Books and textbooks (14)Books and textbooks:
Biró K.Á., I. Ciorba: Electrical Machines (in Romanian), laboratory test practice tutorial, Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House,183 pages, 1966.
Biró K.Á., D. Comºa, M. Crivii, Viorel, I.A.: Electrical Machines Design Tutorial (in Romanian), Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House,1969.
Patachi, N., Morar R., Biró K.Á. et al.: Electrotechnics and Electrical Machines (in Romanian), laboratory test practice tutorial, Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 246 pages, 1970.
A. Criºan, Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A.: Electrical machines I. - General theory, Transformer (in Romanian), Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 145 pages, 1970.
A. Criºan, Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A.: Electrical machines II. - Induction machine, Synchronous machine (in Romanian), Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 305 pages, 1973.
Biró K.Á.: Electrical Machines (in Romanian), laboratory test practice tutorial, Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 72 pages, 1975.
Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V., M.M. Rãdulescu: Testing Electrical Transformers (in Romanian), Laboratory test practice tutorial, Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 75 pages, l983.
Biró K.Á.: Electrical Machines and Drives (in Romanian), Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 461 pages, 1987.
Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., M.M. Rãdulescu, H. Hedeºiu: Electrical Machines (in Romanian), laboratory test practice tutorial, volume 1, Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 93 pages, 1994.
Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., M.M. Rãdulescu, H. Hedeºiu: Electrical Machines (in Romanian), laboratory test practice tutorial, volume 2, Polytechnical Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 48 pages, 1994.
Biró K.Á. et al.: Electrotechnical Dictionary (in Hungarian), edited by Puskás F., Kriterion Publishing House, Bucureºti (Romania), vol. 1. 382 pages, vol. 2. 342 pages, 1994 (ISBN 973-26-04077).
Biró K.Á.: Electrical Machines (in Romanian), exercise book, Mediamira Publishing House, Cluj (Romania), 180 pages, 1999. ISBN 973-9358-18-7.
Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Szabó, L.,
Henneberger, G.: Special
electrical machines (in Romanian), Mediamira Puplisher,
Szabó, L., Dobai, J.B., Biró K.Á.: Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Rotor Faults Detection Method for Induction Machines, Intelligent Systems at the Service of Mankind, vol. 2. (eds: Elmenreich, W., Machado, J.T., Rudas, I.J.), Ubooks, Augsburg (Germany), 2005, pp. 63-74. ISBN: 3-86608-052-2.
In refereed conference proceedings:
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V.: Field-harmonic theory of squirrel cage motor taking slot openings into accunt, Proceedings of ICEM '82, Budapest (Hungary), part 1., pp. 17-19.
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á.: Salient pole reluctance machine field analysis by finite-difference method, 28. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 1983, Ilmenau, Heft 2., pp 27-29.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., D.Stoia: Finite-element transient field analysis of permanent magnet DC machines, Digests of the INTERMAG '84, Hamburg, pp. 292-296.
Viorel, I.A., G.Mindru, Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Analyse des magnetfeldes von Asyncronmaschinen mit der Methode Finiter Elemente, 10. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium der Tehniche Univ. Dresden, Heft M, pp. 51-61.
Iancu, V., Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., M.Rãdulescu: Trawelling and pulsating fields in two-phase liniar induction machines, Proceedings of ICEM' 84, Lausanne, part 2, pp.505-508.
Viorel, I.A., Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., G.Mindru: Nonliniar magnetic field Analysis of induction machines at locked-rotor condition, Proceedings of ICEM' 84, Lausanne, part 1, pp.169-172.
Viorel, I.A., I.Ignat, Biró K.Á.,Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Processing routines for finite-element analysis of anisotropic and nonlinear electric fields, 29. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 1984, Ilmenau, Heft 1., pp. 105-107.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V.: Two-dimensional finite element modelling of anisotropic ferrite magnet machines, Digest of Summaries of the 5th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Fort-Collins, 1985, pp. 168-171.
Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., N.Palaghita, Viorel, I.A.: SCR swich control of a linear induction motor driven drop hammer, Propceedings of the Second Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Grenoble, 1987, pp. 46-51.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A.; Computer-aided design technigue for proportional electromagnets, Proceedings of the ISEF' 87, Pavia, pp.287-290.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á.: Computer-aided design technique for proportional electromagnets, in Electromagnetic Field in Electrical Engineering (edited by Savini A. and Turowski J.), Plenum Press, New-York, 1988, pp. 275-278.
Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V.: Dynamic modeling of inverter-fed permanent magnet syncronous motors, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Evolution and Modern Aspects of Syncronous Machines, Zürich, 1991, pp.229-233.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V.: Torque control of rectangular-fed brushless permanent magnet motors for Electric Vehicle Propulsion, Proceedings of the 11th International Electric Vehicle Symposium, Florence (Italy),1992, vol. 2., pp.16-23.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., H.Hedeºiu: Design and control considerations for slotless electronically-commutated permanent magnet servomotors, Proceedings of the MELECON' 94, Antalya (Turkey), 1994, pp.1302-1305.
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Szabó L: Transformer transient behavior simulation by a coupled circuit-field model, Proceedings of the ICEM' 94, Paris, Vol. V3, pp. 654-659.
Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A.: On the syncronous machine dynamic behavior modelling, Proceedings of the ICEM' 94, Paris, vol. V2, pp. 134-138.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V.: Field analysis of slotless permanent-magnet DC servomotors with electronic commutation, Proceedings of the ICEM' 94, Paris, Vol. V2, pp. 602-604.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Claudia Marþiº, Biró K.Á.: A new electronically commutated doubly-salient permanent-magnet small motor, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives 1995, University of Durham (UK), pp.213-216.
Biró K.Á., M. M. Rãdulescu, Iancu, V., H. Hedeºiu, Biró, Z.: PC Based Control System for Two-phase Asynchronous Servomotor, Proceedings of the International Conference PEMC '96, Budapest (Hungary), Vol. 2, pp. 402-407.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Claudia Marþiº, Biró K.Á.: Comparative analysis of doubly-salient reluctance and permanent-magnet actuators, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Power Electronics Applications EPE '97, Trondheim (Norway), vol. 3, pp. 888-891.
Claudia Marþiº, Rãdulescu, M.M., Biró K.Á.: On the dynamic model of a doubly-salient permanent-magnet motor, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference MELECON '98, Tel-Aviv (Israel), pp. 410-414.
Claudia Marþiº, Rãdulescu, M.M., Biró K.Á.: Field analysis and dynamic model of a doubly-salient permanent-magnet motor, Proceedings of the International Conference ICEM '98, Istanbul (Turkey), Vol. I, pp. 110-113.
Biró Z., Biró K.Á.: Microcontroller Based Two-phase Brushless DC Motor, Proceedings of the International Computer Science Conference MicroCAD' 99, University of Miskolc (Hungary), Section F, pp. 7-12.
Chiºu Ioana, Biró K.Á., Viorel I.A.: Comparison between an induction motor and a reluctance sinchronous motor with the same stator, Proceedings of the International Computer Science Conference Micro CAD' 99, University of Miskolc (Hungary), Section F, pp. 23-28.
Marþiº Claudia, Rãdulescu M.M., Biró K.Á.: Dynamic analysis of a switched variable-reluctance permanent-magnet small motor, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems ELECTROMOTION '99, Patras (Greece), 1999, Vol. I, pp. 523-527.
Chiºu Ioana, Biró K.Á., Viorel I.A., Hedeºiu H., Ciorba R.: On the sinchronous reluctance machine rotor geometry, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems ELECTROMOTION '99, Patras (Greece), 1999, Vol. I, pp.161-166.
Fodor D., Vass J., Juhasz ZS., Biró K.Á.: Extended Kalman filter based speed sensorless ac motor control, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Power Electronics and Motion Control - EPE-PEMC 2000, Kosice (Slovak Republic), vol. 6, pp. 140-146.
Viorel I. A., Tomescu I., Biró K.Á., Radu M.: Radial flux double-salient machines time domain simulation, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Power Electronics and Motion Control - EPE-PEMC 2000, Kosice (Slovak Republic), vol. 5, pp. 137-142.
Puklus Z., Szilágyi Cs.P., Biró K.Á.: Design procedures for symetrical resonant flyback converters, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Power Electronics and Motion Control - EPE-PEMC 2000, Kosice (Slovak Republic), vol. 2, pp. 28-33.
Marþiº C., Rãdulescu M.M., Biró Z., Biró K.Á.: Performance analysis and DSP–based control of a small electronically commutated doubly-salient permanent-magnet motor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM 2000, Espoo (Finland), vol. 3, pp.1370-1374.
D. Fodor, J. Vass, Zs. Juhász, Biró K.Á.: Stochastic methods for speed sensorless induction motor control, Proceedings of the Symposium on Intelligent Systems in Control and Measurement, Veszprém (Hungary), 2000, pp.144-149.
Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V.: Induction machine parameter estimation. Proceedings of the International Computer Science Conference MicroCAD '2000, Miskolc, Hungary, vol. F (Electrotechnics-Electronics), pp. 13-18.
Szabó L., Biró, K.Á., Barz, V., Hedeºiu, H.C.: Parameter
Estimation of a Synchronous Machine by Means of LabView Environment,
Proceedings of the International Computer Science Conference MicroCAD '2001,
Miskolc (Hungary), Section G (Electrotehnics-Electronics), pp. 87-92.
ISBN: 963-661-457-1. (download
Biró K.Á.,
Szabó L., Iancu, V., Hedeºiu, H.C., Barz, V.: On
the Synchronous Machine Parameter Identification, Proceedings of the
on Electrical Machines's Parameters, Cluj, 2001, pp. 87-90. (download
Szabó L., Biró K.Á., Dobai J.B.: On the Rotor Bar Faults Detection in Induction Machines, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference MicroCAD '2003, Miskolc (Hungary), Section J (Electrotehnics and Electronics), pp. 81-86. ISBN: 963-661-556-X.
Fodor D., Szalay L., Vass J., Biró K.Á., Szabó L.: Experimental Investigation on Robust Control of Induction Motor Using H¡ Output Feedback Controller, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE' 2003), Podbanské (Slovakia), pp. 602-607, on CD-ROM: 086.pdf. ISBN: 80-89061-46-X.
Puklus, Z., Biró K.Á.: Mathematical model of the full bridge resonant convertor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE '2003), Podbanské (Slovakia), pp. 280-285, on CD-ROM: 110.pdf.
Marþiº, Claudia, Dobai, J.B., Biró K.Á.: Analytical approach of the rotor broken bars effects on the induction machine behaviour, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Technology IEEE-ICIT'03, Maribor (Slovenia), on CD-ROM: RP3-06.pdf.
Marþiº, Claudia, Dobai, J.B., H. Henao, Biró K.Á.: Electromagnetic torque as a tool for diagnosis and condition monitoring purposes in induction machine electrical drives, Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Motion (PCIM), Nürnberg (Germany), 2004, on CD-ROM: PP4.pdf (ISSN 3-928643-39-8).
Szabó L., Dobai J.B., Biró
K.Á.: Rotor
Faults Detection in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors by Current Signature
Analysis, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE-TTTC, International Conference
on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, A&QT-R 2004 (THETA 14),
Cluj, Tome I., pp. 353-358, on CD: 2569_Szabo.pdf. ISBN: 973-713-046-4.
(download )
Szabó L., Biró K.Á., Dobai B.J., Fodor D., Vass J.: Wavelet Transform Approach to Rotor Faults Detection in Induction Motors, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES '2004, Cluj (Romania), 2004, pp. 397-402. ISBN: 973-662-120-0.
Szabó L., Dobai B.J., Biró
K.Á., Fodor D., Tóth F.: Study
on Squirrel Cage Faults of Induction Machines by Means of Advanced FEM Based
Simulations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical
Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE' 2005), Dubrovnik (Croatia), on CD: E05-78.pdf.
ISBN: 953-6037-43-2. (download )
In refereed national journals and annals:
Biró K.Á., Crivii, M., Viorel, I.A.: Testing method to obtain the inductance of the wound rotor induction motor (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.11, part II, 1968, pp. 319-325.
Biró K.Á.: Unbalanced sinusoidal regime on an unsymmetrical three-phase transformer (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.11, part II, 1968, pp. 329-332
Criºan, Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V.: Variable speed and frequency special synchronous machine (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.13, part III. (Electrical engineering), 1970, pp. 123-129.
Criºan, Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V.: Unsymmetrical supply protecting device of squirrel cage induction motors (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.13, part III, 1970, (Electrical engineering), pp.129-133.
Criºan, Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V..: Rotating brushes commutator type machine operating as induction motor (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.14, part III, 1971, (Electrical engineering) pp. 99-102.
Criºan, E. Simion, Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A.: On the steady-state regime of the feroresonant single phase induction motor (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, vol. 14, 1971, pp. 459-461.
Criºan, Biró K.Á., Viorel I.A., Iancu V.: Some aspects on the high frequency induction motor design (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol. 18, 1975, pp. 54-55.
Biró K.Á.: Supplementary losses of a high frequency three phase asynchronous motor (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol. 18, 1975, pp. 56-57.
Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., I. Ignat: Researches on single-phase capacitor linear induction motor, Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol. 20, 1977, pp. 29-35.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A.: Permanent magnet modelling in finite element field analysis of electrical machines, Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol. 26, 1983, pp. 49-54.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á.: Iterative computation of the static characteristics of a proportional electromagnet (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol. 28, 1985, p.33-40.
Mânduc, Biró K.Á., Pusztai K.: Computer aided study on synchronous hydro-generators, (in Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.32, section EEI, 1989, pp. 34-40.
Biró K.Á., R. Ciorba: Rapid reconnection of induction motors (in Romanian), Oradea University Annals, vol. 2, part. I (Electrotechnical Section), 1992, pp. 103-109.
Iancu, V., Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Rãdulescu, M.M., H. Hedeºiu: On the two-phase asynchronous servomotor with linear inductor and disc-armature (in Romanian), Oradea University Annals, vol. 2, part. I (Electrotechnical Section), 1992, pp.165-172.
H. Hedeºiu, Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., P. Mureºan: PC-based data acquisition system for DC brushless motor drives (in Romanian), Oradea University Annals, 1994, Electrotechnical Section, pp. 357-361.
Mureºan, Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M., H. Hedeºiu: Electronic schemes for voltage control of the brushless DC servomotors (in Romanian), Oradea University Annals, 1994, Electrotechnical Section, pp. 413-419.
Biró K.Á., Biró Z.: Defining the resolving part position of the electric machines (in Hungarian), Mûszaki Szemle, nr. 1, 1998, pp. 4-9.
Marþiº Claudia, Gyselinck, J., Rãdulescu, M.M., Biró K.Á.: Static and dynamic performances of a variable-reluctance permanent-magnet small motor, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iaºi (Romania), Vol. XLV (IL), 1999, Fasc. 5B, pp. 196-201;
Marþiº Claudia, Rãdulescu M.M., Biró K.Á.: Switching pattern and dynamic modelling of a variable-reluctance permanent-magnet small motor, Oradea University Annals 1999.
Szabó L., Dobai J.B., Biró K.Á.: Virtual Instruments for Detecting Rotor Faults in Induction Motors, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Slovakia), no. 2, vol. 3, 2004, pp. 119-122. ISSN: 1336-1376.
Szabó L., Biró K.Á., Dobai B.J., Fodor D., Vass
J.: Wound Rotor Induction Machine's
Rotor Faults Detection Method Based on Wavelet Transform, Oradea University
Annals, Electrotechnical Section, 2004, pp. 127-133. ISSN: 1223-2106. (download
Iancu, V., Hedeºiu, H., Popa, D.C., Tãtãranu, B., Gutman, M., Biró K.Á.: The Unbalanced Operating Regime of the Three Phase Induction Motor, Noise and Vibration Source, Oradea University Annals, Electrotechnical Fascicle, 2005, pp.142-145, ISSN: 1223-2106.
In national conference and symposium proceedings:
Moldovan, V., Criºan, A., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Necrelescu, I., Szilágyi Cs: Linear electrical motor drive of a drop hammer, actual and future solutions (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, 1978, Section: Heavy Industry Equipment, vol. M2, pp.38-44
Moldovan, V., Criºan, A., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Szilágyi Cs., Necrelescu, I.: Drop hammer drive linear motor design (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, 1978, Section: Heavy Industry Equipment, vol. M2, pp. 45-47.
Moldovan, V., Criºan, A., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Szilágyi Cs. , Necrelescu, I.: Drop hammer drive linear motor control hardware (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, 1978, Section: Heavy Industry Equipment, vol. M2, pp. 48-52
Moldovan, V., Criºan, A., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Szilágyi Cs, Necrelescu, I.: Test bench results obtained on a sample drop hammer driven by a linear induction motor (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, 1978, Section: Heavy Industry Equipment, vol. M2, pp. 53-58.
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., I. Ignat: Transformer transient computer simulation considering iron core saturation and losses (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, Section Electrical Equipment Design, Control and Implementation, 1978, volume E IV, pp. 24-28.
Moldovan, V., Criºan, A., Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., Szilágyi Cs., Necrelescu, I.: Researches on the choosing mode for the linear induction motor of a drop hammer electrical drive (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, Section Electrical Equipment Design, Control and Implementation, 1978, volume E IV, pp. 29-32.
Szilágyi Cs., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., I. Panoiu: Power electronic switch with thyristors to supply induction motors (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, Section Electrical Equipment Design, Control and Implementation, 1978, volume E IV, pp. 38-42.
Pusztai K., Biró K.Á.: Algorithm and computation program to determine the frequency variation at starting in minimal time of an asynchronous motor, Symposium on actualities in information and management, 1979, volume 2, pp.11-12.
Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á.: A method establish optimum design data for linear induction motor driving a drop hammer, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Electrical Drives. Cluj-Napoca (Romania), May 1980, pp. C107-C110.
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M.: On the microprocessor-based phase locked loop (PLL) speed control of induction motor drives, Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Electrical Drives, Braºov (Romania), May 1982, Part C., pp. C49-C54.
Palaghiþã, N., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V.: SCR switch for a linear induction motor drop hammer drive, Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Electrical Drives, Braºov (Romania), May 1982, Part B, pp. B91-B94.
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., M. Rãdulescu: On a textile industry specific application of a synchronously operating induction wound rotor motors (in Romanian), Proceedings of the First National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Timiºoara (Romania), 1982, part 6 (Electric Drives), pp. 227-235.
Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Rãdulescu, M.M.: On the starting regime of the two-phase linear induction motor (in Romanian), Proceedings of the First National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Timiºoara (Romania), 1982, part 6 (Electric Drives), pp. 115-120.
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Eddy current coupling with improving starting and braking dynamics (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Conference on Electrical Machines, COMEP'82, Piteºti (Romania), 1982, pp. 103-109.
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Computing induction machine iron core saturation and losses via a step by step procedure (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Conference on Electrical Machines, COMEP'83, Piteºti (Romania) , 1983, pp. 180-187.
Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Inverter fed induction machine starting and plugging transients (in English and Romanian), Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Electrical Machines Supplied from a Power Electronic Converter, SIMECS '83, Bucureºti (Romania) 1983, pp. 275-282.
Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Rãdulescu, M.M.: The slot openings influence on the squirrel cage induction machine air gap field harmonics (in Romanian), Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Electrical Machines Designing and Manufacturing, Timiºoara (Romania) 1984, vol.1, pp. 27-34.
Biró K.Á., Kovács Z., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Permanent-magnet D.C. servomotor, design and test results (in Romanian), Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Electrical Machines Designing and Manufacturing, Timiºoara (Romania) 1984, vol.2, 261-265.
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Induction machine torque-speed characteristic computation taking magnetic field harmonics into account (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Conference on Electrical Machines, COMEP'84, Piteºti (Romania), 1984, pp.53-59.
Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Results on SCR switch control of a linear motor drives, Proceedings of the fourth National Conference on Electrical Drives, Craiova (Romania) 1984, pp. A97-A102.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á., G. Arustei: Analyse des Statischen Verhaltens Mancher elektromechanischen Wandler fur Proportional Hidraulik, Proceedings of the Symposium on Sensors and Measurements, Cluj (Romania) 1986, vol. I., pp.138-141.
Iancu, V., Biró K.Á., Palaghiþã, N., Viorel, I.A., Rãdulescu, M.M.: Results on SCR switch control of a linear induction motor-driven drop hammer, Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Electrical Drives, Timiºoara (Romania), May 1988, part 4., pp. 47-52.
Biró K.Á., Marschalko R., Schonstein E., Székely A.: Permanent magnet synchronous motor in field oriented control, Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Electrical Drives, Timiºoara (Romania), May 1988, part 1, pp.3.1-3.6.
Rãdulescu, M.M., Biró K.Á., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V., Hedeºiu, H.C.: High-speed torque control of brushless d.c. motors for traction drives, Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Electrical Drives, Iaºi (Romania), 1992, part 1, pp. A6/1-6
Viorel, I.A., Biró K.Á.: Permanent-magnet synchronous motor simplified field-circuit model, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Control Systems, ELECTROMOTION '95, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 1995, pp.182-187.
Iancu V., Biró K.Á., Hedeºiu H., Biró Z., Salamon F., Gergely S.: On the energetic behaviour of PWM inverter-fed induction machines, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Control Systems, ELECTROMOTION '95, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 1995, pp.112-115
Biró K.Á., Rãdulescu M.M., Iancu V., Hedeºiu H., Biró Z.: A microcomputer-based two-phase PWM inverter-fed induction motor drive, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference OPTIM '96, Braºov (Romania), 1996, pp. 1523-1528.
Claudia Marþis, Rãdulescu M.M., Biró K.: Static performances of a variable reluctance and permanent magnet micromotor (in Romanian), Proceedings of the Workshop on Electrical Machines, 28-29 November 1996, ICPE-ME S.A. Bucureºti (Romania), 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 285-290.
Biró K.Á., Rãdulescu, M.M., Iancu, V., Biró, Z.: Control and simulation of two-phase PWM inverter–fed induction motors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Control Systems, ELECTROMOTION '97, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 1997, pp. 249-252.
Mureºan, P.P., Forrai, Al., Biró K.Á.: Mathematical modelling and control of brushless dc drives- unified approach, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference OPTIM '98, Braºov (Romania), 1998, pp. 557-563.
Biró K.Á., Iancu, V., Viorel, I.A.: Induction machine parameters estimation based on catalogue data (in Romanian), Proceedings of Scientific Seminar "Electrical machines and drives XXI", Timiºoara, Romania, December 2000, pp. 47-50.
Biró K.Á., Bartos,
F.J., Szabó L.: High Efficiency
Electrical Motors (in Hungarian), Proceedings of the Conference on Energetics
and Electrotechnics ENELKO '2001, Cluj (Romania), pp. 20-32. ISSN:
1454-0746. (download )
Fodor, D., Szalay, L., Biró K.Á.: H infinity Output Feedback Controller Design for AC Motor Control, abstract in Proceedings of the 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC '2002), Cavtat & Dubrovnik (Croatia), 2002, pp. 258. Paper on CD-ROM: T9-055.pdf.
Fodor, D., Vajda, Sz., Biró K.Á.: Extended Kalman Filter Based Speed Sensorless AC Motor Control With Parameter Estimation, abstract in Proceedings of the 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC '2002), Cavtat & Dubrovnik (Croatia), 2002, pp. 257. Paper on CD-ROM: T9-054.pdf.
Szabó L., Biró K.Á., Dobai, J.B.: Devices for diagnosing induction machines in order to increase their efficiency (in Hungarian), ENELKO 2002 Conference for Energetics and Electrotechnics, Cluj, pp. 127-134.
Fodor, D., Szalay, L., Vass J., Biró K.Á., Szabó L., Dobai B.J.: Induction Motor Control by H¡ Controller (in Hungarian), Proceedings of the Conference on Energetics and Electrotechnics ENELKO '2003, Cluj (Romania), pp. 64-72. ISBN: 973-86097-5-5.
Puklus, Z., Biró K.Á.: Current generator, type rezonant converter, (in Hungarian) Conferinþa de energeticã ºi electrotehnicã ENELKO 2003, Cluj, pp. 176-180.
Fodor, D., Vass J., Tóth R., Biró K.Á., Szabó L., Dobai B.J.: Speed Sensorless LPV H#8734;Control of the Induction Motor (in Hungarian), Proceedings of the Conference on Energetics and Electrotechnics ENELKO '2004, Cluj (Romania), pp. 73-85. ISBN: 973-86852-9-X.
Dobai B.J., Szabó L., Biró
K.Á., Fodor, D.: FEM
based analysis of squirrel cage induction machines having broken rotor bars
(in Hungarian), Proceedings of the Conference on Electrical Engineering
ENELKO '2005, Cluj (Romania), 2005, pp. 27-32. ISBN: 973-7840-06-2. (download