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Research Grant (Underway) - Quality of life improvement through the monitoring of transport related environmental factors

(granted by Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)


Environmental monitoring networks and sharing of sensor data on the Internet contribute to the increase of public awareness and involvement in environmental sustainability. The ready-made environmental kits capture traffic-related air pollution and noise levels, and furthermore making real-time information on environmental conditions available to the public. Historical environmetal data will be collected in several hot-spots around the city of Cluj-Napoca, and further explained by traffic counts, and structural characteristics of the built environment. The aim of this project is to firstly inform the public on the levels of air and noise pollution in downtown Cluj-Napoca and other intersections with high levels of traffic, but to also develop eco-routes for non-motorized transport, in order to ensure minimum exposure to pollutants.


Air pollution monitoring requires installation of fixed and expensive monitoring stations. We are planning to deploy a network of ready-made monitoring kits out of the range of the fixed stations, in order to supplement the information of air quality and noise. Although deploying a relatively high number of static sensors throuout the city is is both cost and labor intensive, and this is the reason why we intend to install several mobile sensors on top of public transport vehicles. This will allow to further validate the measurements and calibrate the sensors.

JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship - Analysis on Relationship between Travel Demand and Urbanization in Romania

(granted by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)


The research topic handled the relationship between urbanization and travel demand in Romania, and entailed both macroscopic and microscopic data collection and processing, applied choice analysis and statistical modelling. The methodology and results open new directions in transportation research in Romania, and boost multidisciplinary research, due to complexity of interactions and causality between elements of the urban environment.


As few studies related to transport geography were developed for Romania, the influence of economic development on population well-being and the magnitude of urbanization in a Romanian context was analyzed. Considering the findings, another research projected the car ownership evolution at regional level.

As data scarcity allowed for limited projections, with less considerations of the human factors, an empirical analysis of mode choice behavior of the commuters in the city of Cluj-Napoca was initiated. Travel behavior survey was designed and conducted to determine the current patterns of transport mode choice for commuting, and the switching behavior towards public transport use.

Main publications
  1. Toşa, C., Miwa, T., Morikawa, T. Space-Time Prism Vertices for Morning and Evening Commuters in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Advanced Engineering Forum, 21, pp. 572-580, 2017.
  2. Toşa, C., Mitrea, A. Toys for Carpet Knights: Urban Travel Behaviour and Attitudes in the City of Cluj, Urbanism Architecture Constructions, 9(1), pp. 29-54, 2018.
  3. Toşa, C., Miwa, T., Morikawa, T. Modelling and Forecasting Car Ownership in Romania's Counties Using Bass Diffusion Model, European Transport Conference 2015, Frankfurt, Germany, 2015.
  4. Toşa, C., Morikawa, T., Mitrea, A., Hayashi, Y. Impacts of Car Dependence on Mobility and the Urban Environment in the Westernized Ageing Society of Eastern Europe, International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons TRANSED 2015, pp. 80-87, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015. ISBN 978-989-20-6262-4.

PhD project - Studies Regarding Macroscopic Modelling of Traffic Flows and Environmental Impact Assessment

(granted by European Social Fund)


A methodology that integrates a computer program COPERT III for calculation of traffic emissions estimates, and a transportation modelling software CUBE VOYAGER was used to assess pollutant emissions for the satellite town of Floresti, in Cluj-Napoca suburban area.


A traffic study was designed and conducted, and the traffic model was built, calibrated, and validated. An aggregated emission parametric equation was determined and integrated in the traffic modelling software, and further used for estimating network air pollutant emissions for two development scenarios. To best of our knowledge, the paper represented a pioneering study with the specific traffic demand management topic to be indexed in an SCI database, which relates the magnitude of urban sprawl and its effect on the mobility of individuals in Romania.

Main publications
  1. Toşa, C., Antov, D., Köllo, G., Rõuk, H., Rannala, M. A methodology for modelling traffic related emissions in suburban areas, Transport, 30(1), pp. 80-87, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2015.
  2. Toşa, C., Iliescu, M. Modelling Traffic-Induced Air Pollution in Cluj-Napoca, Ovidius University Annals Constantza. Series Civil Engineering, 1(12), pp. 147-152, Constanta, 2010.
  3. Toşa, C. Estimation of Vehicle Road Emissions Factors Using Copert III Methodology, Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture, 53, pp. 124-130, Cluj-Napoca, 2010.

University Contracts

  1. Transport analysis and traffic study in Moldoveneşti Commune, Cluj County

    Personal contributions:

    - Correlation tests between daily travel patterns and variables of built environment and population data;

    - Roads capacity analysis based on traffic counts;

    - Analysis report.

  2. Opportunity study on the introduction of "green" public transport line in Bistrița city

    Personal contributions:

    - determine population sample size based on city population size;

    - online survey building and data collection;

    - new PT line accessibility analysis using GIS software and instruments.

  3. Traffic Study for 80km of rehabilitated rural road no. 151 in Bistrița-Năsăud County

    Personal contributions:

    - collecting data over 24 hours and 10 consecutive days for peak hour (manual traffic counts);

    - organizing collected data for specific road sectors;

    - statistical tests for peak hour data validation;

    - conclusions regarding traffic composition along different rural road sectors.

  4. Study of Opportunity for the Introduction of Public Transport in Floreşti commune, Cluj County

    Personal contributions:

    - experimental design;

    - online survey building and data collection;

    - processing survey data to determine current travel behavior.

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Subiecte Examen
Sesiunea 2016


Rezultate Examene

Department of Roads, Railroads, and Bridges