About the project
- Title: Intelligent System for Detecting the Degree of Food Freshness/Alteration based on an Electronic Nose Device
- Program: GNaC 2023 ARUT
- Contract number: 4/01.07.2024
- Budget: 50 000 lei
- Duration: July 2024 - August 2025
- Abstract: The FoodNose project proposes the development of an intelligent system for detecting the degree of
food freshness/alteration based on an e-nose device. The intelligent system will be able to classify foods in several stages, to detect
de degree of freshness/alteration of foods, and to notify the users about the detected status of food via a mobile application. Thus,
it will contribute to the reduction of food waste, a problem that many countries face, including Romania.
- O1. Development of an experimental model of a hardware e-nose device capable of detecting the degree of freshness/alteration of certain foods
- O2. Use of experimental model of the e-nose device to create a reference database comprising a large volume of measurements (odor fingerprints) for as many foods as possible, from different main categories, in all four stages of freshness/alteration
- O3. Processing the data collected in the reference database and those gathered in real-time to classify foods and detect their degree of freshness/alteration, as well as visualizing the obtained results
- O4. Dissemination of the project results through the publication of scientific papers in prestigious journals and presentations at international scientific events
- Sanislav Teodora - principal investigator, experienced researcher, (lecturer, PhD)
- Dobra Vladut Alexandru - member, research assistant (PhD student)
- Mois Dan George - member, experienced researcher, (associate professor, PhD)
- Silviu Folea - member, experienced researcher (professor, PhD)
Conference papers
- T. Sanislav, D. A. Sipos, G. Mois, S. Folea, Intelligent System for Coffee Odor Identification and Classification. In Proceedings of the 2024 32th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia, 26 - 27 November 2024