- Palade, T, Fetche R, Lungu S, „Propagarea in atmosfera joasa”, Ed.UTC-N, 1996, 122p
- Palade, T., „Tehnica Microundelor“, ISBN 973-98204-3-3, Editura Genesis, Cluj - Napoca, 1997, 265p.
- Palade, T.,„Radiocomunicatii celulare”, ISBN 973-9358-35-7, Editura Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, 2001, 251p.
- Voiculescu, E., Toderean, G., Palade, T., „Dispozitive si circuiteelectronice - curs si aplicatii”, Vol I, Editura U.T.C-N, 1991, 148p.
- Toderean, G., Voiculescu, E., Palade, T., „Dispozitive si circuiteelectronice - curs si aplicatii”, Vol II, Editura U.T.C-N, 1991, 142p.
- ***, Palade, T., (co-autor), „Radiowave propagation effects on next-generationfixed-services terrestrial telecommunications systems”, Published by Commission of the European Communities, Directorate - General XIII Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploatation of Research, ISBN: 92-827-8032-6, L-2920 Luxembourg, June 1996, 407 p.
- ***, Palade, T., (co-autor), „Radiowave Propagation Modelling for SatCom Services at Ku-band and Above”, Published by ESA-ESTEC, AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2001, 400 p.