1st year of study, Automation, Computer Science and Information Technology sections, teaching in Romanian and in English, 1st semester
Code 21020405, 5 credits.
2 hrs courses / week
2 hr laboratory / week
The total Logic Design exam points: 100, representing grade 10 .
70 points – exam (E)
30 points – laboratory test (L)
Grade computing formula: G = (E + L) / 10; G is rounded up to the nearest integer
Pass conditions: existence of L and L ≥ 14 and E ≥ 32
Course goals: Acquisition and practice of Logic Design with digital components.
Keywords: Logic Functions; Boolean Algebra; Karnaugh Maps; Combinational Logic Circuits; Sequential Logic Circuits; FPGA devices
Contemporary Logic Design, Randy H. Katz, Benjamin Cunnings/Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 2005
Digital Design Principles and Practices, John F. Wakerly, Prentice-Hall, 2000
Logic Design, Peter A. Maurer, University of South Florida, USA
Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL, Enoch Hwang
Circuite integrate digitale, Gh. Stefan, V. Bistriceanu, Probleme, proiectare, Ed. Albastră, 2000
Proiectarea sistemelor numerice folosind tehnologia FPGA, S. Nedevschi, Z. Baruch, O. Creţ, Ed. Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, 1999
Sisteme de calcul reconfigurabile, O. Creţ, Ed. U.T. Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2005
Sisteme numerice cu circuite integrate, Culegere de probleme, Sanda Maican, Editura Tehnică, 1980
Systèmes numériques câblés et microprogrammés, André Stauffer, 1989, Presses polytechniques romandes, Lausanne, Suisse
Aims |
- Analyze and synthesize combinational systems.
- Analyze and synthesize synchronous and asynchronous sequential machines.
- Utilize programmable devices such as FPGAs and PLDs to implement digital system designs.
- Apply digital system design principles and descriptive techniques.
- Understand timing issues in digital systems and know how to study these via digital circuit simulation.
Learning Outcomes |
Knowledge / understanding |
- Learn how to work with binary number systems and arithmetic.
- Understand how computer engineering uses or benefits from digital logic.
- Articulate why gates are the fundamental elements of a digital system.
- Analyze circuits containing basic memory elements.
- Analyze the behavior of synchronous and asynchronous machines.
Theoretical Skills |
- Analyze and design combinational logic networks in a hierarchical, modular approach, using standard and custom logic functions.
- Apply the concepts of basic timing issues, including clocking, timing constraints, and propagation delays during the design process.
- Apply the concepts of basic timing issues, including clocking, timing constraints, and propagation delays during the digital design process.
Practical Skills |
- Use number systems, codes and binary arithmetic.
- Derive and manipulate switching functions that form the basis of digital circuits.
- Reduce switching functions to simplify circuits used to realize them.
- Realize switching functions with networks of logic gates.
- Develop a complex digital system design in a hierarchical fashion using top-down and bottom-up design approaches
- Designing combinational and sequential digital systems
- Model and simulate a digital system using schematic diagrams.
- Evaluate, justify and optimize the methods chosen for the implementation from different points of view: cost, time, space etc.
Introduction. Number systems and codes.
Binary arithmetic.
Boolean Algebra. Boolean functions. Logic gates. Digital systems and functions representation
Methods for minimizing Boolean functions and systems of functions
Combinational logic circuits analysis and design (synthesis).
Methods for designing digital systems with SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI circuits. Combinational Hazard.
Sequential logic circuits. Latches and Flip-Flops.
Flip-Flops applications: frequency dividers, counters
Flip-Flops applications: data registers, converters, memories
Methods for designing digital systems using Flip-Flops
Methods for designing digital systems using memories, multiplexers, decoders, counters
Methods for designing sequential synchronous systems
Methods for designing digital systems using programmable devices
Workbook: L. Văcariu, O. Creţ, A. Neţin. “Analiza şi sinteza dispozitivelor numerice, Îndrumător de laborator”. Ediţia a 3-a, U.T. Press Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, ISBN 973-662-180-4, 198 pages. (available only in Romanian).
L1 – Introduction
L2 – Fundamental Logic Circuits
L3 – ActiveCAD Schematic Editor and Simulator (I, II)
L4 – Combinational Logic Circuits CLC
L5 – MSI Combinational Logic Circuits
L6 – Implementing CLCs in ActiveCAD
L7 – Flip-Flops
L8 – Counters (I, II)
L9 – Registers and Shift Registers
L10 – Implementing CLSs in ActiveCAD
L11 – ABEL Software
L12 – FPGA XILINX Circuits Family; Synchronous Sequential Circuits Synthesis with FPGA Programmable Devices
Laboratory Test
1. The presence at the laboratory work is mandatory!!!
2. Recoveries of maximum 2 lab works are admitted on the first week of the winter session (tax will be charged).