Industrial Informatics, 2nd semester 2024-2025, Bachelor level
About laboratories
The laboratory sessions take place on Wednesday, in room BT 6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.About project
The project sessions take place on Wednesday, in room BT 6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.Group | Laboratory Attendance and Schedule | Project Attendance and Schedule |
30133 | ![]() | |
30332 | ![]() | |
30333 | ![]() |
Big Data for Cyber-Physical Systems, 2nd semester 2024-2025, Master level
About this course
This course provides fundamental knowledge about the concept of Big Data and the understanding of how it can be leveraged in Cyber-Physical Systems.
The main directions of this course focus on understanding of the characteristics and aspects associated with Big Data, familiarity with tools and platforms supporting Big Data, understanding of Big Data storage models and assimilation of techniques for Big Data analysis.
A brief presentation about Big Data for Cyber-Physical Systems subject is available here.
Grading: 100% exam (the development and presentation of a project).
The course sessions take place in room BT 7.01, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Lecture slides:- Lecture 1: Introduction to Big Data. Definitions, characteristics. Traditional approach vs Big Data
- Lecture 2: Big Data platforms. Apache Hadoop Ecosystem
- Lecture 3: Apache Hadoop tools for Big Data processing and analysis. MapReduce. Apache Pig
- Lecture 4: Apache Hadoop tools for Big Data processing and analysis. Apache HIVE. Apache Sqoop
- Lecture 5. Apache Hadoop tools for Big Data processing and analysis. Apache HBase
- Lecture 6. Big Data platforms. Apache Spark Ecosystem. Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)
- Lecture 7. Apache Spark libraries. SparkSQL and DataFrames
- Lecture 8. Apache Spark libraries. Machine Learning library (MLLib and Spark ML)
- Lecture 9. Apache Spark libraries. Spark Streaming
- Students presentations of their assignments, and discussions
About laboratories
The laboratory sessions take place in room Bt 6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Group | Laboratory Attendance and Schedule |
31511 | ![]() |
Computer Programming and Programming Languages, 1st semester 2024-2025, Bachelor level
About this course
This course provides methods for the design and implementation of computer programs in C programming language using the structured/modular approach. Also, the course aims to provide a good programming style, and to determine the causes of programming errors and to correct them.
A brief presentation about Computer Programming and Programming Languages subject is available here.
- 40% laboratory test (LT), LT>=5
- 60% written exam (WE), WE>=5 => Final = 0.40*LT + 0.60*WE
The course sessions take place every Monday, in amphitheatre D21, 26-28 George Baritiu Street.
Lecture slides:The slides are made available here in time for each lecture and are mandatory reading. The slides are required material for the exam.
- Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer Programming. C Programming Language. History. Tokens (keywords, identifiers, constants, operators, special symbols) (October 7th, 2024)
- Lecture 2: Data representation. C Programming Language. Data types. Variables and expressions. Statements (October 14th, 2024)
- Lecture 3: Programming style. C Programming Language. Arrays. Preprocessor directives (October 21th, 2024)
- Lecture 4: C Programming Language. Pointers (October 28th, 2024)
- Lecture 5: C Programming Language. Functions (November 4th, 2024)
- Lecture 6: C Programming Language. Functions (November 11th, 2024)
- Lecture 7: C Programming Language. Memory management. Modular programming. Debugging (November 18th, 2024)
- Lecture 8: C Programming Language. Strings. Command-line arguments (December 2nd, 2024)
- Lecture 9: C Programming Language. Structures. Unions. Enumerations (December 9th, 2024)
- Lecture 10: C Programming Language. Files (December 16th, 2024)
- CPPL Exam Study Guide (January 13th, 2025)
About laboratories
The laboratory sessions take place every Tuesday and Wednesday, in room BT6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Laboratory materials:- Code::Blocks IDE
- Computer Programming and Programming Languages. Laboratory papers, Teodora Sanislav, RISOPRINT, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-973-53-3271-6, 2024 (available here)
Supporting materials and software
- Code::Blocks
- C How to Program, Ninth Edition, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Published by Pearson Education, 2022, ISBN: 0-13-540467-3
- C How to Program, Sixth Edition, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Published by Pearson Education, 2010, ISBN: 0-13-612356-2
- C Programming. A Modern Approach, Second Edition, K.N. King, Published by W.W. Norton, 2008, ISBN: 0-393-97950-4
- C Primer Plus, Fifth Edition, Stephen Prata, Published by Sams, 2004, ISBN: 0-672-32696-5
- Expert C Programming Deep Secrets, Peter van der Linden, Published by Prentice Hall, 1994, ISBN: 0-13-177429-8
- The C Programming Language, Second Edition, Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie, Published by Prentice Hall, 1988, ISBN: 0-13-110370-9
Group | 30311 | 30312 | 30313 |
Laboratory Attendance | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Databases, 1st semester 2024-2025, Master level
About this course
This course provides methods for the design, implementation and exploitation of relational databases using Oracle software.
The main directions of this course focus on model-based design techniques of relational databases, SQL queries, PL/SQL code sequences.
The development of software applications, that use relational databases, represents another topic addressed by this course.
Also, a special attention is given to NoSQL databases, as they represent a new approach in the context of big data.
A brief presentation about Databases subject is available here.
Grading: 100% exam (the development and presentation of a project according to the specifications mentioned in subsection About project).
The course sessions take place in room BT6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Lecture slides:- Lecture 1: Introduction to Databases (October 8th, 2024)
- Lecture 2: Relational Databases Design (October 8th, 2024)
- Lecture 3: Relational Databases Implementation (October 22th, 2024)
- Lecture 4: Relational Databases Exploitation (November 5th, 2024)
- Lecture 5: Development of a MVC Software Application with Relational Databases (November 19th, 2024)
- Lecture 6: Introduction to NoSQL Databases (December 3th, 2024)
- Lecture 7: Development of a Software Application with NoSQL Databases (December 17th, 2024)
About laboratories
The laboratory sessions take place in room BT6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Laboratory materials:- Baze de date relationale si nerelationale, Teodora Sanislav, Liviu Miclea, Honoriu Valean, U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-606-737-113-0, 2015 (available here)
About project
The project sessions take place in room BT6.03, 8 George Baritiu Street.
Supporting materials and software
- Baze de date relationale si nerelationale, Teodora Sanislav, Liviu Miclea, Honoriu Valean, U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-606-737-113-0, 2015 (available here)
- DBDesigner 4
- DB Designer online
- Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2
- Oracle SQL Developer
- Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) / Oracle Developer Tools (ODT) for Visual Studio
- MongoDB Community Server
- MongoDB Compass
Group | Laboratory Attendance and Schedule | Project Attendance and Schedule |
31421 | ![]() | ![]() |
31422 | ![]() | ![]() |