Brief description
Denisa Stet holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and is Associate Professor at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (, Electrical Engineering Faculty.
Since 2016 – onwards she is Career Advisor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Representative of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering within the Career Counselling and Guidance Office of UTCN and Member of the Electrical Engineering Faculty Council.
She has more than ten years' experience of research at postdoctoral level under the umbrella of Numerical Method Research Laboratory (LCMN) ( which starting from 2021 became the Energy Transition Research Center EnTReC) ( and in which is part of the main core of the center.
As a member of LCMN and EnTReC research team, she has conducted very important scientific and research work, which is summarized in 6 books, over 80 reviewed publications in the area of electromagnetic compatibility, the impact of electromagnetic fields on environment and infrastructures and energy efficiency.
She has relevant knowledge and practical experience and expertise in analysis and implementation of industrial energy efficiency projects. She participated as coordinator or senior researcher in more than 20 national respectively 6 European projects accumulating a considerable experience in international cooperation. In these projects, she was involved as a leader of several WPs, where he had the supervision of large team of developers and technical teams.
She is a Fellow of the IEEE and member of Asociatia de Compatibilitate Electromagnetica din Romania (ACER). She is reviewer for international journals and conferences such as: IEEE Transactions on Education2020, Elsevier2018, REVUE ROUMAINE DES SCIENCES TECHNIQUES2019, ATEE2017, ATEE2019, EEEIC2020, EHB2021, EMES2017, ICEMES2019, IET2016, IET2017, ISFEE2016, JMS2018, MPS2019, MPS2020, UPEC2014, UPEC2019, UPEC2021.
Research identifiers
Orcid: 0000-0001-8305-970X
WoS ResearcherID: ABC-1395-2021
Google Scholar ID:
ResearchGate ID:
UEFISCDI ID: U-1700-035S-9973
ERC sectors
PE7_12 - Electrical energy production, distribution, application
Sustainable developement Goals (SDG)
SDG 7- Affordable and clean energy
SDG 4- Quality Education
SDG 11- Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 13- Climate action
electromagnetic field analysis, electromagnetic interferences, energy analytics numerical tools, energy efficiency, energy culture