Computer Programming and Programming Languages, 1st semester 2024-2025, Bachelor level
About this course
This course provides methods for the design and implementation of computer programs in C programming language using the structured/modular approach. Also, the course aims to provide a good programming style, and to determine the causes of programming errors and to correct them.
A brief presentation about Computer Programming and Programming Languages subject is available here.
- 40% laboratory test (LT), LT>=5
- 60% written exam (WE), WE>=5 => Final = 0.40*LT + 0.60*WE
The course sessions take place every Monday, in amphitheatre D21, 26-28 George Baritiu Street.
Lecture slides:The slides are made available here in time for each lecture and are mandatory reading. The slides are required material for the exam.
- Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer Programming. C Programming Language. History. Tokens (keywords, identifiers, constants, operators, special symbols) (October 7th, 2024)
- Lecture 2: Data representation. C Programming Language. Data types. Variables and expressions. Statements (October 14th, 2024)
- Lecture 3: Programming style. C Programming Language. Arrays. Preprocessor directives (October 21th, 2024)
- Lecture 4: C Programming Language. Pointers (October 28th, 2024)
- Lecture 5: C Programming Language. Functions (November 4th, 2024)
- Lecture 6: C Programming Language. Functions (November 11th, 2024)
- Lecture 7: C Programming Language. Memory management. Modular programming. Debugging (November 18th, 2024)
- Lecture 8: C Programming Language. Strings. Command-line arguments (December 2nd, 2024)
- Lecture 9: C Programming Language. Structures. Unions. Enumerations (December 9th, 2024)
- Lecture 10: C Programming Language. Files (December 16th, 2024)
- CPPL Exam Study Guide (January 13th, 2025)
About laboratories
The laboratory sessions take place every Tuesday and Wednesday, in room BT6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Laboratory materials:- Code::Blocks IDE
- Computer Programming and Programming Languages. Laboratory papers, Teodora Sanislav, RISOPRINT, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-973-53-3271-6, 2024 (available here)
Supporting materials and software
- Code::Blocks
- C How to Program, Ninth Edition, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Published by Pearson Education, 2022, ISBN: 0-13-540467-3
- C How to Program, Sixth Edition, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Published by Pearson Education, 2010, ISBN: 0-13-612356-2
- C Programming. A Modern Approach, Second Edition, K.N. King, Published by W.W. Norton, 2008, ISBN: 0-393-97950-4
- C Primer Plus, Fifth Edition, Stephen Prata, Published by Sams, 2004, ISBN: 0-672-32696-5
- Expert C Programming Deep Secrets, Peter van der Linden, Published by Prentice Hall, 1994, ISBN: 0-13-177429-8
- The C Programming Language, Second Edition, Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie, Published by Prentice Hall, 1988, ISBN: 0-13-110370-9
Group | 30311 | 30312 | 30313 |
Laboratory Attendance |
Databases, 1st semester 2024-2025, Master level
About this course
This course provides methods for the design, implementation and exploitation of relational databases using Oracle software.
The main directions of this course focus on model-based design techniques of relational databases, SQL queries, PL/SQL code sequences.
The development of software applications, that use relational databases, represents another topic addressed by this course.
Also, a special attention is given to NoSQL databases, as they represent a new approach in the context of big data.
A brief presentation about Databases subject is available here.
Grading: 100% exam (the development and presentation of a project according to the specifications mentioned in subsection About project).
The course sessions take place in room BT6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Lecture slides:- Lecture 1: Introduction to Databases (October 8th, 2024)
- Lecture 2: Relational Databases Design (October 8th, 2024)
- Lecture 3: Relational Databases Implementation (October 22th, 2024)
- Lecture 4: Relational Databases Exploitation (November 5th, 2024)
- Lecture 5: Development of a MVC Software Application with Relational Databases (November 19th, 2024)
- Lecture 6: Introduction to NoSQL Databases (December 3th, 2024)
- Lecture 7: Development of a Software Application with NoSQL Databases (December 17th, 2024)
About laboratories
The laboratory sessions take place in room BT6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Laboratory materials:- Baze de date relationale si nerelationale, Teodora Sanislav, Liviu Miclea, Honoriu Valean, U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-606-737-113-0, 2015 (available here)
About project
The project sessions take place in room BT6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Supporting materials and software
- Baze de date relationale si nerelationale, Teodora Sanislav, Liviu Miclea, Honoriu Valean, U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-606-737-113-0, 2015 (available here)
- DBDesigner 4
- DB Designer online
- Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2
- Oracle SQL Developer
- Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) / Oracle Developer Tools (ODT) for Visual Studio
- MongoDB Community Server
- MongoDB Compass
Group | Laboratory Attendance and Schedule | Project Attendance and Schedule |
31421 | ||
31422 |