In the field of electrical machines:
- CAD in electrical machines
- Design and control of special electric motors and drives:
- Electronically commutated electrical motors
- Motors for electrical traction drives
- Experimental parameter determination of electrical machines
- Modelling and simulation of electrical machines
- Magnetic field computation in electrical machines (FDM and
- Fault diagnosos and condition monitoring of electrical machines
- Fault-tolerant electrical machines
the field of marketing and management:
- Microeconomics (industrial production diversification)
- Marketing research
- Managerial behavior during transition to the market economy
- Organizational culture

Group is a 2000-founded research team (the group's head and founder is M.M. Rădulescu)
within the Electric Machines Department of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.
The group has about twenty members (academic staff, Ph.D. students, graduates
and final-year undergraduate students). The work-place of the SEMET Group is
the Small Electric Motors and
Electric Traction Laboratory (room 6/A).
The Marketing & Management group of the Department
manages the Romanian-American Center
for Entrepreneurship Education and Management Development, set up in
the framework of an USAID-ALO grant (2004-2006). The Center is a partnership
between Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and Southern Connecticut
State University.

| 2005 |
2004 | 2003
| 2002
| 2001 | 2000|
1999 | 1998 | 1997 |
1996 | 1995 |
1994 | 1993

- Energy-efficiency increase in the process of electromechanical
conversion using AC motors (HIGH_EFF). Funder: Ministry of Education and Research, Grant PNCDI-CEEX, No.47/2006
(Sub-contract TUC-N No.1291/2006). Project coordination: S.C. ICPE ME - Research
Institute for Electrical Machines, Bucharest. Project manager for TUC-N: V.
- New automotive electric actuator technologies (AEAT).
Funder: Ministry of Education and Research,
Grant PCD-CEEX, No. X2C33/2006 (Sub-contract TUC-N No. 12376/2006). Project
coordination: Polytechnic University of Timisoara. Project manager for TUC-N: M.M. Rădulescu.
- Mathematical models and integrated
design solutions of electric machines in view of rationale use of natural
and artificial resources (PROMEDIU).
Funder: Ministry of Education and Research, Grant PNCDI-CEEX,
No. 285/2006 (Sub-contract TUC-N No. 285/P2/2006). Project coordination: S.C.
ICPE SA, Bucharest. Project manager for TUC-N: M.M. Rădulescu.
- New advanced materials and structures used for electrical
machines. Funder: Ministry of Education, Research
and Youth, National University Research Council, Grant A, no. 2930/2006,
Theme: A24, CNCSIS code 769. Project manager: V.
- Linear generators for wave power converters.
Funder: Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, National University Research
Council, Grant A, no. 2783/2006, Theme: A11, CNCSIS code 1305. Project
manager: Szabó L.
- Linear transverse flux motor for flexible manufacturing systems.
Funder: Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, National University Research
Council, Grant TD, no. 2930/2006, Theme: TD4, CNCSIS code 257. Project manager:
D.C. Popa.

Detailed list of finished project
- Model-based fault diagnosis of induction machines,
Joint Research Project between the University
of Veszprém (Hungary) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), C 18001/09.01.2006, ID no. HU 38/06, within the framework of
the Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation Romania - Hungary. Romanian counterpart project manager: Biró K.Á.
- Condition monitoring of linear and rotational electrical
machine drives by means of advanced data processing instruments,
Joint Research Project between the University
of Miskolc (Hungary) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), C 18001/09.01.2006, ID no. HU 13/06, within the framework of
the Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation Romania - Hungary. Romanian counterpart project manager: Szabó L.
- Mobile systems of monitoring, diagnosis, testing
and control of the electromechanical convertors. Funder: Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, National University
Research Council, Grant A, no. 2930/2006, Theme A9, CNCSIS code 887.
Project manager: Biró K.Á.
- Mobile virtual instrumentation systems for real-time
monitoring and diagnosis in electromechanical cell architectures.
Funder: Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, National University Research
Council, Grant A, no. 2783/2006, Theme: A1, CNCSIS code 1263. Project
manager: H.C. Hedeșiu.
- Practical implementation of an integrated starter
/ alternator system for new-generation autovehicles using a direct-driven
electronically-commutated machine. Funder: Ministry of Education and Research, National University Research
Council (CNCSIS), Grant TD, no. 2930/2006, CNCSIS code 241. Project manager:
T. Moldovan.
- Drive system based on permanent magnet synchronous reluctance motor.
Funder: Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, National University Research
Council, Grant TD, no 27702/2005, Theme: TD2, CNCSIS code 258. Project manager:
M. Gutman.
to the list
- Special electrical machine with double role, starter and generator
for automobiles, and its command and control system. Study of the possible
solutions, design, prototyping and laboratory testing. Funder: Ministry
of Education, Research and Youth, National University Research Council, Grant
A nr. 40216/2003, theme 15. Project manager: I.A. Viorel.
- Modular planar motor for flexible manufacturing lines. Funder:
Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, National University Research Council,
Grant A nr. 40216/2003, theme 12. Project manager: Szabó L.
- Practical implementation of an integrated starter / alternator system
for new-generation autovehicles using a direct-driven electronically-commutated
machine. Funder: Ministry of Education and Research, National University
Research Council (CNCSIS), Grant TD, no. 33385/2004, CNCSIS code 241. Project
manager: T. Moldovan.
- Flywheel energy storage system. Funder: Ministry of Education,
Research and Youth, National University Research Council, Grant TD nr. 33532/2003,
theme:TD1. Project manager: G. Cimuca.
- Direct torque control adapted to a flywheel energy storage system
associated to the wind generators, Funder: Ministry of Education and
Research, National University Research Council (CNCSIS), Grant TD, no. 27702/2005,
CNCSIS code 37. Project manager: G. Cimuca.
- Design and control for a double excited synchronous machine
- Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI);
Grant TD nr: 33532/2003, theme 39; Project manager: D. Fodorean.
- Influence of faults on magnetic fields and losses in induction machine.
Funder: Ministry of Education and Research, National University Research
Council. Grant TD, no. 33385/2004, Theme: TD7, CNCSIS code 221. Project
manager: Dobai B.J.
- Experimental study on laboratory model of interior-permanent-magnet
synchronous motors for propulsion of light electric vehicles. Funder:
Ministry of Education and Research, National University Research Council (CNCSIS),
Grant TD, no. 33385/2004, CNCSIS code 233. Project manager: Adina
to the list
- Adaptive and robust algorithms for speed sensorless ac motor drives
- Joint research project between University of Veszprém (Hungary)
and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in the framework of the Hungarian-Romanian
Intergovernmental S & T Cooperation Programme for 2003-2004, Romanian
counterpart project manager: Biró K.Á.
- An aplied informatics and power electronics. Joint Research
Project between Széchenyi István University of Győr (Hungary) and Technical
University of Cluj (Romania) within the framework of the Bilateral Scientific
and Technological Cooperation Romania - Hungary. Romanian counterpart project
manager: K. Pusztai. Member of the research team: Biró K.Á.
- Study on the analytical and field computation based electromagnetic
structure optimization of the electrical machines with doubly salient poles
on both armatures - Funder: Romanian Academy, Project manager: I.A. Viorel.
- Analysis and implementation of DTC on electronically autocommutated
permanent magnet motors for electric traction applications. Funder:
Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, National University Research Council,
Grant A, theme 28. Project manager: M.M. Rădulescu.
- Pocket PC mobile architectures instrumentation for telediagnosis
and electrical machines analysis. Funder: Ministry of Education, Research
and Youth, National University Research Council, Grant AT nr. 33532/2003,
theme 11. Project manager: H.C. Hedeșiu.
- Analysis of the electromagnetic interferences in doubly-salient permanent
magnet small motor drives. Funder: Ministry of Education, Research
and Youth, National University Research Council, Grant AT nr. 33532/2003,
theme 5. Project manager: C.S. Marțiș.
- Study on a transverse flux motor's drive system for electrical vehicles.
Funder: Ministry of Education and Research, National University Research Council,
Grant TD nr. 33532/2003, themea TD3. Project manager: A.D. Popan.
- The study of the double feed asynchronous machine for using it as
a variable speed generator. Funder: Ministry of Education, Research
and Youth, National University Research Council, Grant TD nr. 33532/2003,
theme 4. Project manager: S. Kiss.
to the list
- Compact variable speed drive system with AC machines feed through
electronic converters, Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology
and Innovation (ANSTI), RELANSIN National Research Program, (2001-2003), Project
manager: I.A. Viorel.
- Control and Monitoring System for Fresh Water Distribution Plant
- Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI),
Grant AT nr: 33531/2002, theme 3, Project Manager: H.C. Hedeșiu.
- Transverse flux machine to be used as heolian generator -
Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI); Grant
AT nr: 33531/2002, theme 19; Project manager: A.D. Popan.
- Synchronous machine parameter estimation and modelling -
Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI); Grant
AT nr: 33531/2002, theme 563; Project manager: V. Barz.
to the list
- Complex MS/PhD integrated education-research program in variable speed
drives field - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University
Research Council, D type grant (financed by the World Bank and the Government
of Romania), Project manager: I.A.
Viorel (2001-2002).
- Remote control of electric machines based on INTERNET virtual instrumentation
- Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council,
T type grant (financed by the World Bank and the Government of Romania), Project
Manager: H.C. Hedeșiu
- Seting up a laboratory with a multi-purpose test bench for real time
testing of electrical machines - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education,
National University Research Council, Grant E nr: 33531/2002, theme 1, Project
manager: Biró K.Á.
- Direct stator-flux and torque/thrust control of three-phase inverter-fed
rotating/linear AC motor drives for industrial and traction applications
- Joint Research Project No. 33/2000 between Universita degli Studi di
Cassino and Technical University Of Cluj -Napoca within the framework of the
2001-2002 Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation (BSTC) Romania-Italy,
Romanian Counterpart Project manager: M.M. Rădulescu.
- Real time torque-estimator for three-phase AC machines - Funder:
Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council, Grant
A nr: 37118/2000, theme 28, (2000-2002), Project manager: Biró
- Electrical machine with doubly salient poles on both armatures and
permanent magnets in stator - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education,
National University Research Council, Grant A nr: 37118/2000, theme 16, (1999-2002),
Project manager: I.A. Viorel.
- Variable reluctance motors series, design and prototype
construction - Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and
Innovation (ANSTI), Grant C nr. 6113/2001, theme B5, (2000-2002), Project
manager: I.A. Viorel.
- Induction machine speed estimation algorithms using real-time virtual
instrumentation - Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology
and Innovation (ANSTI), Grant AT nr: 6113/2000, theme B16 (2000-2002), Project
Manager: H.C. Hedeșiu.
- Study of induction machines faults and their effect on losses
- Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI);
Grant TD nr: 39595/2002, theme 107; Project manager: Dobai B.J.
to the list
- Controlled high efficiency automated electric drives
- Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research
Council, D type grant (financed by the World Bank and the Government of Romania),
Project Manager: Biró K.Á., in collaboration
with the Electrical
Drives & Robots Department (1998-2001).
- Real-time controlled industrial efficient intelligent electric drives
systems - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University
Research Council, C type grant (financed by the World Bank and the Government
of Romania), Project Manager: Prof. IMECS Mária (Electrical
Drives & Robots Department), in collaboration with the Electrical
Machines., Management & Marketing Department (1998-2001).
- Design and development of doubly-salient permanent-magnet machines
and drives - National Science Foundation (USA) International Research
Program, Grant No. ECS-9702370 (1999-2001), Romanian Counterpart Lead Investigator:
M.M. Rădulescu.
- "GLOBE" cross cultural CEO research project on leadership styles,
Project coordinator Prof. Dr. Robert HOUSE, Wharton University, USA, 2001,
(Gh.A. Catană and D. Catană,
country co-investigators for Romania, A. Negrușa
and V. Năstase members
of the research team).
- Position-sensorless DSP-based control system of a small electronically-commutated
variable-reluctance permanent-magnet motor, Funder: Ministry of Education
and Research, National University Research Council, Grant A 39970/2001 - 20/267,
Project manager: M.M. Rădulescu.
- Design, modeling and optimization of a surface motor,
- Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research
Council, Grant AT nr: 34970/2001, theme 9, Project manager: Szabó L.
- Test bench for testing electrical machines in different regimes
- Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI);
Grant S nr: 6113/2000, theme B28 (2000-2001); Student project manager: Dobai
J.B. (supervisor: I.A. Viorel)
- Single sided transverse flux motor, design algorithm and experimental
model - Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
(ANSTI); Grant S nr: 6113/2000, theme B48 (2000-2001); Student project manager:
A.D. Popan (supervisor: I.A.
to the list
- Direct stator-flux and torque/thrust control of three-phase inverter-fed
rotating / linear AC motor drives for industrial and traction applications
- Joint Research Project No. 33/2000 between Universita degli Studi di Cassino
and Technical University of Cluj within the framework of the Bilateral
Scientific and Technological Cooperation (BSTC) Romania-Italy; Romanian
Counterpart Project Manager: M.M. Rădulescu
- Theoretical and experimental studies on switched reluctance and permanent
magnets micromotors drive system - Funder: National Agency for Science,
Technology and Innovation (ANSTI); Grant AT nr: 6113/2000, theme B19; Project
manager: C.S. Marțiș
- Design and simulation of the modular hybrid linear stepper motor
- Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI);
Grant S nr: 6113/2000, theme B34; Student project manager: Józsa János (supervisor:
Szabó L.)
- Study of the Electromagnetic compatibility of a propulsion system
of an urban electric vehicle equipped with induction machine fed by a 3-phase
PWM inverter - Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and
Innovation (ANSTI); Grant S nr: 6113/2000, theme B32; Student project manager:
Baciu Lavinia (supervisor: M.M. Rădulescu)
- Experimental set-up of a propulsion system of an urban electric vehicle
equipped with induction machine fed by a 3-phase PWM inverter with IGBT
- Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI);
Grant S nr: 6113/2000, theme B51; Student project manager: Adina
Muntean (supervisor: M.M. Rădulescu)
to the list
- Theoretical and experimental study of small variable-reluctance permanent-magnet
motors - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University
Research Council; Grant A 39/1999 - 318; Project manager: M.M. Rădulescu
- Culture transition in the Romanian organizations - Funder:
Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council; Grant
A, nr. 33830, theme 22/11; Project manager: D. Catană
to the list
- Virtual instrumentation system for electrical machine's analysis and
parameter determination - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education,
National University Research Council; Grant A, nr. 34, theme 15/46 (1997-1998);
Project manager: V. Iancu
- Variable electric drives for electronically commutated magneto-electric
and piezoelectric motors- Funder: Romanian Ministry
of Education, National University Research Council; Grant A, nr. 34, theme
15/53; Project manager: M.M. Rădulescu
- Culture transition of the companies in Romania - Funder:
Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council; Grant
A, nr. 33830, theme 12/11; Project manager: D.
to the list
- Systems for evaluating and enhancing the electronically commutated
variable reluctance motor's performance - Funder: Romanian Ministry
of Education, National University Research Council; Grant A nr: 7003/1997,
theme 7/398, (1998-2001); Project manager: I.A. Viorel
- Strategies and program packages for the static converter fed induction
motor's design - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education,
National University Research Council; Grant A nr: 7003/1997, theme 8/399,
(1998-2001); Project manager: I.A. Viorel
- Test bench for electrical drives - Funder: Romanian Ministry
of Education, National University Research Council; Grant C nr: 7003/1997,
theme 6/1012; Project manager: V. Iancu
- Comparative study on variable speed drives using two-phase induction,
magnetoelectric and piezoelectric motors -Funder: Romanian Ministry
of Education, National University Research Council; Grant A nr: 7003/1997,
theme 20/406; Project manager: M.M. Rădulescu
to the list
- Real-time DSP implementation of neuronal, fuzzy and sliding mode controllers
for servomotors - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National
University Research Council; Grant A, nr. 5003, theme 114 (1996-1997); Project
Manager: Biró K.Á.
- Evaluation and enhancement of the dynamic performance of an electronically
commutated variable reluctance motor - Funder: Romanian Ministry of
Education, National University Research Council; Grant A, nr. 5003, theme
116; Project Manager: I.A. Viorel
- Numeric controller and control algorithms based on the combined field-circuit
model for induction motor drives - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education,
National University Research Council; Grant A, nr. 5003, theme 115; Project
Manager: I.A. Viorel
- Study on the manager's comportment in transition from the centralized
economy to the market economy - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education,
National University Research Council; Grant A, nr. 5003, theme 113; Project
Manager: Gh.A. Catană
to the list
- Mixed circuit-field models for computer controlled electrical machines
- Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council;
nr. 3003/95 theme 66; Project manager: I.A.
- Evaluation system and improvement methods of dynamic performances
of the variable reluctance motors - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education,
National University Research Council; nr. 3003/95; Project manager: I.A.
to the list
- Static converter fed permannet magnet electrical machines
- Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council;
nr. 5003/94 theme 4; Project manager: V. Iancu
to the list
- Variable speed electrical machines - Funder: Romanian Ministry
of Education, National University Research Council; nr. 5003/93 theme B3;
Project manager: Biró K.Á.
to the list
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