published in: 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005
Textbooks and books
In refereed journals and periodicals
In refereed proceedings of international conferences
In refereed Romanian universities annals or equivalents
In Romanian national conference and non-refereed
conference proceedings
and books:
RÃDULESCU - A. Miraoui: Wide-speed operation of direct
torque-controlled interior permanent-magnet synchronous motors, in Recent
developments of electrical drives (Eds. S. Wiak, M. Dems, K. Komeza),
Springer, The Netherlands, 2006, Ch. 2, pp. 177-186, ISBN 1-4020-4534-4.
to the list
works published in refereed journals and periodicals:
VIOREL - A. Djerdir - A.Miraoui: On a Double-Excited Synchronous
Motor with Wide Speed Range, Numerical and Experimental Results:
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering - IJECE, vol.5, n°1,
Winter-Spring 2006, pp.63-68, ISSN 1682-0053.
- G. Cimuca - C. Saudemont - B. Robyns - M.M. RĂDULESCU: Control and performance evaluation of a flywheel energy-storage system
associated to a variable-speed wind generator, IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53 (2006), No. 4, pp. 1074-1085, ISSN
RÃDULESCU- C. Saudemont - B. Robyns: Energy-optimized direct torque control of an
induction machine-based flywheel energy storage system associated to a
variable-speed wind generator, ELECTROMOTION, Vol. 13 (2006),
No. 1, pp. 80-86, ISSN 1223-057X.
- M. Poloujadoff - C. Rioux -M.M.
RÃDULESCU: On the flywheel design for inertial
energy-storage systems, ELECTROMOTION, Vol. 13 (2006), No. 4,
pp. 271-275, ISSN 1223-057X.
- R. Lang - R. Alas - R. Alt -Doina CATANÃ - R. Hartz: Leadership in transformation -
Between Local Embededness and Global Challenges, Journal of
Cross-Cultural Competence&Management, nr. 4/2005, pp.215-246, ISSN
to the list
works published in refereed proceedings of international conferences:
C.J. Hwan - D.H. Kang - Alina Viorel - Larisa STRETE: Limits and
advantages of scaling as a fast procedure for designing transverse flux motors,
Proceedings of XVII International Conference on Electrical
Machine, ICEM '06, Chania (Crete Island, Greece), PSA4-14, on CD.
- I.A. VIOREL - R. Munteanu - D. FODOREAN - L.
The Possibility To Use A Hybrid Synchronous Machine As An Integrated Starter-Generator,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE
ICIT '2006), Mumbai (India), 2006, pp. 1195-1200, on CD: IF-004243.pdf, ISBN
1-4244-0726-5. (download
- I.A. VIOREL- D. FODOREAN - A. Viorel - L.
SZABÓ: Stand-Alone
Double-Excited Synchronous Generator Operating on a Variable Load, Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent
Motion and Power Quality (PCIM '2006), Nürnberg (Germany),
pp. 675-680, ISBN 3‑928643‑43‑6.
- L.
SZABÓ - I.A. VIOREL - P. van Duijsen: Developing Control Techniques for Two-Coordinate Planar Positioning
Systems by Means of Coupled Advanced Simulation Tools, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality
(PCIM '2006), Nürnberg (Germany), pp. 705-710, ISBN 3‑928643‑43‑6.
- D. FODOREAN - A. Djerdir - I.A. VIOREL - A. Miraoui: Improved Efficiency for
an In-Wheel Motor in Large Speed Operating, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation - CEFC 2006, Miami, Florida
(USA), Digest‑Book, pp. 313, ISBN 1-4244-0319-7.
- C.J. Hwan - D.H. Kang - I.A. VIOREL - Ilinca
Tomescu - Larisa STRETE: Saturated double salient reluctance motors'
analytical model, Proceedings of XVII International Conference
on Electrical Machine, ICEM'06, Chania (Crete Island, Greece), PTA2-12,
on CD.
- J.H. Chang - D.H. Kang - I.A. VIOREL - Larisa STRETE: Transverse flux reluctance linear motor (TFRLM)
analytical model based on finite element method (FEM) analysis, Proceedings
of the 12th IEEE, Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation,
CEFC '2006, Miami, Florida (USA), Digest-Book, pp. 434, ISBN
- Liliana VICOL - J.-J. Simond - Mai TuXuan - I.A. VIOREL: The identification
of the synchronous machine parameters by standstill DC decay test,
Proceedings of XVII International Conference on Electrical Machine, ICEM '06,
Chania (Crete Island, Greece), on CD.
- L.
SZABÓ - D.C. POPA - V. IANCU: Compact
Double Sided Modular Linear Motor for Narrow Industrial Applications,
Proceedings of the 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
(EPE PEMC '2006), Portoroz (Slovenia), 2006, pp. 1064-1069. ISBN: 1-4244-0121-6.
- L.
SZABÓ - D.C. POPA - V. IANCU - E. Kovács - F. Tóth: On the Usefulness of Simulation in Designing
a Permanent Magnet Modular Surface Motor for Advanced Mechatronic Systems,
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM '2006),
Budapest (Ungaria), 2006, pp. 88-93. ISBN: 1-4244-9712-6. (download
- L.
SZABÓ - D.C. POPA - V. IANCU - E. Kovács - F. Tóth: 3D FEM Models of Linear Electrical
Machines Used in Fault Detection Studies, Proceedings of the International
Scientific Conference MicroCAD '2006, Miskolc (Hungary), Section J (Electrotehnics
and Electronics), pp. 89-94. ISBN: 963-661-710-4. (download
- G. Cimuca - Ş. BREBAN - M.M.
RÃDULESCU - C. Saudemont - B. Robyns: DTC vs. FOC for an
induction machine-based flywheel energy storage system associated to a
variable-speed wind generator - Experimental results. Proceedings of
the 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM
2006), Chania (Crete Island, Greece), on CD, Paper 205 - OSA3-5, 6 pp.
- G. Cimuca - S. BREBAN - M.M.
RÃDULESCU - C. Saudemont - B. Robyns: Control strategy for an induction
machine-based flywheel energy storage system associated to a variable-speed
wind generator. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(OPTIM 2006), Braşov (Romania), Vol. II, pp. 191-198, ISBN 973-635-704-X.
- Claudia MARÞIS - F. JURCA - C.
OPREA - Cosmina NICULA - K.Á. BIRÓ: Harmonics Analysis in Renewable Energy
Sources Based on Induction and Synchronous Generators, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference MicroCAD
'2006, Miskolc (Hungary), Section J (Electrotehnics and Electronics), pp. 41‑47,
ISBN 963-661-700-7.
- Claudia MARÞIS - F. JURCA - H.
HEDEŞIU - K.Á. BIRÓ: Analytical Description of the Wound Rotor
Induction Generator Frequency Response for Diagnosis Purposes, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference MicroCAD
'2006, Miskolc (Hungary), Section J (Electrotehnics and Electronics), pp. 47-53,
ISBN: 963-661-700-7.
- F. JURCA -Claudia MARÞIS - C.
OPREA - K.Á. BIRÓ: Claw-Poles
Machines in the Power Systems based on Renewable Resources, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and
Power Quality (PCIM '2006), Nürnberg (Germany), on the CD 123_PP_64_Jurca.pdf, ISBN 3‑928613-43-6.
- Claudia MARÞIS - B. TĂTĂRANU: Analytical Description of the Synchronous Machine Frequency
Response For Diagnosis Purposes, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power
Quality (PCIM '2006), Nürnberg (Germany), on the CD 122_PP_62_MARTIS.pdf, ISBN 3‑928613-43-6.
- I.A. VIOREL - A. BANYAI - Claudia MARÞIS - B. TĂTĂRANU - Ioana
Vintiloiu: On the segmented rotor reluctance synchronous motor saliency
ratio calculation, Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference ELEKTRO 2006, Zilina (Slovakia), pp. 1709-1714, ISSN 1-4244-0121-6.
- Claudia MARÞIS - H.
OPREA: Electrical
Machines Virtual Laboratory: Grid Connection of a Synchronous Generator,
Proceedings of the 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference
(EPE-PEMC '2006), Portoroz (Slovenia), 2006, pp. 1709-1714. ISBN: 1-4244-0121-6.
- S. Kia - H. Henao - G. Capolino -Claudia MARÞIS: Induction Machine Broken Bars Fault Detection
Using Stray Flux after Supply Disconnection, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference pf the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON
2006, Paris (France), on the CD: PF-002534, ISBN 1-4244-0136-4.
- D. FODOREAN - I.A. VIOREL - A. Djerdir - A. Miraoui: Wide Speed Control of a Hybrid
Excited Synchronous Machine, Proceedings of XVII International
Conference on Electrical Machine, ICEM '06, Chania (Crete Island, Greece),
on CD.
- D.C. POPA - V. IANCU - L.
SZABÓ: Linear
Transverse Flux Reluctance Machine with Permanent Magnets, Proceeding
of the International Conference on Transversal Flux Machines (ICTFM '2006),
Changwon (South Koree), pp. 85-90, ISBN: 89-87898-13-5. (download
- V. IANCU - T. Canta - D.C. POPA - L.
Magnetic Composites Used for the Iron Core of the Electrical Machines,
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing
Technologies, Cluj (Romania), 2006, pp. 125, ISBN: 973-751-300-2. (download
- Gh.A. CATANÃ - ANCA CONSTANTINESCU-DOBRA - Doina CATANÃ: An assessment of Romanian
Comercial Banks Web sites: a Marketing Perspective, International conference: Strategic leadership
in the context of globalization and regionalization, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Supliment
Revista Studia, pp. 36-59, ISSN 1220-0506.
- Gh.A. CATANÃ - Doina CATANÃ - J.L. Finlay - M. Neal: Leadership authority and CEO
motivations in Romania, Max Weber Revisited, Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft10/2006,
Forschungsberichte und aufsatze, Special issue, selected papers from the VII
Chemnitz East Forum, I pp. 1-24, ISSN 1612-7218.
- J.L. Finlay - M. Neal - Gh.A. CATANÃ - Doina CATANÃ: Did Communism Lead to Rational Legal Leadership Expectations? Some
Evidence to the Contrary from Prospective Women Managers in Romania,
Schriften zur Organisationswissenschaft10/2006, Forschungsberichte und
aufsatze, Special issue, selected papers from the VII Chemnitz East Forum, pp.
45-66, ISSN 1612-7218.
- ANCA CONSTANTINESCU-DOBRA: External marketing environment as
percerceived by managers from Romanian Cosmetic Market, International conference: Strategic leadership
in the context of globalization and regionalization, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj‑Napoca, Supliment Revista Studia, pp. 540-551, ISSN
to the list
works published in refereed Romanian universities annals or equivalents:
- L.
OPREA: Linear
Generators for Wave Power Plants to Be Set up Near the Romanian Coasts of the
Black Sea, Oradea University Annals, Electrotechnical Fascicle, Computer
Science and Control Systems Session, 2006, pp. 120-125. ISSN: 1841-7213. (download
- L.
SZABÓ - K.Á. BIRÓ - D. Fodor - E. Kovács: Improved
Condition Monitoring System for Induction Machines Using a Model-Based Fault
Detection Approach, Oradea University Annals, Electrotechnical Fascicle,
Computer Science and Control Systems Session, 2006, pp. 126-131. ISSN: 1841-7213.
- V. IANCU - D.C. POPA - L.
SZABÓ - M. Ruba - E. Trifu: Comparative Study on Linear Transverse
Flux Reluctance Machines, Oradea University Annals, Electrotechnical
Fascicle, Electrical Engineering Session, 2006, pp. 136-139. ISSN: 1841-7221.
- Cosmina NICULA - Claudia MARÞIª - F. JURCA: Electrical
Machines Virtual Laboratory - the Unbalanced Operation Regime of the
Three-Phase Induction Motor, Oradea University Annals,
Electrotechnical Fascicle, Electrical Engineering Session, pp. 86-92, ISBN 1841-7213.
- C. Şteţ - I.A. VIOREL -
Liliana VICOL - M. Gutman: Computer Aided Design Procedure for a
Switched Reluctance Motor, "Gh.Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Scientific Journal, Tomul LII (LVI), Fasc. 5A, pp. 455, ISSN 1223-8139.
- F. Marignetti - Ioana VESE - R. Di
Stefano -M.M.
RÃDULESCU: Thermal analysis of a
permanent-magnet tubular machine. Craiova University Annals,
Electrical Engineering Series, Vol. 30 (2006), No. 30, pp. 174-177, ISSN
- V. Trifa - M.M.
RÃDULESCU - C. Marginean - Carmen CIURTIN: Aspects concerning the
implementation of electric bikes in the urban transportation of Cluj-Napoca city. Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti Bulletin - Technical
Series, Vol. 58 (2006), No. 2 bis, pp. 281-288, ISSN 1224-8495.
- C.
OPREA - Claudia MARÞIª - K.Á. BIRÓ - F. JURCA: Comparative study of two
topologies of linear electrical generator suitable for wave energy conversion,
Petroleum - Gas University of Ploieşti Bulletin - Technical Series, vol.
LVIII, No. 2bis/2006, pp. 169-175, ISSN 1224-8495.
to the list
works published in refereed proceedings of Romanian national and non-refeereed
- A. Fodor - D. Fodor - K.Á. BIRÓ - L.
as industrial communication protocol, (in Hungarian), International
Conference on Power Systems and Electrical Engineering ENELKO '2006, Cluj (Romania),
2006, pp. 23-28. ISSN: 1842-4546. (download
- L.
SZABÓ - K.Á. BIRÓ - D. Fodor - A. Fodor: Model-based
methods used in the diagnosis of induction machines, (in Hungarian),
International Conference on Power Systems and Electrical Engineering ENELKO
'2006, Cluj (Romania), 2006, pp. 112-116. ISSN: 1842-4546. (download
- L.
SZABÓ - E. Kovács - K.Á. BIRÓ - J.B. Dobai - Cs. Blága: Advanced data acquisition
systems used in the condition monitoring and diagnosis devices of electrical
machines, (in Hungarian), International Conference on Power Systems
and Electrical Engineering ENELKO '2006, Cluj (Romania), 2006, pp. 117-121.
ISSN: 1842-4546. (download
- Tóth F. - L.
diagnosis of electrical equipment based on the changes of the leakage flux.
Part I. The computation of the external magnetic fields, (in Hungarian),
International Conference on Power Systems and Electrical Engineering ENELKO
'2006, Cluj (Romania), 2006, pp. 143-148. ISSN: 1842-4546. (download
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January 11, 2008