List of Publications:
E. St. Chifu,T.Letia, B. Budisan, V. R. Chifu, Web Harvesting and Sentiment Analysis of Consumer Feedback,Acta Technica Napocensis – Electronics and Telecommunications, accepted for publication, 2015.
C. B. Pop, V. R. Chifu, I. Salomie, C. Prigoana, T. Boros and D. Moldovan Generating Healthy Menus for Older Adults using a Hybrid Honey Bees Mating Optimization Approach, SYNASC 2015 - Workshop of Natural Computing and Applications, Timisoara, Romania, accepted for publication, 2015.
C. B. Pop, V. R. Chifu, I. Salomie, A. Cozac, M. Antal and C. Pop, Optimizing the Data Center Energy Consumption using a Particle Swarm Optimization-based Approach, The 12th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, accepted for publication, 2015.
V. R. Chifu, C. B. Pop, I. Salomie, Bio-inspired Methods for Business Process Mining and Optimization, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN-10: 3659684589, 2015.
V. R. Chifu, I. Salomie, E. Şt. Chifu, B. Izabella, C. B. Pop, M. Antal, Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Clustering Food Offers, ICCP, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 17 - 22, 2014.
V. R. Chifu, I.Salomie, E. Şt. Chifu, C. B. Pop, P. Poruţiu, M. Antal, Jigsaw inspired meta-heuristic for selecting the optimal solution in Web service composition , The 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, Timisoara, Romania, accepted for publication, 2015.
V. R. Chifu, I.Salomie, E. Şt. Chifu, C. B. Pop, D.Valea, M. Lupu, M. Antal, Hybrid Invasive Weed Optimization Method for Generating Healthy Meals , The 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, Timisoara, Romania, accepted for publication, 2015.
C. B. Pop, V. R. Chifu , I. Salomie, R. Plaian, A. Stetco, Lifestyle Recommendation System for Treating Malnutrition , Intelligent Distributed Computing VIII, vol. 570 of the series Studies in Computational Intelligence, pp 41-46.
I. Salomie, V. R. Chifu, C. B. Pop, Hybridization of Cuckoo Search and Firefly Algorithms for Selecting the Optimal Solution in Semantic Web Service Composition, Book chapter in Cuckoo Search and Firefly Algorithm: Theory and Applications, vol. 516, pp. 217-243, 2014.
C. B. Pop, V. R. Chifu , I. Salomie, A. Cozac and I. Mesaros, Particle Swarm Optimization-based Method for Generating Healthy Lifestyle Recommendations, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 15-21, 2013.
V. R. Chifu, C. B. Pop, I. Salomie, D. S. Suia, A. Niculici, A. Negrean and H. Jeflea, Optimising the semantic web service composition process using bio-inspired methods, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, vol.5 no.4, pp. 226 - 238.
C.B.Pop, V. R. Chifu, I.Salomie, T. Kovacs, A. Niculici, S. Suia, Business Process Optimization using Bio-Inspired Methods - Ants or Bees Intelligence?, The 8 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 65 - 71, 2012.
C.B.Pop, V. R. Chifu, I.Salomie, A. Negrean, H. Jeflea, Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Selecting the Optimal or Near-optimal Solution in Semantic Web Service Composition , The 8 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 57 - 64, 2012.
I.Salomie, V. R. Chifu, C.B.Pop, R. Suciu, Firefly-based Business Process Optimization , The 8 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp.49 - 56, 2012.
C.B.Pop, V. R. Chifu, I.Salomie, A. Negrean, H. Jeflea, Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Selecting the Optimal or Near-optimal Solution in Semantic Web Service Composition , The 8 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 57 - 64, 2012.
V. R. Chifu, C.B.Pop, I.Salomie,I. Balla, R.Paven, Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Method for Process Mining , The 8 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp.273 - 279, 2012.
I.Salomie, M. Vlad, V. R. Chifu, C.B. Pop , Hybrid Immune-inspired Method for Selecting the Optimal or a Near-Optimal Service Composition , The Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Sczecin, Poland, pp.997-1003, 2011.
V.R. Chifu, I. Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, T. David, V. Acretoaie, A. Nagy, C. Opris, Biologically-inspired Clustering of Semantic Web Services. Birds or Ants Intelligence ?, Concurrency and Computation:
Practice & Experience Journal, Special Issue on "Intelligent Distributed Computing", vol. 26, no.4, pp. 619–633, 2011.
V.R. Chifu, C.B. Pop, I. Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, A. Niculici and S. Suia, Bio-inspired Methods for Selecting the Optimal Web Service Composition - Bees or Cuckoos Intelligence ?, The International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, vol. 6, no. 4, 2011.
V.R. Chifu, I. Salomie, M.l Dinsoreanu, T. David, V. Acretoaie, Ant-inspired Framework for Automatic Web Service Composition Bio-inspired Methods for Selecting the Optimal Web Service Composition - Bees or Cuckoos Intelligence ?, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience - Scientific International Journal for Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 6, no. 4, 2011.
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C. Oprisa, I. Salomie, C.B. Pop, V.R. Chifu, M. Dinsoreanu, Particle Swarm Optimization for Clustering Semantic Web Services , The 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 170 - 177, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2011.
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C.B. Pop, M. Vlad, V.R. Chifu, I.Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, A Tabu Search Optimization Approach for Semantic Web Service Composition , The 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 274 - 277, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2011.
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V.R. Chifu, C.B. Pop, I.Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, S. Suia, A. Niculici Optimizing the Semantic Web Service Composition Process using Cuckoo Search , The 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 93-102, Delft, Olanda, 2011.
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C.B. Pop, V.R. Chifu, I. Salomie, R. B. Baico, M. Dinsoreanu, G. Copil, Firefly-inspired Approach for Optimal Semantic Web Service Composition, Workshop on Software Services, 2011.
V.R. Chifu, C.B. Pop, I.Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, S. Suia, A. Niculici Optimizing the Semantic Web Service Composition Process using Cuckoo Search , The 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 93-102, Delft, Olanda, 2011.
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I. Salomie, V.R. Chifu , I. Harsa, M. Gherga, Web service composition using fluent calculus, The International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, vol. 5, no. 3, pp.238-250, 2010.
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V.R. Chifu , I. Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, T. David, and V. Acretoaie, Ant-inspired Technique for Automatic Web Service Composition and Selection, The 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, pp. 449-455, Timisoara, Romania, 2010.
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V.R. Chifu , I. Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, T. David, and V. Acretoaie, Semantic Web Service Clustering for Efficient Discovery Using an Ant-based Method, The 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing, pp. 449-455, vol. 315, pp. 23-33, Tanger, Morocco, 2010.
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C.B.Pop, V.R. Chifu, I. Salomie, and M. Dinsoreanu, Immune-inspired Method for Selecting the Optimal Solution in Web Service Composition, The 35th International Conference on Very Large Databases, Z. Lacroix: RED 2009, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS 6162, pp. 1-17, Lyon, France, 2010.
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V.R. Chifu C.B. Pop, I. Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, A. Kover and R.Vachter, Web Service Composition Technique Based on a Service Graph and Particle Swarm Optimization, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 265-272, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2010.
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V.R. Chifu C.B. Pop, I. Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, T. David and V. Acretoaie, An Ant-inspired Approach for Semantic Web Service Clustering, The 9th Romanian Educational Network International Conference, pp. 145-150, Sibiu, Romania, 2010.
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C.B. Pop, V.R. Chifu I. Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, M. Fodor and I. Condor, A Bee-inspired Approach for Selecting the Optimal Service Composition Solution, The International Conference on Development and Application
Systems, pp. 420-426, Suceava, Romania, 2010.
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C.B. Pop, I. Salomie, V.R.Chifu, et.al. A Semantic Web Service Discovery Framework, The 9th Romanian Educational Network International Conference, pp. 113-118, Galati, Romania, 2009.
V.R. Chifu, I. Salomie, Fluent Calculus Approach to Automatic Web Service Composition, The Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering Journal, vol. 3, pp. 75 - 83, 2009.
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V.R. Chifu, I. Salomie, M. Dinsoreanu, I. Vartic, and M. Vlad, Immune-inspired Web Service Composition Framework, The 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, pp. 376-383, Timisoara, Romania, 2009.
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V.R. Chifu, I. Salomie, A. Kover, and R. Vachter, Matching Semantic Web Services Using Learning Accuracy, The 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, pp. 317-324, Timisoara, Romania, 2009.
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C.B. Pop, V. R. Chifu, I. Salomie, and M. Dinsoreanu, Immune-inspired Method for Selecting the Optimal Solution in Web Service Composition, The RED Second International Workshop on Resource Discovery, pp 1-17, Lyon, France, 2009.
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C.B. Pop V. R. Chifu,I. Salomie, and M. Dinsoreanu, Optimal Web Service Composition Method based on an Enhanced Planning Graph and Using an Immune-inspired Algorithm, The 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 291-298,Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
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V. R. Chifu,I. Salomie, R. Agota, and V. Radoi, Web Service Composition Approach Based On a Graph of Service Cells, The 2th Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques Conference (KEPT2009), in Studia Informatica
Journal - Special Issue on Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, pp. 308-31.1, (Cluj-Napoca) Romania, 2009.
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E. St. Chifu, V. R. Chifu, A Neural Model for Unsupervised Named Entity Classification, The IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web
Technologies and Internet Commerce, pp. 1073-1078, (Vienne) Austria, 2008.
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V. R. Chifu, I. Salomie, E. St. Chifu, Automatic Web Service Composition Using OWL-S and Fluent Calculus, TThe
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce, pp. 271-276, (Vienne) Austria, 2008.
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I. Salomie, V. R. Chifu, S. Nedevschi, E. St. Chifu, Ontology Learning for Traceability in the Food Industry, The Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics (ACAM)
Journal, pp.94-101, 2008.
I. Salomie, V. R. Chifu, S. Nedevschi, E. St. Chifu, Ontology Enrichment for Food Traceability Domain Using Romanian Lexico-Sytactic Patterns, Workshop on Traceability and Systems for Traceability, pp.28-33,(Cluj-Napoca) Romania, 2008.
I. Salomie, V. R. Chifu, I. Harsa, M. Ghergha, Towards Automated Web service Composition with Fluent Calculus and Domain Ontologies, The 10th International Conference on Information
Integration and Web-based Applications & Services , pp. 201-207,(Linz) Austria, 2008.
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V. R. Chifu, I. Salomie, S. Manole, Fluent calculus Based Web service composition, The Second International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, pp. 230-231, (Karlsruhe) Germany,
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V. R. Chifu, I. Salomie, Fluent calculus-Based Web service composition ? From OWL-S to Fluent Calculus, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer
Communication and Processing, pp.161-168, (Cluj-Napoca) Romania, 2008.
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I. Salomie, V. R. Chifu, I. Giurgiu, M. Cuibus, SAWS: A Tool for Semantic Annotation of Web Services, AQTR 2008- IEEE International Conference on Automation,
Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2008 - THETA 16th edition, pp. 387-391, Cluj-Napoca), Romania, 2008.
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V. R. Chifu,I. Salomie,E. St. Chifu, Taxonomy Learning for the Romanian Language using SOTA and Wordnet, The 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies , vol. 2, pp. 169-174, (Funchal, Madeira) Portugal, 2008.
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V. R. Chifu,I. Salomie,E. St. Chifu, Harmony - A Framework for Automatic Web Service Composition, The 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies , vol. 2, pp. 247-252, (Funchal, Madeira) Portugal, 2008.
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E. St. Chifu, V. R. Chifu,I. Salomie, Evaluating the Hyponym Attachments in an Unsupervised Taxonomy Enrichment Framework, The 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies , vol. 1, pp. 240-243, (Funchal, Madeira) Portugal, 2008.
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V. R. Chifu,I. Salomie, E. St. Chifu, Ontology Model for Traceability in Food Industry, The International Conference on e-Business, pp. 63-68, (Barcelona) Spain, 2007.
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V. R. Chifu,I. Salomie, E. St. Chifu, Taxonomy Learning for Semantic Annotation of Web Services, The 11th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, pp. 299-305, (Agios Nikolaos) Greece, 2007.
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V. R. Chifu,I. Salomie, E. St. Chifu, Ontology Enhanced Description of Traceability Service, The IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2007), pp. 1-8,
(Cluj-Napoca) Romania, 2007.
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E. St. Chifu, V. R. Chifu, Evaluation of an Unsupervised Ontology Enrichment Framework, The IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2007), pp. 225-228,
(Cluj-Napoca) Romania, 2007.
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V. R. Chifu, I. Salomie An Architecture for QoS Driven Automatic Web Service Composition, The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing,(Cluj-Napoca) Romania, 2006.
E. St. Chifu,I.A. Letia,V. R. Chifu, I.Salomie A System to Retrieve Web Documents from a Large Collection, The International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR-THETA 13), pp. 419-424,(Cluj-Napoca) Romania, 2002.
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