MIHAI P. STEF | Publications |
V. Bota, Zs. A. Polgar, A. Silva, S. Teodoro, Mihai P. Stef, A. Moço A. Botos and A. Gameiro, "Combined Distributed Turbo Coding and Space Frequency Block Coding Techniques", Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2010 [wcn] [BibTeX]
Mihai P. STEF, Anghel BOTOS, Aurel VLAICU, "Performance Analysis of Network Coding-Based Cooperation Algorithms Employed in Cellular Networks", Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 50, no. 1, pp.19-24, ISSN 1221-6542, 2009. [pdf] [acta] [BibTeX]
Anghel BOTOS, Mihai P. STEF, Aurel VLAICU, "Study on The Performance of Coding-Assisted SWARM Communications", Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 50, no. 1, pp.15-18, ISSN 1221-6542, 2009. [pdf] [acta]
Mihai P. Stef, Zs. Polgar, V. Bota, "Cooperation Protocol for the Uplink of Relay Assisted Cellular Networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Istanbul, Turkey, 2009. [pdf] [ieee] [BibTeX]
Mihai P. Stef, Zs. Polgar, V. Bota, "Network-Coded Cooperation Protocol for Multiple Source – Multiple Relay Topologies in Cellular Networks”, Future Network and Mobile Summit, Florence, Italy, 2010. [pdf] [ieee] [BibTeX]
Mihai P. Stef, Zs. Polgar, V. Bota, A. Botos, "Network-coded cooperation algorithm for multiple source-multiple relay topologies in cellular networks”, International Conference on Communications (COMM), Bucharest, Romania, 2010. [pdf] [ieee] [BibTeX]
Mihai P. Stef, L. Boita, A. Botos, Zs. Polgar, "Network-Coded Cooperation Analysis for Multiple Source – Multiple Relay Architectures”, COST 2100, Valencia, Spain, 2009. [pdf] [cost2100] [BibTeX]
Zsolt A. Polgar, Mihai P. Stef, Vasile Bota, "Network and Channel Coded Cooperation Algorithms for Cellular Networks”, Proceedings of IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, ISSN 1550-2252, ISBN 978-1-4244-2517-4, 2009. [pdf] [ieee] [BibTeX]
Mihai P. Stef, V. Bota, A. Botos, D. Stoiciu, "Combined Network and Distributed FEC Coding Cooperation Schemes for the Two-Way Relay Channel”, COST 2100, Braunschweig, Germany, 2009. [pdf] [cost2100] [BibTeX]
Zs. A. Polgar, Mihai P. Stef, M. Varga, A. De Sabata, "Low Complexity Separate Network and Channel Coding Algorithm for Multiple Access Relay Channel”, COST 2100, Braunschweig, Germany, 2009. [pdf] [cost2100] [BibTeX]
Mihai P. Stef, Zsolt A. Polgar, Vasile Bota, "Performance Analysis of Some Distributed Network and Channel Coding Schemes in Cooperative Transmissions”, COST 2100, Lille, France, 2008. [pdf] [cost2100] [BibTeX]