Research activity
Main Areas of Interest
• Mathematical modelling of complex processes;
• Automation of the global investment management industry;
• Medical applications.
Director of completed research projects
International projects
1. Computer aided diagnosis system for skin diseases;
2. Computer aided diagnosis system for celiac disease;
3. Modelling and prediction in colorectal cancer treatment;
4. Bioinspired Intelligent Contol of Critical Systems;
5. Distributed Control Strategies with Application to Robust Fractional Order Controllers for Distillation;
6. Fractional order PID controller design for isotope separation columns.
National projects
1. Nanovaccinal Approaches for Colon Cancer;
2. Solid-State Bioprocess Development and Optimization for the Sustainable Production of Powerful Antioxidants from Grape Pomace using Filamentous Fungi;
3. Development of an intelligent combined imagistic - cytologic - molecular system to guide the diagnosis, risk stratification and the management of thyroid cancer;
4. Functional collaboration model between public research organizations and the economic environment for the provision of high-level scientific and technological services in the field of bioeconomy;
5. Robust, fault tolerant, fractional order control strategies with application to isotope separation cascades;
6. Efficient use of crude biodiesel glycerol in lactic acid production;
7. Robust adjustment to non-linear systems. Application on a distillation column;
8. Extending Hinf theory to nonlinear systems with distributed parameters;
9. Robust control summary;
10. Complex structural modeling of isotope separation columns for advanced control strategies;
11. Detection and identification of hazardous substances using ion mobility spectrometry coupled with mass spectrometry.
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