Articole in reviste ISI
1. Ligia Cremene, D. Dumitrescu, „Analysis of Cognitive Radio Scenes Based on Non-cooperative Game Theoretical Modelling”, IET Communications Journal, pp. 1-8, October 2012 (FI = 0.829) doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0712.
2. Ligia Cremene, D.
Dumitrescu, "Emergence of Techno-Social Norms in Cognitive
Radio Environments", under review , 2012.
Articole la conferințe internaționale (ISI, BDI)
N. Crişan, Ligia C. Cremene, „Simulation
of a handset MIMO Antenna Integration in a LTE Tx-Rx chain”,
IEEE, IET International Symposium on Communication Systems,
Networks and Digital Signal Processing - CSNDSP 2012, pp. 1 – 5,
Poznan, 2012 (IEEE Xplore), DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP.2012.6292695
4. Ligia
Cremene, D. Dumitrescu, R. Nagy, N. Gasko, ”Cognitive Radio
Simultaneous Spectrum Access/ One-shot Game Modelling”, IEEE,
IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks
and Digital Signal Processing - CSNDSP 2012, pp. 1 – 6, Poznan,
2012 (IEEE Xplore), DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP.2012.6292678
5. Addaci, R.; Ferrero, F.; Diallo, A.; Le Thuc,
P.; Staraj, R.; Crisan, N.; Cremene, L.; Luxey, C., ”Design of
multi-antenna diversity system dedicated to sensor interrogation
in multi-path environments”, 15th International Symposium on
Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics – ANTEM 2012,
pp. 1 – 4, 2012, DOI: 10.1109/ANTEM.2012.6262341 (IEEE Xplore)
6. Ligia C.
Cremene, N. Crișan, "Cognitive Antenna System for Sustainable
Adaptive Radio Interfaces", Innovations and Advances in
Computer, Information, Systems Sciences, and Engineering Lecture
Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 152, 2013, pp 53-62, DOI:
10.1007/978-1-4614-3535-8_5, .
Articole in reviste ISI
2. N. Crişan, Ligia C. Cremene, „Design and Simulation
of a Flexible Beamforming Interface for MIMO Receivers using a
Butler Labyrinth”, International Journal of RF and Microwave
Computer-Aided Engineering (RFMiCAE), John Wiley & Sons,
(FI 0.475) Online
1099-047X, Wiley&Sons, USA, vol. 21/3, pp. 300-307, May 2011.
3. N.
Crişan, Ligia C. Cremene, M. Cremene, „Software Components for
Signal Fishing based on GA Element Position Optimizer”,
International Journal of Computers, Communications &
Control (IJCCC), vol. VI, no. 1, pp. 63-71, ISSN 1841-9836,
CCC Publications, Oradea, Romania, 2011. (FI 0.650)
Articole la conferințe internaționale (ISI, BDI)
5. Ligia C. Cremene, D.
Dumitrescu, Réka Nagy, M. Cremene, „Game Theoretic
Modelling for Dynamic Spectrum Access in TV Whitespace”,
Proceedings of 6th International ICST Conference on Cognitive
Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications - CrownCom
2011, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0140-5, pp. 336 - 340 1-3 June,
Osaka, Japan,,
Ligia C. Cremene,
"Cognitive Communications. Managing Complexity in
Communications Systems", Proceedings of the 1st International
Conference on Coping with Complexity - COPCOM 2011, ISBN
978-606-17-0014-1, pp.44-52, 19-20 Oct, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Ligia C. Cremene, N. Crișan, Cognitive Antenna
System for Sustainable Adaptive Radio Interfaces, Proceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on
Telecommunications and Networking – TeNe11, part of
International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information,
and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2011),
University of Bridgeport, USA, December, 3-12. (IEEEXplore)
Capitol in carte de specialitate
8. Ligia Cremene,
"Antene adaptive pentru LTE", in Nicolae
Crișan, Ligia Cremene, „Antene Adaptive. Tehnici de
reconfigurare si fundamente matematice”, ISBN
978-606-17-0051-6, Editura Casa Cartii de Știința,
Cluj-Napoca, Nov 2011.
Brevet acordat OSIM
9. Ligia Cremene,
M. Cremene, "Adaptive method and device for the unified
processing of signals for radio receivers", Patent nr. RO126731-A2, Derwent Primary Accession
No.: 2011-Q12597, publicat la 30.sep. 2011, indexat Web of
Brevet depus la OSIM
Rezultatele cercetarii - PD_637 / 2010
Articole in
Proceedings ISI
Articol in revista ISI
Carte de specialitate
Brevet depus la OSIM
5. N. Crişan, Ligia Cremene, Cerere brevet OSIM nr. A10036
07.12.2010 - „Metoda de compensare a fadingului pentru dispozitive
portabile de mici dimensiuni”.