Context for 2021-2023
Within the EUt+ project, task 3.4. was intended for the creation of a Laboratory of Pedagogical Research and Student-Centered Learning. The project was carried out between January 2021 and September 2023, in collaboration with all EUt+ partners: TUCN(coordinator), TUDublin, TUS, H_da, UPCT, CUT, UTT, RT.
May 2021 - September 2023
Workshops and round tables
- Workshop online: Open debate on innovation in pedagogy, June 2021
Main organizers: Lia Pop TUCN și Chloe Duvivier UTT ;
- Round table, December 2021: „Education – Open/Closed in the Digital Reality 20/21.
Main organizers: Ivaylo Peev TUS and Lia Pop TUCN. ELaRA Presentation: Lia Pop TUCN ;
- Internal workshop "Universal Design in Learning", January 2022 – work carried out in partnership with WP2 EUt+.
Organizers: Aurelia Ciupe TUCN and Lia Pop TUCN. Workshop held by Lia Pop TUCN;
- Internal workshops (March-May, 2022) in order to recruit new members and promote the activities of the Pedagogical Research and Student-Centered Learning (ELaRA) Laboratory.
Workshops held by Lia Pop TUCN;
- Workshop intern TUS: “3 in 1” in TU – Sofia: Promoting the EUt+ and ELaRA’s Activities among the Academic Community (13.04.22).
Organizers: Ivazlo Peev TUS şi Lia Pop TUCN. Presentation of ELaRA: Lia Pop, TUCN ;
- Workshop Baia Mare, TUCN: Student-centered pedagogies between active and proactive learning environments. Application of circular pedagogy in different contexts. May, 2023.
Moderators: Lia Pop TUCN, Lucia Morales TUDublin, Ivaylo Peev TUS, Inna Mikhailova H-da, Fotini Efthimiou CUT.
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Summer Schools / Autumn Symposium
Main organizer: TUCN team in collaboration with all partners.
- Summer School 2021 – Post-pandemic pedagogy, held online, approx. 40 participants (Eut+).
- Summer School 2022, September 27-29, Troyes, Franţa – Education and technology - Traditions and Challenges, Emergent Approaches, Futures Directions organizată în Troyes (UTT) – 56 participants, 51 working documents and ppt presentations (Eut+) available on Whaller, section 3.4, organized by the TUCN team and moderated by Iulia Stefan, PhD, TUCN.
- Summer School 2023, June 1-5, Sozopol, Bulgaria – Circular Pedagogy to Transform Education - in, between, and beyond disciplines in the light of student-centred learning - Sozopol (TUS)- 79 participants (Eut+, Columbia, Mexico, Brasil, Oman (Asia); 53 working documents and ppt presentations available. Event organized by the TUCN and TUS team and co-moderated by Dr. Iulia Stefan, TUCN and T. Todorov, TUS.
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- Disruptive thinking research event, Barcelona, Spain, 5-6 Octombrie, 2022, where the TUCN representatives had the following contribution by allocated sections:
Session 6: Education, Pedagogy
Chair: Dr Lucía Morales (Technological University Dublin)
- Advanced Learning Technologies to Accelerate Universities Institutional Cultural Transformation with:
Dr. Nadia Barkoczi (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca); Dr Lia Pop (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca);
Dr Claudia Marian (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca); Dr. María Victoria Soulé (Cyprus University of Technology);
Dr. Elis Constantinou (Cyprus University of Technology); Dr. Fotini Efthimiou (Cyprus Technical University);
Dr Todor Todorov (Technical University of Sofia); Prof. Yvaylo Peev (Technical University of Sofia); Patrick Flynn (Technological University Dublin);
Dr Jon-Hans Coetzer (UNITAR); Dr Lucía Morales (Technological University Dublin).
- Re-imagining Higher Education Institutions as Inclusive Entrepreneurial Entities>
A case for European University of Technology (EUT) with Dr Deirdre McQuillan (Technological University Dublin) with:
Antonio Juan Briones Peñalver (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena);
Iulia Clitan (Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca; Sylvia Gavigan (Technological University Dublin)
Session 7: Pedagogy & Sustainability
Chair: Dr Lia Pop (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca):
- Mind the Gap! Between Tradition and Innovation in the Context of Circular Pedagogy: Bulgaria and Romania Case Study with
Dr Todor Todorov (Technical University of Sofia); Prof. Yvaylo Peev (Technical University of Sofia);
Dr Bistra Vassileva (Technological University of Sofia);
Lorena Peculea (Technological University of Cluj Napoca); Dr Lia Pop (Technological University of Cluj Napoca);
Dr Nadia Barcokzi (Technological University of Cluj Napoca)..
- Transformative Education through Circular Pedagogy in the Digital Age with
Dr. María Victoria Soulé (Cyprus University of Technology);
Dr. Elis Constantinou (Cyprus University of Technology),
Dr. Fotini Efthimiou (Cyprus University of Technology);
Prof. Velta Lubkina (Riga Technological University);
Dr. Lia Pop (Technological University of Cluj Napoca);
Dr. Sonia Munteanu (Technological University of Cluj Napoca).
- A Circular Pedagogy for Higher Education. Dr Lucía Morales (Technological University Dublin) with
Dr.Jon-Hans Coetzer (UNITAR); Dr.Nadia Barkoczi (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca),
Dr Lia Pop (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca),
Dr Claudia Marian (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca);
Patrick Flynn (Technological University Dublin);
Prof. Ivaylo Peev (Technical University of Sofia);
Dr. Todor Todorov (Technical University of Sofia);
Cormac McMahon (Technological University Dublin).
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First ELaRA Conference: "Technologies and Techniques to support Sustainable Education in the Academic sphere" Sophia, December 2022, where TUCN members had the following contributions:
- 14 Decembrie,15:00 – Pedagogy Meets Science for Sustainable Education at Technological Universities. Sonia Munteanu, PhD, Cristina Campian, PhD, Lia Pop, PhD, Nadia Barkoczi, PhD – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca; Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Peev, PhD, Todor Todorov – TU-Sofia; Lucía Morales, PhD, Patrick Flynn – TU Dublin; Jon-Hans Coetzer, PhD – UNITAR; Daniel Rajmil, PhD – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
- 15.30 – Transdisciplinarity – a problem of multiplying languages, Claudia Marian, PhD, Nadia Barkoczi, PhD, Lia Pop, PhD, Iulia Stefan, PhD, Sonia Munteanu, PhD, Cristina Campian, PhD – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca; Lucía Morales, PhD, Patrick Flynn – Technological University Dublin; Ivaylo Peev, PhD; Todor Todorov – TU-Sofia; María Victoria Soulé, PhD; Elis Kakoulli Constantinou, PhD – Cyprus University of Technology Presented by Nadia Barkoczi, TU of Cluj-Napoca
- 15:45 – In, Between and Beyond Disciplines, Through Technology, in the Context of Real-Life Challenges, Iulia Stefan, PhD, Lia Pop, PhD, Eng. Mihaela Covrig, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Presented by Iulia Stefan, TU of Cluj-Napoca
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Working papers (4 articole):
- Morales , L., Jon-Hans Coetzer, Barkoczi, N., Pop, L., Marian, C., & Flynn, P. (2022). A Circular Pedagogy for Higher Education.
- Pop, L., Barkoczi, N., Morales, L., Jon-Hans Coetzer, Marian, C., & Flynn, P. (2022). Circular Pedagogy for Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Education. and
- Morales, L., Peev, I., Pop, L., Todorov, T. (2023). Circular Pedagogy and Inclusive Education 2.0: A New Frontier in Learning.
- Lucía Morales, Pop Lia, I. Ştefan, Ivaylo Peev (2023), Circular Pedagogy and Digitisation A New Educational Paradig,
Published papers:
- Coetzer, J.-H., Morales, L., Flynn, P., Pop, L., Barkoczi, N., Munteanu, S., et al. (2023). Enhancing Human Security by Transforming Education Through Science, Technology, and Innovations. Cadmus Jurnal, Volume 5 - Issue 1. Available at:
- Pop, L., & Morales, L. (2023). Education to Navigate Global Power Dynamics and Conflict through the Lens of Caring. Peace Review, . Disponibil la:
- Stefan, I., Barkoczi, N., Todorov , T., Peev, I., Pop, L., Marian, C., Campian, C., Munteanu, S., Flynn, P., Morales, L. (2023). Technology and Education as Drivers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Through the Lens of the New Science of Learning. In Learning and Collaboration Technologies: 10th International Conference, LCT 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 133–148. Available at:
- Pop, L., Morales, L., Stefan, I., Peev, I., (2023) Inclusive Education 2.0: Digitalization and Circular Pedagogy for European Sustainable Development In Technologies and Techniques to Support Sustainable Education in the Academic Sphere p.379.
- Soler-Domínguez, A., Matallín-Sáez, J. C., Morales, L., & Pop, L. (2023). Rethinking The Potential Of University Entrepreneurship Education. EDULEARN23 Proceedings, pp. 3771-3775. Available at:
- Barkoczi, N., Stefan, I., Peev, I., Todorov, T., Pop, L., Marian, C., Campian, C., Munteanu, S., Flynn, P., Coetzer, J-H., Morales, L., (2023). Circular Pedagogy to Advance the Integration of Learning Technologies to Support Technological Universities Cultural Transformation. Under Review in the Irish Journal of Academic Practice. Special issue: «Education for Sustainable Development: Pedagogical Innovations Empowering Transformation towards a Resilient and Regenerative Future.DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30673.71522, Preprint
Articles in the process of publication
- Pop, L., Morales, L., Peev, I. (2023) Circular Pedagogy and Digitization: A New Educational Paradigm.
- Peev, I., Stefan, I., Efthimiou, F. Pop, L., Morales, L., (2023). Shaping the Future of Education: Circular Pedagogy and Innovation in Action.
- Pop, L., Mikhailova, I., Stefan, I., Peev, I., Morales, L., (2023) Pioneering Change: Circular Pedagogy and Digitalized Project-Based Learning in Mathematics.
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Books and chapters
Peev, I., Todorov, T., Morales, L., Pop, L., (editors) 2023. Technologies and Techniques to Support Sustainable Education in the Academic Sphere, Sofia: EUt+ Academic Press
- Contributors TUCN: Lia Pop, Claudia Marian, Iulia Stefan, Sonia Munteanu, Cristina Campean, Lorena Peculea, Nadia Barkoczi
Book Chapters – 5 Chapters in
- Decolonizing Marketing Theory and Practice – going beyond the inclusive and sustainability debates (Routledge – Taylor and Francis Group), Editor: Dr Hasan Gilani, Brighton University, UK.
- Capitol 1: A New Educational Paradigm to Decolonise Marketing Practice. Authors: Hasan Gilani (The University of Brighton), Lucía Morales (Technological University Dublin), Nadia Barkoczi (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Lia Pop (Technical University of Cluj- Napoca).
- Capitol 4: Technology and Innovation to Decolonise Marketing Research Methods Authors: Authors: Daniel Rajmil (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Lucía Morales (Technological University Dublin), Iulia Stefan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca) Lia Pop (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca).
- Capitol 6: Inclusivity and Diversity: Marketing Exercise or a Real Commitment? Authors: Lia Pop (Technical University Cluj-Napoca), María Victoria Soulé (Cyprus Technological University), Ivaylo Peev (Technical University Sofia), Lucía Morales (Technological University Dublin), Hasan Gilani (University of Brighton).
- Capitol 8: Circular Pedagogy – towards a sustainable yet inclusive education model. Authors: Lucía Morales (Technological University Dublin), Yann Verchier (University of Technology of Troyes), Lia Pop (Technical University Cluj-Napoca), Ivaylo Peev (Technical University Sofia), Jon-Hans Coetzer (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), Hasan Gilani (University of Brighton)
- Capitol 13: Transdisciplinary Education for Smart Sustainable Development (Murat Gülmez, Lia Pop, Fatjhi Yosef, Cormac MacMahon, Daniel Kamphambale, Ozéias Rodrigues da Rocha, Lucía Morales)
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Projects - 5 projects
- Peer teaching observation project: Organized by TUDublin, facilitated by H-da, CUT and TUCN. TUCN Facilitator Lia Pop, participant Luminiţa Todea
- Transformative Digital Pedagogies for Higher Education . TUCN Representative in the project writing team Lia Pop – the project obtained funds through the ERASMUS program.
- Supporting innovation and entrepreneurial skills of students. TUCN representatives in the project writing team Alina Nechita and Lia Pop – project in progress)
- Co-teaching project 1 Parteneri TUDublin, Stanford University, TUCN. Representatives of TUCN Moldovan Silivan, Ioana Moldovan, Lia Pop, Nadia Barkoczi.
- European Research Institute Application TESST Technological Education for Smart Development, Sustainability and Transdisciplinarity: Coordonată de Lia Pop. Participanţi from TUCN : Iulia Stefan, Claudia Marian, Alina Nechita, Lorena Peculea, Sonia Munteanu, Maria Pop, Nadia Barkoczi, Natsakis Anastasios.
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