- Palade, T., Tat, F., Felecan, E., „Spreading band of frequency of electronic wobbulator X1-48”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electrotechnics, ICATE 93, Craiova, Romania, 18-20 nov. 1993, Vol III, pp. 204-208.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., Stefanescu, L., „Scattering Parameters for Various Device Configuration”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunica-tions, Technical University of Timisoara, 29 -30 Septembrie 1994, Vol I, pp. 53-56.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., „10 Hz to 1,4 GHz Frequency Counter”, Proceedings of theSymposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Timisoara, 29-30 Septembrie 1994, Vol III, pp.277-280.
- Palade, T., „Traking and Data Relay Satellite Systems. Present Concept and Future Evolution”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications. Technical University of Timisoara, 29 - 30 Septembrie 1994, Vol II, pp.183-188.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., „Frecventmetru pentru domeniul microundelor”, Simpozionulnational de teoria sistemelor, robotica, calculatoare si informatica de proces SINTES 7‘, 20-21 mai 1994, Craiova, Vol II, pp.15-17.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., Stefanescu, L., „Obtinerea parametrilor S pentru diferite scheme de conexiune ale tranzistorului amplificator”, Simpozionul national de teoria sistemelor,robotica, calculatoare si informatica de proces SINTES 7, 20-21 mai 1994, Craiova, Vol II, pp.18-21.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., Lungu, S., „Multipath signal fading characteristics in Cluj-Napoca area”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals Circuits and Systems, SCS’ 95, Iasi, 19-21 Octombrie 1995, pp.145-148.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., „Caracteristici ale fenomenului de multipropagare in zona Cluj”, A XXVI-a Sesiune de comunicari stiintifice cu participare internationala, Academia Tehnica Militara, Bucuresti, 16-17 Noiembrie 1995, pp. 304-309.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., „Predictia nivelului de cimp cu metoda Van der Pol-Bremmer-Norton”, A XXVI-a Sesiune de comunicari stiintifice cu participare internationala, Academia Tehnica Militara, Bucuresti, 16-17 Nov. 1995, pp. 310-311.
- Palade, T., Rusu, A., Fetche,R., Lungu, S., „ Diversity Improvement Prediction ”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, Buletinul Stiintific la Universitatii “Politehnica” din Timisoara, Tom 41 (55), Fascicula I,pp. 24- 27, Timisoara, Sept. 1996.
- Palade, T., Fetche R., Fetche C., „Assessment of the Geoclimatic Factor using the Statistics of the Multipath Fading in Clear-Air Propagation Conditions”, Proceedings of the InternationalSymposium on Communications ‘96, Technical Military Academy, Bucuresti, 28-29 Nov. 1996, pp. 268-271.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., Lungu, S., „Multipath Occurrence Indentification Technique on Terrestrial Line of Sight Radio Links (LOS)”, Proceedings of the InternationalSympo-sium on Communcations ‘96, Technical Military Academy, Bucuresti, 28-29 Nov. 1996, pp.180-183
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., „Radiofrequency Field Strength Prediction for Broadcasting and Mobile Communications”, Proceedings of the InternationalSymposium on Communications ‘96, Technical Military Academy, Bucuresti, 28-29 Nov. 1996, pp. 184-187.
- Palade, T., Lungu, S., Fetche, R., „Characterisation of the Propagation Parameters in CBand Monitoring the Received Field ”, Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicola Electrotehnica, pp. 213-215, ISSN -1223 - 2106, Oradea, 30 mai - 1 iunie, 1997.
- Palade, T., Munteanu, R., „ A statistical Method for Radio Field Stength Prediction” Acta Electrotehnica Napocensis, Vol. 38, Nr.1, ISSN 1224-2497, TUC-N, Cluj- Napoca, 1997, pp.32-34.
- Palade, T., „A Statistical Method for Radio Network Design”, Proceedings of the InternationalSymposium on Signals Circuits and Systems SCS ’97, Iasi, Romania, 2-3 Octombrie 1997, pp. 40-41.
- Palade, T., „Influenta obstacolelor de tip platou asupra legaturilor radio”, A XXVII-a Sesiune de Comunicari Stiintifice cu Participare Internationala, Academia Tehnica Militara, Bucuresti, 13-14 Noiembrie 1997, pp. 281-288.
- Palade, T., „A Statistical Method for Radio Field Strengh Prediction“, Proceedings of OPTIM‘98 Conference, Brasov, Romania, May 14-15, 1998, pp. 138-141.
- Palade, T., „On Diversity Modelling Methods“, Proceedings of SINTES ‘9, Craiova, Romania, June 4-6, 1998, pp. 184-186.
- Palade, T., Munteanu, R., „ A Method for Radio Networks Design“, Proceedings of Symposium of Electronics and Telecommunications ETc. ‘98 , Buletinul stiintific al Universitatii Politehnica din Timisoara, Tom 43 (57), Fascicula 2, ISSN 1224-6034, Timisoara, Romania, Sept.17-18, 1998, pp.154-156.
- Palade, T., Chisalita, I., Gati, T., „A Method for Radio Network Design”, Proc. of the 5 th International Workshop SBE ‘99, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 10-11, 1999, pp. 245-248.
- Palade, T., Chisalita, I., Crisan, N., „Simulation for Voice Communications in GSM” ,Proc.of the 5 th International Workshop SBE ‘99, Cluj, June 10-11, 99, pp. 237-244.
- Palade, T., „Performance and Availability Criteria for Digital Radio-Relay and Satellite Systems” , Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Vol. 39, Nr. 2, ISSN 1221-6542, TUC-N, Cluj-Napoca, 1999, pp. 1-8.
- Palade, T., „On Wireless Networks Planing”, Volumul celei de a XXVIII Sesiuni de comunicari stiintifice cu participare internationala, Academia Tehnica Militara, Bucuresti, 21-22 octombrie 1999, Sectiunea 11, pp.78-81.
- Palade, T., „L.O.S. C-Band Microwave Links Clear Air Performances“, Proceedings of the Symposium of Electronics and Telecommunications „ETc. 2000”, Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii „Politehnica”din Timisoara, Tom 45 (59), Fascicula 1, 2000 , ISSN: 1224-6034, Timisoara, Romania, Nov. 23-24, 2000, Vol. I, pp. 216-217.
- Palade, T., Chisalita, I., Crisan, N., Aruncutean, I., „Quality and Availability in Mobile Satellite Systems”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Vol. 40, Nr. 1/2000, ISSN:1221-6542, TUC-N, Cluj-Napoca, pp.7-12.
- Palade, T., „A method for Predicting Error Performance and Unavailability Due to Rain Attenuation”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Vol. 41, Nr. 1/2001, ISSN: 1221-6542, pp. 6-9.
- Palade, T., „Intelligent Antennas for Future Wireless Communications”, Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Vol. 41, Nr. 2/2001, ISSN: 1221-6542, pp. 12-23.
- Palade, T., „On Microwaves Radio Networks Performance Parameters”, Microwave Review, Vol. 7, No.3, December 2001, ISSN 14505835, Yugoslavia, pp.25-27.
- Palade, T., Crisan, N., „A New Technique in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Using 3D Lightening for 40 GHz Radio Network Planning” Proceedings of the Workshop „Trends and Recent Achivements in Information Technology”, Cluj-Napoca, 16-17 May 2002, pp. 140– 143.
- Palade, T., Szekely M., „Extended Simulation of the CDMA Channel”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications – ETc. 2002”, in Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii „Politehnica” din Timisoara; Timisoara, Romania, September, 19-20, 2002, pp. 110-114.
- Lungu, S., Palade, T., Fetche, R., „Transformarea parametrilor S ai tranzistoarelor”, Academia Romana, Filiala Cluj, Zilele Academice Clujene, 17-29 Oct. 1994, pp. 27-28.
- Lungu, S., Palade, T., Fetche, R., „Computer modelling using the TLM model”, Proceedings of the Basis of Electronics Workshop -1994, Technical University of Cluj- Napoca, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, 27-28 Oct., 1994, pp.104-110.
- Fetche, R., Palade, T. si Fetche, C., „Method of Multipath Signal Fading Prediction”, Automatic Control and Testing Conference -‘96 Theta 10, Cluj, 23-24 May 96, p.123-125
- Szekely, M., Palade, T. si Puschita, E., "Performance Analysis of the WCDMA Downlink Channel", Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Vol. 45, Nr. 1/2004, ISSN: 1221-6542, pp. 39-42.
- Puschita, E., Palade, T. si Selaru, C., "Performance estimation of routing protocols in Ad-Hoc wireless networks", Symposium of Electronics and Telecommunications– ETc. 2004, acceptata
- Palade, T., „Proposal COST 235 activity by Technical University of Cluj-Napoca”, Record of the 4th Meeting of COST Project 235, Geilo, Norway, 9-11 Mar. 93, CP 139
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., Mistreanu, M., „Multipath signal fading characteristics at 8 GHz in Cluj”, Record of the 8 th Meeting of COST 235, Cardiff, UK, 1-3 Nov. 94, CP 299.
- Palade, T., „Proposal COST 255 activity by Technical University of Cluj-Napoca”, Record of the Preparatory Meeting of COST Project 255, Brussels, Belgium, 14-15 Feb. 1995, CP. 4.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., „Multipath signal fading characteristics at 7 and 8 GHz in Cluj district”, Record of IX Meeting of COST Project 235, Wengen, Switzerland, 28-30 March 1995, CP 325
- Palade, T., „Computer Modelling of Microwave Oven Cavity Using the TLM”, 6 thNational Conference on Microwave Technique - MITEKO 95, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, 5-6 June 1995, pp.198-201.
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., „Results of one year investigation at 7 GHz and 8 GHz bands”, Record of XII Meeting of COST Project 235, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-18 April ’96, CP 387.
- Palade T., Rusu A, „Testing results of diversity performance of CSELT and AT methods”, Record of XII Meeting of COST Project 235, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-18 April ’96, CP 388
- Palade, T., Fetche, R., „On multipath signal fading characteristics at 7 and 8 GHz using the geoclimatic factor derived from measurements”, Proceedings of URSI Commision FWorkshop on Climatic Parameters in Radiowave Propagation Prediction, Oslo, 10-11 June 1996, Norway, pp.16-18.
- Palade, T., Rusu, A., Lungu, S., „Testing Results of Diversity Performance Prediction Methods”, Proceedings ofAMSE Scientific International Conference on Communications Signals and Systems, CSS ‘96, ISBN 80-214-0768-9, Brno, Czech Republic, 10-12 September 1996, pp.109-112. [ Chairman of Session 7: Testability II ].
- Palade, T., „Multipath occurrence identification technique on terrestrial LOS radio links” TheTenth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation-ICAP‘97, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, UK, 14-17 April 1997, pp. 2.381-2.382.
- Palade, T. „On Diversity Techniques Performance”, Proceedings of the 2 nd International ScientificConference - Elektro ‘97, ISBN 80-7100-420-0, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovak Republic, 23-24 June 1997, pp. 150-153.
- Palade, T., „Assessment of the Propagation Parameters Derived from Measurements in L.O.S. Radiocommunications Systems”, Proceedings of the 2nd International ScientificConference - Elektro ‘97, ISBN 80-7100-420-0, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovak Republic, 23-24 June 1997, pp. 154-156.
- Palade, T., „A Study of Multipath Effects on Performance of LOS Microwaves Links in Central Romania Area”, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Microwave Techniques –COMITE 1997, ISBN 80-902417-0-0, Pardubice, Czech Republic, October 16-17, 1997, pp. 127-129.
- Palade, T., „A Statistical Method for Radio Network Design and Modelling“, Proceedings ofIASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ISBN: 0-889886-252-4, ISSN:1021-8181, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May13-16, 1998, pp.514-516.
- Palade, T, „On Multipath Fading Parameters Derived from Measurement on Line of Sight Microwaves Links in Cluj Area“, Proceedings of Melecon ‘98, ISBN:0-7803-3879-0, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 18-20, 1998, Vol I, pp. 267-269.
Palade, T., “ On Diversity Modelling Methods and their Efficiency “, Proceedings of URSI 8th Open Symposium, ISBN:972-8021-65-8, Aveiro, Portugal, Sept. 22-25, 1998, pp.71-74.
- Palade, T., “ On Radio Networks Planing and Design “, Proceedings of the InternationalConference Communications ’98 “, Bucuresti, November 19-20, 1998, pp. 561-564.
- Palade, T., Chisalita, I., „On Diversity Methods Efficiency”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals Circuits and Systems SCS ‘99, ISBN 973-99210-6-X, Iasi, Romania, July 6-7, 1999, pp. 243-246.
- Palade, T., „A Method for Radio Network Design”, XXVI th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science - Abstracts ‘, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 13-21, 1999, pp 370.
- Palade, T., Chisalita, I., „Simulation for Voice & Data Communications Between Two Users in a GSM Network”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals Circuits and Systems SCS ‘99, ISBN 973-99210-6-X, Iasi, Romania, July 6-7, 1999, pp. 239-242
- Palade, T., „A method for radio network design”, Proceedings of the 10 th Conference on Microwave Technique -COMITE 99‘, Pardubice, Czech Republic, Oct.12-13, 1999, pp.216-218
- Palade, T., „Study of multipath effects on performance of LOS microwaves links in central Romania area”, Millennium Conference on Antennas & Propagation - AP 2000, Davos, Switzerland, 9-14 April, 2000, ISBN: 92-9092-776-3, Abstracts Vol. II, pp.41; Lucrarea publicata in intregime pe CD.
- Palade, T., Aruncutean, M., „Computer analysis of L.O.S. microwaves links clear air performances”, Melecon’ 2000, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 29-31, 2000. Publicata pe site-ul: www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/melecon2000/
- Palade, T., „On the Repeaters Antenna Systems Design”, Proceedings of the InternationalConference Communications 2000, Bucuresti, 7-9 December 2000, pp. 150-153.
- Palade, T., „Microwave Links Performance Parameters Estimation“, Proceedings ofIASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control, ISBN:0-889886-316-4, ISSN:1025-8973, Innsbruck, Austria, February 19-22, 2001, pp. 187-189. [ Chairman of Session: Modelling in communications and information management ].
- Palade, T., „On Performance of LOS Microwaves Links in Cluj Area”, Eleventh International Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (ICAP 2001) , UMIST, Manchester, UK, 17-20 April 2001.
- Palade, T., „On Mobile Networks Design” , IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology VTC 2001 Spring Conference, May 6-9, 2001, Rhodos, Greece, on C-D.
- Palade, T., Crisan, N., „A New Technique in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Using 3D Lightening for 40 GHz Radio Network Planning”, Proceedings of the International Workshop „Trends and Recent Achivements in Information Technology”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 16-18 May 2002, pp. 140-143.
- Palade, T., Balas, R., Bud, M., Paraboni, A., Riva, C., „ Statistics of fade slope of rain attenuation at 18.7 , 39.6 and 49,6 GHz obtained at Spino D ¢ Adda with Italsat Satellite”, Workshop of COST Action 280 – Propagation Impairment Mitigation for Millimetre Wave Radio Systems -, Malvern, UK, 1-3 July 2002, pp.21.1-21.7, CD.
- Palade, T., Aruncutean, M., „ Design of Microstrip Array Antenna for 5,8 GHz ”, Conference Proceedings of 8th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Modules–SIITME 2002, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sept. 19-22, 2002, pp.88-91.
- Palade, T., Crisan, N., Aruncutean, M., „ Broadband FRA implementation in medium sized Eastern European towns”, Workshop of Embrace Project – Efficient Millimetre Broadband Radio Access for Convergence and Evolution, Oslo, Norway, 29-30 September 2002, pp.61-66.
- Palade, T., „Opportunities for Fixed Wireless Services”, Proceedings of International Conference – Broadband Europe – , Bucharest, Romania, 9-11 October 2002, pp 43-44.
- ***, Palade, T., (co-autor), „Data and Testing”, Proceedings of Radiowave PropagationModelling for SatCom Services at Ku-band and Above Workshop, Bech, Luxembourg, 25 October 1999, pp. 2.6-1 – 2.6-75.
- Puschita, E., Palade, T., Szekely, M., „Characteristics of the WCDMA Downlink Channel”, Proceedings of SympoTIC’ 2003 , Bratislava, SK, 26-28 October, 2003, pp 55-58.
- Aruncutean, M., Chira, L., Palade, T. si Moldovan, A., "Broadband Fixed Wireless Access Networks - Possible Solutions for the Romania Communications Market", Proceedings of the 35 th International Scientific Symposium of the Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency - Vol I, Bucharest, Romania, 27-28 May, 2004, pp. 455-460.