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- S. A. Gomez, A. Goron, A. Groza - Assuring Safety in an Air
Traffic Control System with Defeasible Logic Programming, Argentine Symposium
on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI14), 1-5 September 2014,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- S.A. Gomez, A. Groza, C.I. Chesnevar - An Argumentative
Approach to Assessing Safety in Medical Device Software using
Defeasible Logic Programming, International Conference
on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology
(MEDITECH2014), Ed. S. Vlad, R. Ciupa, ISBN
IFMBE, Vol 44, Springer, pp. 167-172 (pdf) (bib)
- S. Gomez, A. Groza, C Chesnevar, I. A. Letia, A. Goron, M
Lucero -
ARGSAFE: Usando Argumentacion para Garantizar Seguridad en
Sistemas Tecnicos Complejos, WICC,
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, 7-8 May 2014 (bib)
- A. Goron, A. Groza, S. A. Gomez, I. A.
Letia - Towards an argumentative approach for repair of hybrid
logics models, ARGMAS@AAMAS,
Paris, France, 5-9 May 2014 (pdf)
- A. Groza, N. Marc - Consistency Checking
of Safety Arguments in the Goal Structuring Notation Standard,
IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Computer
Communication and Processing (ICCP2014), Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
4-6 September 2014, pp, 59-66
- Letia, Ioan Alfred, and Anca Goron.
"A temporal view on Model Checking Hybrid Logics." Intelligent
Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2014 IEEE
International Conference on. IEEE, 2014.