Tapalaga I., Iancau H., Banabic D., Contributions on the influence of low
temperatures upon formability and workability of metals, The IInd National Symp.
in Creativity, Busteni, 1985, p.80-86 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Research upon austenitic stainless steel sheet formability, SCR.,
Aiud, 1985, p.21-26 (in Romanian).
Tapalaga I., Achimas Gh., Banabic D., Hancu L., Rosca C., Research upon strain
state of hydroformed material, Conf. PUPR, Timisoara, 1986, p.156-162 (in Romanian).
Tapalaga I., Achimas Gh., Banabic D., Chertes M., Sheet metal formability
through FLDs, Conf.PUPR, Timisoara, 1986, p.163-168 (in Romanian).
Tapalaga I., Achimas Gh., Iancau H., Banabic D., Hancu L., Rosca C., Research
upon the strain state during hydroforming of gofred tubes, Proc. of the Conf. New
Technologies and Equipments in Machine Building, Brasov, 1986, p.25-28 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Achimas Gh., Iancau H., Molnar G., Development of
experimental research upon FLDs (part I: Definition and influences), Proc. of the
Ist Nat. Conf. Technology and Machine for Cold Forming , Sibiu, 1987, p.117-122
(in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Achimas Gh., Iancau H., Molnar G., Development of
experimental research upon FLDs (part II: Methods, means and criteria in order to
define FLDs. Applications), Proc. of the Ist Nat. Conf. Technology and Machine for
Cold Forming , Sibiu, 1987,p.123-129 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Achimas Gh., Iancau H., Development of researches
upon the flange wrinkling and blank holder pressure in deep-drawing, Proc. of the
Ist Nat. Conf.Technology and Machine for Cold Forming, Sibiu, 1987, p.130-136 (in
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Achimas Gh., Determination of metal formability
through FLDs, SCS, Aiud, 1988, p.34-38 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Achimas Gh., Determination of formability indices
for feritic stainless steel sheets, SCS, Aiud, 1988, p.39-43 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Comsa S., Contributions in determination
of stress state in the flange during deep-drawing, Proc. of the IInd Nat. Conf.
on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Cluj-Napoca, 1988, p.527-533 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Comsa S., Contributions upon theoretical
determination of blank holder pression in deep drawing, Proc of the VIth Conf. Machine
and Technology for Mechanical Processes, Timisoara,1989, p.213-218 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Comsa S., Theoretical prediction of stress
state in deep drawing by avoiding the flange thickening, Proc. of the IInd Nat.
Conf. Technology and Machine for Cold Forming, Vol.1, Cluj-Napoca, 1989, p.99-108
(in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Comsa C., Optimization of blank holder force
variation at deep drawing using the energetical criterion, Proc. of the IInd Nat.
Conf. Technology and Machine for Cold Forming, Vol.1, Cluj-Napoca, 1989, p.109-121
(in Romanian).
Dragan I., Banabic D., Achimas Gh., Determination of FLDs for vibratory loading,
Proc. of the IInd Nat. Conf. Technology and Machine for Cold Forming, Vol.1, Cluj-Napoca,
1989, p.141-146 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Tapalaga I., Moga I., Optimum punch speed in deep-drawing at
cryogenic temperatures, Proc. of the IIIrd Nat. Conf. Technology and Machine for
Cold Forming, Timisoara, 1991, p.21-29 (in Romanian).
Banabic D., Dragan I., Achimas Gh., Methods of determining the FLDs in vibrating
conditions, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Metal Forming, Gyor, 1991,
p. L225-L230.
Banabic D.,Tapalaga I.,Moga I.,Influence of punch speed on deep-drawing at
cryogenic temperature, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Metal-Forming,
Gyor, 19-21 June 1991, p.L60-L68.
Banabic D., S. Valasutean, T. Balan, The effect of low frequency vibrations
on FLDs using the M-K theory, Proc. of the XIIth Int. Conf. on Machine Tools, Budapest,
1992, p.133-137.
Banabic D., Moga I., The optimum punch speed on deep-drawing at cryogenic
temperature, The 4th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial
Forming Process- NUMIFORM'92 , Sophia Antipolis, France, Sept.1992, p.403-408.
Banabic D., Achimas Gh., Dorr I.R., The influence of pulsatory straining
on FLD, Proc. 4th International Conf. on Technology of Plasticity, Beijing, Sept.1993,
Banabic D., Dorr I.R., FLD in pulsatory loading, In: Proc. of the IVth National
Conf. Technology and Machine for Cold Forming (vol.II), Bucuresti, 1993, p.195-200
(in Romanian).
Banabic D., Dorr I.R., Theoretical and experimental researches in formability
on deep-drawing steel sheet, In: Proc.of the 18th Biennial Congress, Lisbon, May
1994, p.473-478.
Banabic D., Mathematical modelling of the forming limit diagrams using the
new Hill's yield criterion, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. Design to Manufacture in
Modern Industry "DMI'95", Bled, May 1995, p.109-114.
Banabic D., Analysis of punch-stretching in vibratory regime, Proc. of the
Int. Conf. “METAL FORMING ‘96", Krakow, 1996, p. 201-204.
Banabic D., A new model of the forming limit diagrams using the new Hill-1993
yield criterion, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Modelling and Simulation in Metallurgical
Engineering and Material Science “MSMM’96", Beijing, 1996.
Banabic D., Achimas Gh., Comsa D. S. , Deep drawing by avoiding the
flange thickening, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Modelling and Simulation in Metallurgical
Engineering and Material Science “MSMM’96", Beijing, 1996.
Banabic D., Forming limit diagrams predicted by using the new Hill's yield
criterion, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Numerical Simulation of 3-D sheet forming
processes “NUMISHEET’96", Dearborn- Michigan, 1996, p.240-245.
Banabic D., Modelling of the punch stretching process in a vibrating regime,
Proc. of the 5th on Technology of Plasticity “ICTP’96", Columbus-
Ohio, 1996, p.839-842.
Banabic D., Mathematical model of the Forming Limit Diagram using the new
Hill’s yield criterion, In: Advanced Sheet Metal Forming, Proc. of the 19th
Biennial IDDRG Congress, Eger, 1996, p. 407-414.
Banabic D., Brief review of the Romanian researches concerning the sheet-metal
forming, IDDRG Meeting Group II-Materials, Eger, 1996, p. WGII 4.1-4.10.
Banabic D. Stretchability of aluminium sheets in pulsatory straining, In:
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Industrial Tools (ICIT’97), Maribor, 1997, p. 83-87.
Banabic D. Limit strains in the sheet metals by using the new Hill’s
yield criterion (1993), In: Proc. of the „Advances in Materials and Processing
Technologies (AMPT’97)“, Guimaraes, Portugal, 1997, p. 344-349.
Banabic D., Dannenmann E. The influence of the yield locus shape on the limits
strains, 6th Int. Conf. ”Achievements in the Mechanical and Materials Engineering“,
Gliwice and Miskolc, 1997, p. 235-240.
Banabic D., Müller W., Pöhlandt K. Experimental determination of
yield loci for sheet metals, First Conf. ESAFORM ’98, Sophia Antipolis, France,
p. 179-182.
Banabic D., Müller W., Pöhlandt K. Determination of yield loci
from cross tensile tests assuming various kinds of yield criteria, In: Proc. of
the IDDRG Biennial Congress, Bruxelles, 1998, p. 343-349.
Pohlandt K., Banabic D., Anmerkung zu den drei Fliesskriterien nach Hill,
In: 44th Metalkunde-Kolloquium “Werkstoffe. Einsatz und Entwicklungstendenzen”,
Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria, 1998, p.1-17.
Banabic D., Comsa D. S. , Balan T., Raulea L.V., Steps towards intelligent
process design in metal forming, 9th DAAAM Int. Symposium, Cluj-Napoca, 1998, p.025-027.
Banabic D., Balan T., Pohlandt K., Some comments on the Hosford-type yield
criteria, Proc. of 3rd Workshop “Simulation in der Umformtechnik”, Stuttgart,
1999, p.1-23.
Banabic D., Some comments on the new Hill’s anisotropic yield criteria,
Int. Conference in Industrial Tools, Maribor, 1999, p.79-85 (invited paper).
Banabic D., Müller W., Pöhlandt K., Anisotropic Yield Surfaces
and Forming Limits of Sheet Metals, The Fourth Int. Conference and Workshop on Numerical
Simulation of 3D Sheet Forming Processes "NUMISHEET'99", Besancon, 1999,
Banabic D., Balan T., Comsa D. S. , Closed–form solution for
bulging through elliptical dies, Int. Conf. on Sheet Metal "SHEMET'99",
Erlangen, 1999, 623-628.
Banabic D., Balan T., Pöhlandt K., Analitical and experimental investigation
on anisotropic yield criteria, 6th Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity "ICTP'99",
Nuremberg, 1999, p.1411-1416.
Banabic D., Balan T., Comsa D. S. , Müller W., Pöhlandt
K., A new criterion for anisotropic sheet metals, 8th Int. Conf. Achievements in
the Mechanical and Materials Engineering“, Gliwice, 1999, p.33-36 (invited
Balan T., Banabic D., Comsa D. S. , Numerical die design technique
for the extrusion process, 8th Int. Conf. Achievements in the Mechanical and Materials
Engineering“, Gliwice, 1999, p.29-33.
Banabic D., a.o., Experimental validation of a new anisotropic yield criterion,
The 3rd ESAFORM Conf., Stuttgart, 2000, p. VI.39-VI.43.
Zucko M, Pöhlandt K., Lange K., Banabic D., Effects of anisotropy parameters
of axisymmetric bars and tubes on metal forming processes, The 3rd ESAFORM Conf.,
Stuttgart, 2000, p. IX.14-IX.17.
Banabic D., Kuwabara T, Balan T., Experimental validation of some anisotropic
yield criteria, The 7th Conference „TPR2000“, Cluj Napoca, 2000, 109-116.
Banabic D., Boudeau D., Gelin J.C., Prediction of sheet necking from two
theoretical approach, The 7th Conference „TPR2000“, Cluj Napoca, 2000,
p. 101-108.
Banabic D., Balan T., Comsa D. S. , A new yield criterion for orthotropic
sheet metals under plane –stress conditions, The 7th Conference „TPR2000“,
Cluj Napoca, 2000, p.217-224.
Banabic D., a.o., Proposal for a new anisotropic yield criterion, The IDDRG
Congress, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2000, p.229-233.
Banabic D., Balan T., Comsa D. , Yield criterion for orthotropic sheet
metals, The 8th Int. Conf. Metal Forming 2000, Krakow, 2000, p.713-716.
Banabic D., a.o., Comments on a new anisotropic yield criterion, The 2000
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2000), Orlando-Florida,
Banabic D., Comsa D. S. ., Keller S., Wagner S., Siegert K., An yield
criterion for orthotropic sheet metals, TMS Symposium: Innovations in processing
and manufacturing of sheet materials (Ed. M. Demeri), New Orleans, Louisiana, 2001,
p. 145-159.
Banabic D., Comsa D. S. , Boucher D., Wagner S., Siegert K., Anisotropic
behaviour of AA3003-0 aluminium alloy, Conf. ESAFORM 2001, Liege, 2001, p.297-301.
Banabic D., Balan T., Comsa D., Validation of an yield criterion for
sheet metals, Int. Conference in Industrial Tools (ICIT 2001), Maribor, 2001, (invited
D. Banabic, Theoretical models of the Forming Limit Diagrams, Proc. 5th Workshop
“Simulation in der Umformtechnik. Instabilität in der Blechumformung”,
Stuttgart, 2002, p. 3.1-3.15.
K. Pöhlandt, D. Banabic, K. Lange,. Description of the yield loci using
the equi-biaxial anisotropy coefficient, Proc. 5th Workshop “Simulation in
der Umformtechnik. Instabilität in der Blechumformung“, Stuttgart, 2002,
p. 2.23-2.26.
D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, J.C. Gelin, S. Wagner, K. Siegert, Finite
element simulation of the hydroforming process using a new yield criterion, ESAFORM
Conference, Krakow, 2002, p.691-695.
K. Pöhlandt, D. Banabic, K. Lange, Equi-biaxial anisotropy coefficient
used to describe the plastic behavior of sheet metal, ESAFORM Conference, Krakow,
2002, 723-727.
M.C. Butuc, A. Barata da Rocha, J.J Gracio, J. Duarte, P. Jurco, D. S. Comsa
, D. Banabic, Influence of constitutive equations and strain-path change
on the forming limit diagram for AA5182-T4 aluminum alloy, ESAFORM Conference, Krakow,
2002, 715-719.
Vulcan M., Banabic D., Siegert K., Superplastische Umformung von Aluminium,
Int. Conf. „New Developments in Sheet Metal Forming Technology“, Stuttgart,
D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, J.C. Gelin, S. Wagner, K. Siegert, Simulation
of the hydroforming process using an orthotropic yield criterion, NUMISHEET'02,
Jeju Island, Korea, 2002, p. 55-60.
F. Barlat, D. Banabic, O. Cazacu, Anisotropy in sheet metals, NUMISHEET'02,
Jeju Island, Korea, 2002, p.515-524 (Keynote paper).
D. Banabic, D. S. Comsa, T. Kuwabara, E. Iizuka, T. Hira, S. Wagner,
K. Siegert, Description of the plastic behaviour of sheet metals using a new orthotropic
yield criterion, ICTP'02, Yokohama, 2002, p.1531-1536.
T. Kuwabara, D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, E. Iizuka, Anisotropic behaviour
modelling for steel sheets using different yield criteria, AEPA '02, Sydney, 2002,
L. Paraianu, D. S. Comsa, P. Jurco, G. Cosovici and D. Banabic, Finite
Element Calculation of Forming Limit Curves, AMME 2002 Conf., Gliwice, 2002, p.425-428.
K. Pöhlandt, D. Banabic, K. Lange, Determining Yield Loci of Sheet Metal
by Uniaxial and Plane-Strain Experiments, ICIT 2003 Conference, Bled, 2003, p. 165-175.
L. Paraianu, D. S. Comsa, G. Cosovici, P. Jurco, and D. Banabic,
An improvement of the BBC2000 yield criterion, ESAFORM 2003 Conference, Salerno,
2003, p. 215-219.
G. Cosovici, D. S. Comsa, L. Paraianu, P. Jurco, and D. Banabic,
Implementation of a rigid–plastic membrane model in the ABAQUS/Standard finite-element
code, ESAFORM 2003 Conference, Salerno, 2003, p. 235-239.
K. Siegert, S. Jäger, M. Vulcan, D. Banabic, An analytical approach
of bulging of magnesium sheet metal (Keynote paper), ESAFORM 2003 Conference, Salerno,
2003, p. 163-167.
K. Siegert, M. Vulcan, D. Banabic, The influence of the pulsating strain
rates on the deformation behaviour of superplastic formed Al-alloy AA5083, ICSAM
Conference, Oxford, 28-30 July 2003.
D. Banabic, G. Cosovici, D. S. Comsa, S. Wagner, K. Siegert, Validation
of the anisotropic yield criteria through bulge test, Int. Conf. on Hydroforming,
Stuttgart, Oct. 2003, p. 481-499.
D. Banabic, D. S. Comsa, L. Paraianu, G. Cosovici, P. Jurco,
Prediction of the yield loci for anisotropic materials using uniaxial and plane-strain
tensile tests, Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Science and Education-MSE2003, Sibiu,
2003, p.11-15.
D. Banabic, Modern yield criteria for anisotropic materials, Proc. of the
7th Workshop “Simulation in der Umformtechnik”, March 25th, 2004, ISD,
Stuttgart, p. 3.1-3.10.
D. Banabic, D. S. Comsa, P.Jurco, S. Wagner, S. He, P. Van
Houtte, Prediction of forming limit curves from two anisotropic constitutive models
(Keynote paper), ESAFORM 2004 Conference, Trondheim, 2004, p. 455-459.
Banabic D., Comsa D. S., Cosovici G., Wagner S., New Developments
in Plastic Anisotropic Behaviour of Aluminium Sheet Metals, Int. Conf. „New
Developments in Sheet Metal Forming Technology“, Stuttgart, 2004, p. 429-442.
G. Cosovici, D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, S. Wagner, K. Siegert, Simulation
of the hydroforming processes using a new orthotropic yield criterion, in: “Forming
the future”, Proc. of the IDDRG 2004 Conf., May 2004, Sindelfingen, p. 334-344.
D. Banabic, D. S. Comsa, P. Jurco, S. Wagner, M. Vos, An Improvement
of the Anisotropy and Formability Predictions of Aluminum Alloy Sheets, Proc. of
the NUMIFORM 2004 Conf., Columbus, Ohio, 2004, Springer, p.760-765 (ISBN 0-7354-01888-8).
D. Banabic, Recent Achievements in Plastic Anisotropy, Proc. of the World
Congress on Computational Mechanics-WCCM , Beijing, Sept. 2004, p. 217-223, (ISBN
Jurco P., Banabic D., A user-friendly programme for analyzing the
anisotropy and formability of sheet metals, Proc. of the IDDRG 2005 Conference,
Besancon, 2005, p. 12.1-12.8.
Banabic, D. O. Cazacu, L. Paraianu, P. Jurco, Recent Developments in
the Formability of Aluminum Alloys, Proc. of the NUMISHEET 2005 Conference,
Detroit, 2005, .p.466-472.
Banabic D., Vulcan M., Bulge testing under constant and variable strain rates
of superplastic aluminium alloys, CIRP 2005 Conference, Antalya, Turkey, p. 205-209.
A. Barata da Rocha, M. C. Butuc, J. J. Gracio, D. Banabic, Forming limit
strains calculation for an aluminium alloy by applying advanced phenomenological
yield criteria, Proc. of the “Plasticity 2005” International Symposium,
Hawaii, Jan. 2005.
G. Cosovici, D. Banabic, A Deep Drawing Test Used to Evaluate the Performances
of Different Yield Criteria, Proc. of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming,
Editor: D. Banabic, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2005,
L. Paraianu, D. Banabic, Calculation of Forming Limit Diagrams Using a Finite
Element Model, Proc. of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Editor:
D. Banabic, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2005, p.419-423.
P. Jurco, D. Banabic, A User-Frienldy Programme for Calculating Forming
Limit Diagrams, Proc. of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Editor:
D. Banabic, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2005, p.423-427.
D. Banabic, H. Aretz, L. Paraianu, P. Jurco, M. Vos, Theoretical Models
for the Determination of Forming Limit Diagrams, Proc. of the 8th ESAFORM Conference
on Material Forming, Editor: D. Banabic, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy,
Bucharest, 2005, p.427-431.
D. Banabic, S. Li, A. Van Bael, P. Van Houtte, Description of the Anisotropic
Yield Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy Sheets using Phenomenological and Texture Based
Yield Criteria (keynote paper), Proc. of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on Material
Forming, Editor: D. Banabic, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest,
2005, p. 431-435.
D. Banabic, O. Cazacu, L. Paraianu, P. Jurco, M. Vos, A better prediction
of the forming limits, MTeM Conference, Cluj Napoca, 2005, p.59-63.
D. Banabic, Numerical prediction of FLC using the M-K-Model combined with
advanced material models, FLC 2006 Conference, Zurich, 2006, p.37-42.
D. Banabic, J. Huetink, Determination of the yield locus by means of temperature
measurement, 9th ESAFORM Conference, Glasgow, 2006, p.359-363.
L. Paraianu, D. S. Comsa, J.J. Gracio, D. Banabic, Influence of yield
locus and strain-rate sensitivity on the Forming Limit Diagrams, 9th ESAFORM Conference,
Glasgow, 2006, 343-347.
D. Banabic, Verbesserung die Genauigkeit der Grenzformaenderungsimulation
durch die neues Materialmodelle, Internationale Conference „New Developments
in Sheet Metal Forming“, Stuttgart, 2006, p.389-402.
D. Banabic, L. Paraianu, P. Jurco, M. Vos, Improving of the
forming limits prediction by using new constitutive laws, IDDRG Conference, Porto,
2006, p.51-58.
G. Cosovici, D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Evaluation of the performances
of the different yield criteria by using the deep drawing test, SISOM Conf., Bucuresti,
2006, p.458-464.
L. Paraianu, D. Banabic, Predictive accuracy of different yield criteria,
SISOM Conf., Bucuresti, 2006, p.465-574.
D. Banabic, M. Vos, L. Paraianu, P. Jurco, Theoretical Prediction
of the Forming Limit Band, 10th ESAFORM Conference, Zaragoza, 2007, p.368-373.
K. Poehlandt, K. Lange, D. Banabic, J. Schouml;ck, Consistent Parameters
for Plastic Anisotropy of Sheet Metal (Part 1-Uniaxial and Biaxial Tests), 10th
ESAFORM Conference, Zaragoza, 2007, p.374-379.
K. Pöhlandt, K. Lange, D. Banabic, J. Schöck, Consistent Parameters
for Plastic Anisotropy of Sheet Metal (Part 2- Plane-strain and Compression Tests),
10th ESAFORM Conference, Zaragoza, 2007, p.380-385.
M. Vos, D. Banabic, The forming limit band - a new tool for increasing
the robustness in the simulation of sheet metal forming processes, IDDRG 2007 International
Conference, Győr, 2007, p. 165-177.
D. Banabic, M. Vos, L. Paraianu, P. Jurco, Increasing the Robustness
of the Sheet Metal Forming Simulation by the Prediction of the Forming Limit Band,
The 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods of Industrial Forming Processes,
NUMIFORM 2007, Porto, 2007, p.171-178.
D. Banabic, D. S. Comsa, L. Paraianu, A method for the evaluation
of the accuracy of anisotropic yield criteria, Proc. of the “Sheet Metal Forming-SMF
2007” Conference, Bombay, Dec. 2007, 14.1-14.12.
D. Banabic, Material models for sheet metal forming simulation, Proc. of
the Symposium “Automotive Sheet Metal Forming”, Jamshedpur, India, Dec.
S. Soare, D. Banabic, About the mechanical data required to describe
the anisotropy of thin sheets to correctly predict the earing of deep-drawn cups,
ESAFORM 2008 Conference, Lyon, April 2008.
D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Plane-stress yield criterion for highly-anisotropic
sheet metals, Numisheet 2008, September 1-5, 2008 - Interlaken, Switzerland.
S. Soare, D. Banabic, On the effect of the normal pressure on the
forming limit curves, Numisheet 2008, September 1-5, 2008 - Interlaken, Switzerland.
D. Banabic, D.S. Comsa, M. Sester, M. Selig, W. Kubli, K. Mattiasson,
M. Sigvant, Influence of constitutive equations on the accuracy of prediction in
sheet metal forming simulation, Numisheet 2008, September 1-5, 2008, Interlaken,
W. Hußnätter, D. Banabic, M. Merklein, M. Geiger, Characterization
of yielding of magnesium alloy AZ31 with BBC2005, ICTP Conference, Gyongyu, Korea,
Sept. 2008.
S. Soare, D. Banabic, Application of a polynomial yield function to the predictions of limit strains, Material Forming 2008, Krakow, Sept. 2008.
L. Paraianu, D. Banabic, A new method for the evaluation of the yield criteria accuracy, 16th Conference Computer methods in materials technology, KOMPLASTECH2009, Krynica-Zdroj, Jan. 2009.
I. Bichis, G. Dragos, L. Paraianu, S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Theoretical and
Experimental Determination of The FLCs for DC01 Steel Sheets, In the Proc. of the
4th International Conference on manufacturing science and education, MSE 2009, Sibiu,
2009, p.7-10.
G. Dragoş, D. Banabic, Variability of the mechanical parameters describing the plastic behaviour of the DC01 steel sheets, Proc. MTeM 2009, Cluj Napoca, p. 73-76.
G. Dragoş, D. Banabic, Formability of the DC01 steel sheets, Proc. MTeM 2009, Cluj Napoca, p.77-42.
D. Banabic, The doctoral studies in Romania: a critical a on Sheet Metal SHEMET 2011, Leuven, 14-18 April 2011.
L. Lăzărescu, D.S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Determination of stress-strain curves of sheet metals by hydraulic bulge test, ESAFORM 2011, 27-29 April 2011
L. Paraianu, I. Bichis, D. Banabic, Variability analysis of the mechanical parameters in order to determine the Forming Limit Band, ESAFORM 2011, 27-29 April 2011
117. |
D. Banabic, Sester, M., The Influence of the Constitutive Equations on the Accuracy of Sheet Metal Forming Processes Simulation, DieMold 2011 Conference, Ankara, June 2011, p.281-284.
118. |
Capustiac, B. Hesse, D. Banabic, D. Schramm, Importance of Introducing Motion Cues in a Driving Simulator, International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, 22-24 June, 2011, Crete, 278-283.
119. |
M. Vrh, M. Halilovič, B. Starman, B. Štok, D.S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Earing prediction in cup drawing using the BBC2008 yield criterion, Numisheet 2011, Seoul, August 2011, 142-149
120. |
L. Părăianu, S. Comsa, I. Bichiş, D. Banabic, Influence of the Mechanical Parameters upon the Forming Limit Curve, ICTP Conference, Aachen, Sept.2011
121. |
L. Lăzărescu, D.S. Comşa, I. Nicodim, I. Ciobanu, D. Banabic, Determination of equivalent stress- equivalent strain curve by hydeaulic bulge test through elliptical dies, Conference “ Research challenges for sustainable development”, Timișoara, March 19-23, 2012
122. |
L. Părăianu, D.S. Comşa, D. Banabic, Forming Limit Curves predicted by a new formulation of Hora’s criterion (MMFC), Conference “ Research challenges for sustainable development”, Timișoara, March 19-23, 2012
123. |
Paraianu L., Comsa D.S., Nicodim I., Ciobanu I., D. Banabic, Effect of the constitutive law on the accuracy of prediction of the forming limit curves, ESAFORM 2012 Conference, Erlangen, 2012.
124. |
L. Lăzărescu, I. Nicodim, D. S. Comşa, D. Banabic, A Procedure for the Evaluation of Flow Stress of Sheet Metal by Hydraulic Bulge Test Using Elliptical Dies, , ESAFORM 2012 Conference, Erlangen, 2012.
125. |
Paraianu L., Comsa D.S., D. Banabic, Forming limit band prediction based on modified maximum force criterion model, 5th Forming Technology Forum, Zurich, 2012.
126. |
Lazarescu L., Comsa D.S., Nicodim I., Ciobanu I., D. Banabic, Determination of material parameters of sheet metals using the hydraulic bulge test, PROTECHMA 2012 conference, Kosice, (2012)
127. |
Biro V., D. Banabic, Prototyping a web based system for metal forming process chain assistance, PROTECHMA 2012 conference, Kosice, (2012)
128. |
Paraianu L., Comsa D.S., D. Banabic, Sensitivity analysis of the mechanical parameters of the sheet metals influencing the Forming Limit Curves, EngOpt 2012 – 3rd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 01 - 05 July 2012.
129. |
Lazarescu L., Comsa D.S., Nicodim I., Ciobanu I., D. Banabic, Hydraulic bulge test – an instrument for characterization of plastic behaviour of the sheet metals, The 3rd International Conference on New Forming Technology, Harbin, China, Aug. 2012
130. |
L. Părăianu, S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Influence of the Constitutive Equations on the FLC Prediction, AMSE 2012 Conf., Bangkok, 2012
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V. Biró, D. Banabic, Call for standardization in material behavior assessment systems output formats, AMSE 2012 Conf., Bangkok, 2012
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J. Gawad, D.S. Comsa, A. van Bael, D. Banabic, P. Eyckens, G. Samaye, D. Roose, P van Houtte, Calibration of Anisotropic Yield Criteria with Crystal Plasticity Data, 6th International Conference “Multiscale Materials Modeling”, Singapore, Oct. 2012
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L. Lăzărescu1, I. Ciobanu, I. Nicodim, D.S. Comşa, D. Banabic, Effect of the mechanical parameters used as input data in the yield criteria on the accuracy of the finite element simulation of sheet metal forming processes, ESAFORM 2013 Conf., Aveiro, April 2013
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L. Paraianu, D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Calibration of BBC2005 yield criteria using plane strain yielding results from a bulge test, IDDRG Conf., 2-5 June, 2013, Zurich
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L. Paraianu, D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, The influence of the mechanical parameters on the Forming Limit Curves, International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds DIEMOLD-2013, Antalya, June, 2013, p.7-12.
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M. Gologanu, , D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Theoretical Model for Forming Limit Diagram Predictions without Initial Inhomogeneity, NUMIFORM 2013 Conference, Shenyang, China, AIP Conf. Proc., 1532 (1913), p.245-253 (Invited paper).
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D. Banabic, Advanced anisotropic models used in the sheet metal forming simulation, 3rd International Sheet Metal Forming Conference (33rd SENAFOR), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 9-11 October, 2013 (Invited Lecture)
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I. Nicodim, I. Ciobanu, D. Banabic, Effect of the constitutive law on the prediction of the wall thickness distribution of square cup, MTeM 2013 Conference, Cluj Napoca, 6-8 Oct. 2013
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J. Gawad, D. Banabic, D.S. Comsa, M. Gologanu, A. van Bael, P. Eyckens, P van Houtte, D. Roose, Evolving texture-informed anisotropic yield criterion for sheet metal, 9th International Conference “NUMISHEET 2014”, Melbourne, January 2014
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D. Banabic, Continuum scale modelling in sheet metal forming, Innovative Manufacturing Engineering International Conference, May 29-30, 2014, Chisinau, Moldova (Invited Lecture)
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D. Banabic, From micro to macro scale modelling in sheet metal forming, Colloquium of Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering, July 6-10, 2014, Tale, Slovakia, (Invited Lecture)
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D. Banabic, Plastic Anisotropy and Forming Limits in Sheet Metal Forming, State of the art in material modelling for sheet metal forming Symposium, Ijmuiden, The Netherlands, Sept. 30th, 2014 (Invited Lecture)
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D. Banabic, Advances in manufacturing, 7th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies ICAMAT 2014, Bucuresti, Oct 2014 (Plenary Lecture).
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L. Lazarescu, I. Nicodim, D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Effect of the blank-holding load on the drawing force in the deep-drawing process of cylindrical and square cups, 7th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies ICAMAT 2014, Bucuresti, Oct 2014
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M. Vrh, D. Banabic, Simple and robust user-independent time dependent evaluation of beginning of instability for the FLC determination, Workshop on Time-dependent Methods for the Evaluation of FLC, Zurich, 6-7 November 2014
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D. Banabic, Trends in virtual manufacturing, ASTR 2014 Conference, Sibiu, 6-7 November 2014.
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L. Lăzărescu, I. Nicodim, D. Banabic, Evaluation of drawing force and thickness distribution in the deep-drawing process with variable blank-holding, SHEMET 2015 Conf., Erlangen
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L. Lazarescu, D. S. Comsa, D. Banabic, Predictive performances of the Marciniak-Kuczynski model and Modified Maximum Force Criterion, ESAFORM 2015 Conf., Graz, 2015
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D. Banabic, Modelling of anisotropic behaviour and forming limit of sheet metals, IDDRG 2015 Conference, 30 May-2 June 2015, Shanghai, (Keynote Paper).
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D. Banabic, Advances in plastic anisotropy and forming limits in sheet metal forming, Proc. of the 10th ASME 2015 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Charlotte, NC, 2015 (Keynote Paper)
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D. Banabic, D.S. Comsa, J. Gawad, P. Eyckens, D. Roose, A. Van Bael, P. Van Houtte, Scale bridging in sheet forming simulations: from crystal plasticity virtual experiments to evolving BBC2008 yield locus, 8th Forming Technology Forum-FTF 2015 "Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal forming", Zurich, 29-30 June, 2015.
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D. Banabic, Trends in the sheet metal forming simulation, 5th International Sheet Metal Forming Conference (35th SENAFOR), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 7-9 October, 2015 (Invited Lecture)