craiova, 2004, ISBN 973-8043-554-4, pp.
89. Dynamic analysis of PM-Hibrid stepping motor using Simulink models (V.
Trifa, Noemia Cristea). Proceedings of papers, B. Herculane 2004, Ed.
Universitaria Craiova, 2004, ISBN 973-8043-554-4, pp. 197-199.
90. Toward Abnormal Nuclei Detection Using an Integrated Automatic System
(Ramona Galatus, Sorina Persa, D. Moga, V. Trifa, Liliana Neaga, T. Marita, R.
Munteanu jr.). Acta electrotehnica vol. 45, nr 4, 2004, ISSN 1224-2497, Acad.
of Techn. Sc. of Romania, Technical Univ. of Cluj-Napoca, pp. 463-470.
91. Sensorless control of pm-hybrid stepping motors using back e.m.f.
sensing (V. Trifa, Noemia Cristea). Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iasi,
Tomul LI (LV), Fasc.5, 2005, ISSN 1223-8139, pp.67-72.
92. Overview on electrical drives using reluctant motors (V. Trifa, C.
Marginean). Colocviul de Echipamante electrice de actionari industriale, 21
sept 2005, ICPE-ACTEL S.A. Printed on CD, ISBN 973-7728-33-5.
93. Aspects regarding reluctant motors based electrical drives (V. Trifa,
C. Marginean). Proceedings of ECO-EIC’05 Conference, 23-24 sept. 2005, Sibiu,
ISBN 973-739-138-1, pp. 169-174.
94. Testing platform for electric reluctant motors using LabView
environment (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, L. Zarnescu). Proceedings of CNEI 05
Conference, 10-12 nov. 2005, Bacau, ISSN 1224-7480, vol. III, pp. 180-185.
95. Implementation of a virtual laboratory for electric reluctant motors
using labview environment (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, C.Rusu). Proceedings of
INTER-ING Conference, Tg. Mures, 10-11 nov. 2005.
96. Digitally controlled driver for supplying electric reluctant motors (V.
Trifa, C. Marginean, L. Zarnescu). Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Development and Application Systems, ISBN 973-666-106-7, 25-27
May 2006, Suceava, pp. 160-163.
97. Remote controlled test benching for reluctant motor based electric
drives (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, L. Zarnescu). Proceedings of the 37th
International Symposium of the Military Equipment & Technologies Research
Agency, 25-27 May 2006, Bucharest, ISBN 973-0-03501-6, Vol. II, Ships and Board
Installations, Printed on CD.
98. Aspects concerning the implementation of electric bikes in the urban
transportation of Cluj-Napoca City (V. Trifa, M.M. Radulescu, C. Marginean,
Carmen Ciurtin). Buletinul Univ. Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Seria Tehnica, vol.
LVII, no. 2 bis/2006, ISSN: 1224-8495, pp. 281-288.
99. Abnormal Nuclei Detection and Classification in Cytological Slides
(Ramona Galatus, T. Marita, Sorina Persa, V. Trifa). Proceedings of IEEE 2nd
International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing,
vol. 2, 1-2 sept 2006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN general (10)973-662-233-9,
ISBN vol. 2 (10) 973-662-235-5, pp.53-60.
100. A case study concerning the implementation of electric bicycles using
reluctant motors (V. Trifa, C. Marginean). Buletinul Institutului Politehnic
Iasi, tomul LII (LIV), fasc 5/2006, ISSN 1223-8139, pp. 62-67.
101. Preliminary study of the in-wheel drive of electric bike (V. Trifa, C.
Marginean, L. Zarnescu). First Intern. Symp. on Electric and Electronic
Engineering, Galati, Editura Fundatiei Universitare “Dunarea de jos”, ISBN(10)
973-627-325-3, pp. 179-182.
102. Aspects concerning the design of a special reluctant motor for direct
electrical drive of a bicycle (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, C. Truta). Ibidem, pp.
103. Study regarding the implementation of an electric bicycle using
reluctant motors (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, L. Zarnescu). Analele Univ. Craiova,
Seria Inginerie electrica, anul 30, nr. 30, 2006, ISBN 1842-4805, pp. 153-156.
104. Up-to-date PWM inverter for unipolar supply of 4-phase electric
reluctance motors (V. Trifa, Rozica Gabriela Moga, D. Moga). Acta
electrotehnica, vol. 48, Nr. 1, 2007, Mediamira Science Publisher, ISSN
1841-3323, pp. 60-63.
105. Design and field simulation of a reluctant motor for in-wheel driving
electric bikes (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, M. Albu). Annals of the University of
Petrosani, Electrical Engineering, 8(2006), ISSN 1454-8518, pp. 226-231.
106. Simulation, implementation and testing of a PWM inverter for reluctant
motors (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, L. Zarnescu). Analele Universitatii din Oradea,
Fascicola Electrotehnica, Sectiunea Inginerie electrica, mai 2007, ISSN
1223-2106, pp. 169-172.
107. Consideratii privind actionarea electrica a bicicletei folosind
motoare reluctante (V. Trifa, C. Marginean). Simpozionul SME’07, ICPE-ME
Bucuresti, 16-17 oct. 2007, ISSN 1843-5912. Publicat pe CD.
108. DSP based adaptive controller for brushless DC motor used in robotic
applications (C. Rusu, V. Trifa, Szoke Eniko). Proceedings of the 13th
International Symposium on System Theory SINTES 13, 18-22 oct. 2007, Craiova,
vol. I, Ed. Universitaria Craiova 2007, ISBN 978-973-742-840-0(4), pp. 175-179.
109. Simulation, implementation and testing of a new pwm inverter for
supplying reluctant motors (C. Marginean, V. Trifa, E. Trifu). Proceedings of
the 6th National Conference on Industrial Energetics – CNEI 2007, Univ. din
Bacau, 1-3 nov. 2007, Ed. Alma Mater, Bacau 2008, ISSN 1224-7480, vol. 1, pp.
110. Contributions regarding the development of a light urban
transportation vehicle – motor and PWM inverter design (V. Trifa, C. Marginean,
E. Trifu). Proceedings of OPTIM-2008 Conference, Brasov, 22-24 May 2008, vol.
II-A, ISBN 978-973-131-030-5, pp. 307-312.
111. Studiu comparativ privind actionarea electrica a bicicletelor folosind
motoare electrice reluctante de constructie speciala (V. Trifa, C. Marginean).
Simpozionul SME’08, ICPE-ME Bucuresti, 2-3 sept. 2008, ISSN 1843-5912. Revista
EEA 56, nr. 1-2, ian. - iun. 2008, p. 45.
112. Design and analysis of a reluctant motor for driving the electric
bicycle (V. Trifa, C. Marginean). Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University
of Timisoara, Romania, Transaction of Power Engineering, Tom 53(67), 2008, ISSN
1582-7194, pp.279-282.
113. Integrated design approach for energy-efficient brushless DC motors
(M.M. Radulescu, V. Trifa, Ioana Vese, C. Simon, Carmen Ciurtin and C.
Marginean). Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Electrical and
Electronics Engineering. Sept. 12-13, Galati, Romania, ISSN 1844-8054, pp.
114. General study of reluctance motors for driving light electric vehicles
(V. Trifa, C. Marginean). Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iasi tomul LIV
(LVIII), fasc. 4, 2008, Electrotehnica, Energetica, Electronica, ISSN
1223-8139, pp. 645-650.
115. Design and FEM analysis of a special reluctant motor for driving light
electric vehicles (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, Olivia Trifa). Analele Universitatii
din Craiova, Seria Inginerie electrica, Anul 32, nr. 32, 2008, ISSN 1842-4805,
pp. 108-111.
116. Preliminary Design of Reluctance Motors for Light Electric Vehicles
Driving (V. Trifa, C. Marginean). Advances in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, No. 1/2009, Univ. Suceava, ISSN 1582-7445, pp. 789-81.
117. Evaluarea electromagnetica a motorului electric reluctant inversat,
folosind mediul flux 3D (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, G. Ciubuca). Simpozionul de
masini electrice SME’09, Oct. 2009. ISSN 1843-5912. Printed on CD.
118. Magnetic field analysis of an inverse reluctance motor for light
traction purposes (V. Trifa, C. Marginean, G. Ciubuca). Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems, Oct. 8-9,
2009, Editura PIM Iasi, Romania, vol 2, ISBN 978-606-520-623-6, pp. 237-240.
119. Experimental test bench for reluctance motors using ds1104 controller
board (C. Marginean, V. Trifa, Ana-Maria Marginean and E. Trifu). Ibidem, pp.
120. Magneto-static Model of an Outer-Rotor Reluctance Motor for Light
Electric Vehicles (V. Trifa, Chen Hao, M.M. Radulescu). Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Modern Power Systems – MPS 2010,
121. Simulation Study of Switched Reluctance Starter-Generator System Based
on Nonlinear Model (Xiaoshu Zan, Chen Hao, V. Trifa, Liang Qiu and Pude Yu).
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical
and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2010, pp. 430-435.
122. Graphical features of the inverse reluctance motor using
Magneto-static 3D model (V. Trifa, G. Ciubuca, Geta-Olivia Trifa). Analele
Univ. Craiova, Seria Inginerie electrica, Nr. 34, 2010, Vol. II, ISSN
1842-4805, pp. 15-19.
123. Simulation of Fermentation Bioreactor Control for Ethanol Production
(Ana Maria Marginean, V. Trifa, C. Marginean). Proceedings of 11th
124. Simulation of Temperature Control in Fermentation
Bioreactor for Ethanol Production (Ana Maria Marginean, C. Marginean ,V.
Trifa). Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems, vol.5, Nr.1, May
2012, pp.55-59, Editura Universitatii din
125. Analysis of an 8/6 Switched Reluctance Motor using
the Transient Magnetic Model (V. Dordea, C.Chertes, V. Trifa). Journal of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 5, 2012, ICADET
126. Analysis of an outer-rotor reluctance motor using
the transient magnetic model (C. Chertes, V. Dordea, C. Marginean, V. Trifa).
Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012, ISSN – L 1224-7928, pp. 55-60.
127. Modeling of a small permanent magnet synchronous
generator wind energy conversion system for a smart building (V. Craciun,
128. Air Source Heat Pump a Key Role in the Development of Smart Buildings in Future Energy Systems (V. Craciun, V. Trifa, C. Bojesen, S. J. Andreasen). 2012 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE 2012), Iasi 25-27 October 2012. Conference Proceedings, IEEE XPLORE DATABASE: EISBN: 978-1-4673-1172-4.
129. A flexible and low cost experimental stand for air source heat pump for smart buildings (V. Craciun, C. Bojesen, M. Blarke, V. Trifa). OPTIM 2012 – 13 International Concerence on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Brasov, pp.1040-1045, ISSN 1842-0133, E-ISBN 978-1-4673-1652-1, Print ISBN 978-1-4673-1650-7.
130. Fuel consumption analysis and optimization of a sustainable energy system for a 100% renewable smart house (V. Craciun, M. Blarke, V. Trifa). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management, 22-24 Nov.2012, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 333-336, ISSN 1582-2559.
131. Techno-economic optimization of a sustainable energy for a 100% renewable smart house (V. Craciun, M. Blarke, V. Trifa). Ibidem, pp. 337-342.
Cluj Napoca, April 2013
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