Model integrativ de adaptare pentru gestionarea complexitatii in sisteme de comunicatii radio Rezumatul Proiectului: Dinamica dezvoltarii sistemelor de comunicatii genereaza o complexitate ce poate ingreuna si vulnerabiliza functionarea ecosistemului informational. Infrastructura eterogena, cerintele utilizatorilor si mediul in continua schimbare in care opereaza sistemele de comunicatii impun existenta unor interfete radio flexibile capabile sa gestioneze aceasta dinamica. Realizarea acestor interfete necesita implementarea de solutii inteligente bazate pe mecanisme cognitive si evolutive. Domeniul inteligentei computationale ofera astfel de solutii ce pot fi adaptate la specificul sistemelor de comunicatii. Masinile instruibile, teoria jocurilor, metaeuristicile inspirate de natura sunt aplicate cu succes in modelarea proceselor industriale si socio-economice pentru analiza si predictia comportamentelor emergente. Modelele dezvoltate in proiect adreseaza probleme de la nivele diferite ale sistemului de comunicatii radio dar cu implicatii reciproce si ale caror abordari nu sunt concurente ci mai degraba complementare. Acestea sunt problema utilizarii eficiente a spectrului si problema gestionarii complexitatii in interfetele radio flexibile. In ambele cazuri abordarea este cea a adaptarii pe termen lung pe baza unor mecanisme de invatare. Scopul principal al proiectului consta in formularea, dezvoltarea si experimentarea unui model integrativ de adaptare pentru interfete radio flexibile care sa contribuie la concretizarea paradigmei emergente a sistemelor de comunicatii adaptive. Principalele obiective sunt: (i) diagnosticarea sistemelor de telecomunicatii din punct de vedere al adaptarii prin explorarea limitelor adaptarii locale si pe termen scurt – cercul vicios al adaptarii, (ii) corelarea mecanismelor de adaptare de la diferite nivele ale sistemului pe baza definirii costurilor globale asociate, (iii) propunerea unei solutii coerente de gestionare a complexitatii generate de dinamica reconfigurarilor permanente, prin abordari sistemice, integrative. Rezultate si publicatii |
Model for Complexity Management in Wireless
Communications Systems
Project summary: The dynamic development of communications systems generates a degree of complexity than may impair the functioning of the informational ecosystem. The heterogeneous infrastructure, user requirements and the constantly changing environment in which communications systems operate require the existence of flexible radio interfaces capable of managing this dynamics. Achieving these interfaces require implementation of intelligent solutions based on cognitive and evolutionary mechanisms. Computational Intelligence offers such solutions that can be tailored to the specific of communication systems. Machine learning technologies, game theory approaches, and nature-inspired metaheuristics are successfully applied in industrial process modeling and socio-economic analysis and prediction of emergent behaviors. The models developed within the project address issues from different levels of a wireless communication system with mutual implications, based on approaches that are not competing but rather complementary. These issues are the efficient use of spectrum and the issue of complexity management in flexible radio interfaces. In both cases the approach is one of long-term adaptation based on learning mechanisms. The main purpose of the project is the formulation, development and testing of an integrative model of adaptation for flexible radio interfaces that will contribute to materializing the emerging paradigm of adaptive communication systems. The main objectives are: (i) diagnosis of telecommunication systems in terms of adaptation by exploring the limits of local and short-term adaptations - the vicious cycle of adaptation, (ii) correlation of adaptive mechanisms at different levels of the system based on defining the associated overall costs, (iii) proposal of a coherent solution for managing complexity generated by reconfiguration dynamics, based on a systemic, integrative approach. Results and Publications |