A. Gabriel, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, I. Papias, V. Michalakopoulos, E. Sarmas, Hybrid Transformer Model with Liquid Neural Networks and Learnable Encodings for Buildings’ Energy Forecasting, Energy and AI, 2025, 100489, ISSN 2666-5468 WoS Q1 DOI

L. Toderean, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, E. Sarmas, V. Michalakopoulos, V. Marinakis, Demand response optimization for smart grid integrated buildings: Review of technology enablers landscape and innovation challenges, Energy and Buildings, Volume 326, 2025, 115067, ISSN 0378-7788 WoS Q1 DOI

D. Mitrea, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, L. Toderean, Evolutionary game for incentivizing social cooperation of prosumers in transactive energy communities, Energy and Buildings, Volume 327, 2025, 115057, ISSN 0378-7788 WoS Q1 DOI


Chifu, V.R.; Cioara, T.; Pop, C.B.; Anghel, I.; Pelle, A. Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Heat Pump Load Prediction. Energies 2025, 18, 8. WoS Q3 DOI

M. Burlacu, I. Anghel, A Platform for Enhanced Remote Care and Support for Older Adults, 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2024, pp. 1-7. DOI

Amabili, G.; Maranesi, E.; Felici, E.; Margaritini, A.; Barbarossa, F.; Marin, A.; Anghel, I.; Bevilacqua, R. A Robot to Guide Group-Therapy against Cognitive Decline: an Italian Pilot Study, 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024, 26-30 August, California, SUA . DOI

Gosetto L, Guebey J, Lovis C, Anghel I, Cioara T. An eHealth Coaching Solution to Improve Transitional Care of Seniors with Heart Failure: Long-Field Trial. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Aug 22;316:473-477. DOI

Rancea, A.; Anghel, I.; Cioara, T. Edge Computing in Healthcare: Innovations, Opportunities, and Challenges. Future Internet 2024, 16, 329. WoS Q2 DOI

C. Pop, T. Cioara, V. Chifu, I. Anghel, F. Bellesini, Electric vehicles coordination for grid balancing using multi-objective Harris Hawks Optimization, Energy Reports, Volume 12, 2024, Pages 2483-2497, ISSN 2352-4847 WoS Q2DOI

I. R. Martin, T. Cioara, G. I. Arcas, I. Anghel, M. Bertoncini, Knowledge Graph Model for Computing Continuum over Smart Grid, The Fifteenth International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2024), Grand Arsenali, Chania, Crete, Greece, July 17-19, 2024 IEEE Proceedings

G. Antonesi, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, I. Salomie, M. Bertoncini, An Energy Consumption Forecasting Tool for Buildings Based on Multivariate Deep Neural Network Model, 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (IEEE MetroLivEnv 2024), June 12-14, 2024, Chania - Crete, Greece IEEE Proceedings DOI

D. Mitrea, V. Chifu, T. Cioara, I. Anghel and C. B. Pop, "Social Factors in P2P Energy Trading Using Hedonic Games," in IEEE Access 2024 WoS Q2 DOI

Arcas, G.I.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I., A. Whale Optimization for Cloud–Edge-Offloading Decision-Making for Smart Grid Services. Biomimetics 2024, 9, 302. WoS Q1 DOI

Arcas, G.I.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.; Lazea, D.; Hangan, A. Edge Offloading in Smart Grid. Smart Cities 2024, 7, 680-711. WoS Q1 DOI

Chifu, V.R.; Cioara, T.; Pop, C.B.; Rusu, H.G.; Anghel, I. Deep Q-Learning-Based Smart Scheduling of EVs for Demand Response in Smart Grids. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 1421. WoS Q1 DOI

Antonesi, G.; Rancea, A.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I. Graph Learning and Deep Neural Network Ensemble for Supporting Cognitive Decline Assessment. Technologies 2024, 12, 3. WoS Q1 DOI


Marin, O.; Cioara, T.; Toderean, L.; Mitrea, D.; Anghel, I. Review of Blockchain Tokens Creation and Valuation. Future Internet 2023, 15, 382 WoS Q2 DOI

Dan Mitrea, Liana Toderean, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Marcel Antal, Smart contracts and homomorphic encryption for private P2P energy trading and demand response on blockchain, Elsevier, Heliyon, 2023, e22357, ISSN 2405-8440 WoS Q1 DOI

R.I. Man, I. Anghel, A Machine Learning based Platform for Remote Management of Heart Failure Patients, 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2023), October 26-28, 2023 Cluj-Napoca, Romania IEEE Proceedings DOI

I. Anghel, T. Cioara, I. Salomie, A. Rancea, R. Bevilacqua, G. Amabili, F. Barbarossa, E. Maranesi, L. Gosetto, J. Guebey, M. A. Trabelsi, A. I. Marin, I. D. Dasca, T. Grimstad, E. Øverby, A. Solberg, L. T. Boye,Cognitive decline management through theatre therapy, artificial intelligence, and social robots, 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2023), October 26-28, 2023 Cluj-Napoca, Romania IEEE Proceedings DOI

D. Mitrea, L. Toderean, T. Cioara, V. Chifu, I. Salomie, I. Anghel, M. Bertoncini, V. Croce, Matching Mechanisms for Buildings Energy Flexibility Orders in P2P Local Markets, The Fourteenth International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2023), University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, 10-12 July 2023 IEEE Proceedings DOI

L. Toderean, V. R. Chifu, T. Cioara, I. Anghel and C. B. Pop, Cooperative Games Over Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Self-Sufficient Energy Communities, in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 73982-73999, 2023 WoS Q2 DOI

Antonesi, G.; Cioara, T.; Toderean, L.; Anghel, I.; De Mulder, C. A Machine Learning Pipeline to Forecast the Electricity and Heat Consumption in a City District. Buildings 2023, 13, 1407. WoS Q2 DOI

Mitrea, D.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I. Privacy-Preserving Computation for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading on a Public Blockchain. Sensors 2023, 23, 4640. WoS Q2 DOI

Marin, O.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I. Blockchain Solution for Buildings’ Multi-Energy Flexibility Trading Using Multi-Token Standards. Future Internet 2023, 15, 177. WoS Q2 DOI


Antal, M.; Mihailescu, V.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I. Blockchain-Based Distributed Federated Learning in Smart Grid. Mathematics 2022, 10, 4499 WoS Q1 DOI

Chifu, V.R.; Cioara, T.; Pop, C.B.; Anghel, I.; Demjen, D.; Salomie, I. Identification of Daily Living Recurrent Behavioral Patterns Using Genetic Algorithms for Elderly Care. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 11030 WoS Q1 DOI

C. B. Pop, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, M. Antal, V. R. Chifu, C. Antal, I. Salomie, Review of bio-inspired optimization applications in renewable-powered smart grids: Emerging population-based metaheuristic. Energy Reports, Volume 8, 2022, Pages 11769-11798, ISSN 2352-4847 WoS Q2 DOI

T. Cioara, L. Toderean, D. Mitrea, V. Chifu, M. Antal, I. Anghel, V. Croce, M. Bertoncini, F. Nucci, Decentralized Demand Response in Energy Communities using Blockchain. BLORIN 2022 Workshop. IEEE DOI

T. Cioara, I. Anghel, M. Antal, C. Antal, G. I. Arcas, V. Croce, An Overview of Digital Twins Application in Smart Energy Grids. ICCP 2022. IEEE DOI

Anghel I., Cioara T. Emerging Sensors Techniques and Technologies for Intelligent Environments. Sensors. 2022; 22(17):6427. WoS Q2 DOI

Chifu, V.R.; Pop, C.B.; Rancea, A.M.; Morar, A.; Cioara, T.; Antal, M.; Anghel, I. Deep Learning, Mining, and Collaborative Clustering to Identify Flexible Daily Activities Patterns. Sensors 2022, 22, 4803. WoS Q2 DOI

Antal M, Toderean L, Cioara T, Anghel I. Hybrid Deep Neural Network Model for Multi-Step Energy Prediction of Prosumers. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(11):5346 WoS Q1 DOI

Florea, A.-I.; Anghel, I.; Cioara, T. A Review of Blockchain Technology Applications in Ambient Assisted Living. Future Internet 2022, 14 WoS Q2 DOI

Goia, B.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I. Virtual Power Plant Optimization in Smart Grids: A Narrative Review. Future Internet 2022, 14, 128 WoS Q2 DOI

Chifu, V.R.; Pop, C.B.; Demjen, D.; Socaci, R.; Todea, D.; Antal, M.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.; Antal, C. Identifying and Monitoring the Daily Routine of Seniors Living at Home. Sensors 2022, 22, 992 WoS Q2 DOI

Moldovan, D., Anghel, I., Cioara, T., Pop, C., Chifu, V., Salomie, I. (2022). Binary Cat Swarm Optimization Feature Selection and Machine Learning Based Ensemble for the Classification of the Daily Living Activities of the Elders. In: Vlad, S., Roman, N.M. (eds) 7th International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology. MEDITECH 2020. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 88. Springer, Cham DOI


Claudia Antal, Tudor Cioara, Marcel Antal, Vlad Mihailescu, Dan Mitrea, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Giuseppe Raveduto, Massimo Bertoncini, Vincenzo Croce, Tommaso Bragatto, Federico Carere, Francesco Bellesini, Blockchain based decentralized local energy flexibility market, Energy Reports, Volume 7, 2021, Pages 5269-5288, ISSN 2352-4847 WoS Q2 DOI

Liana Toderean, Claudia Antal, Marcel Antal, Dan Mitrea, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, "A Lockable ERC20 Token for Peer to Peer Energy Trading," 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2021, pp. 145-151 DOI

Ioana Alexandra Bozdog, Todea Daniel-Nicusor, Marcel Antal, Claudia Antal, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Human Behavior and Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning and Wearable Sensors, 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2021 DOI

Jessica Rochat, Alexandra Villaverde, Helge Klitzing, Tore Langemyr Larsen, Martin Vogel, Jacques Rime, Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Christian Lovis, Designing an eHealth Coaching Solution to Improve Transitional Care of Seniors’ with Heart Failure: End-User Needs, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (MIE2021 articles), IOS Press, Vol. 281, pp. 530 – 534, 2021, ISBN: 978-1-64368-184-9 DOI

Marcel Antal, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Claudia Antal, and Ioan Salomie. 2021. Flexibility Management of Data Centers to Provide Energy Services in the Smart Grid. In Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 443–449 DOI

D. Moldovan, I. Anghel, T. Cioara and I. Salomie. Apache Spark for Digitalization, Analysis and Optimization of Discrete Manufacturing Processes, Big Data Platforms and Applications, Springer International Publishing, Pop Florin, Neagu Gabriel (Eds.), 2021, ISSN 1617-7975 Book Chapter DOI

Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Claudia Pop, Marcel Antal. Semantic Data Model for Energy Efficient Integration of Data Centres in Energy Grids, Data Science and Big Data Analytics in Smart Environments 1st Edition, by Marta Chinnici (Editor), Florin Pop (Editor), Catalin Negru (Editor), CRC, ISBN 9780367407131, July 2021 Book Chapter DOI

Antal, M.; Cristea, A.-A.; Pădurean, V.-A.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.; Antal, C.; Salomie, I.; Saintherant, N. Heating Homes with Servers: Workload Scheduling for Heat Reuse in Distributed Data Centers. Sensors 2021, 21, 2879. WoS Q2 DOI

C. Antal, T. Cioara, M. Antal and I. Anghel, "Blockchain Platform For COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Management," in IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, vol. 2, pp. 164-178, 2021. WoS Q1 DOI

T. Cioara, M. Antal, V. T. Mihailescu, C. D. Antal, I. M. Anghel and D. Mitrea, "Blockchain-Based Decentralized Virtual Power Plants of Small Prosumers," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 29490-29504, 2021 WoS Q2 DOI

Antal, C.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.; Antal, M.; Salomie, I. Distributed Ledger Technology Review and Decentralized Applications Development Guidelines. Future Internet 2021, 13, 62. WoS Q2 DOI


Cioara, T.; Antal, M.; C.D.A.; Anghel, I.; Bertoncini, M.; Arnone, D.; Lazzaro, M.; Mammina, M.; Velivassaki, T.-H.; Voulkidis, A.; Ricordel, Y.; Sainthérant, N.; Oleksiak, A.; Piatek, W. Data Centers Optimized Integration with Multi-Energy Grids: Test Cases and Results in Operational Environment. Sustainability 2020, 12, 9893. WoS Q2 DOI

C. D. Pop, M. Antal, T. Cioara, I. Anghel and I. Salomie, Blockchain and Demand Response: Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Energy Transactions Privacy, Sensors, 2020, 20, 5678. WoS Q2 DOI

Anghel, I.; Cioara, T.; Moldovan, D.; Antal, M.; Pop, C.D.; Salomie, I.; Pop, C.B.; Chifu, V.R. Smart Environments and Social Robots for Age-Friendly Integrated Care Services. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 3801. WoS Q1 DOI

Moldovan, D.; Anghel, I.; Cioara, T.; Salomie, I. Adapted Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Efficient Features Selection in the Case of Imbalanced Sensor Data. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 1496., WoS Q1 DOI

Vesa, A.V.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.; Antal, M.; Pop, C.; Iancu, B.; Salomie, I.; Dadarlat, V.T. Energy Flexibility Prediction for Data Center Engagement in Demand Response Programs. Sustainability 2020, 12, 1417, WoS Q2 DOI

Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Florin Pop, A system of systems approach for data centers optimization and integration into smart energy grids, Future Generation Computer Systems, April 2020, ISSN 0167-739X. WoS Q1 DOI

C. Pop, M. Antal, T. Cioara, Ionut Anghel. Trading Energy as a Digital Asset: A Blockchain based Energy Market, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies and Applications: Decentralization and Smart Contracts, July 2020, Eds.: Shrivastava Gulshan, Le Dac-Nhuong, Sharma Kavita. Wiley-Scrivener ISBN: 978-1-119-62116-4

D. Moldovan, I. Anghel, T. Cioara and I. Salomie, "Machine Learning in Manufacturing: Processes Classification Using Support Vector Machine and Horse Optimization Algorithm," 2020 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), Bucharest, Romania, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/RoEduNet51892.2020.9324855.

T. Cioara, C. Pop, R. Zanc, I. Anghel, M. Antal and I. Salomie, "Smart Grid Management Using Blockchain: Future Scenarios and Challenges," 2020 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), Bucharest, Romania, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/RoEduNet51892.2020.9324874.

G. Raveduto, V. Croce, M. Antal, C. Pop, I. Anghel and T. Cioara, Dynamic Coalitions of Prosumers in Virtual Power Plants for Energy Trading and Profit Optimization, 2020 IEEE 20th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), Palermo, Italy, 16-18 June 2020

D. Moldovan, I. Anghel, T. Cioara and I. Salomie, Particle Swarm Optimization Based Deep Learning Ensemble for Manufacturing Processes, International Conference on Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2020), 3 – 5 September 2020, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

T. Sărătean, M. Antal, C. Pop, T. Cioara, I. Anghel and I. Salomie, A Physiotherapy Coaching System based on Kinect Sensor, International Conference on Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2020), 3 – 5 September 2020, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

C. Pop, M. Prata, M. Antal, T. Cioara, I. Anghel and I. Salomie, An Ethereum-based implementation of English, Dutch and First-price sealed-bid auctions, International Conference on Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 3 – 5 September 2020, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

I. A. Daniel, C. Pop, I. Anghel, M. Antal and T. Cioara, A Blockchain based solution for Managing Transplant Waiting Lists and Medical Records, International Conference on Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2020), 3 – 5 September 2020, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

A. V. Vesa, V. Simion, R. Rus, M. Antal, C. Pop, I. Anghel, T. Cioara and I. Salomie, Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone Sensors and Beacon-based Indoor Localization for Ambient Assisted Living Systems, International Conference on Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP 2020), 3 – 5 September 2020, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Pop, C.; Antal, M.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.; Salomie, I.; Bertoncini, M. A Fog Computing Enabled Virtual Power Plant Model for Delivery of Frequency Restoration Reserve Services. Sensors 2019, 19, 4688. WoS Q2 DOI

Pop, C.; Antal, M.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.; Sera, D.; Salomie, I.; Raveduto, G.; Ziu, D.; Croce, V.; Bertoncini, M. Blockchain-Based Scalable and Tamper-Evident Solution for Registering Energy Data. Sensors 2019, 19, 3033. WoS Q2 DOI

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Massimo Bertoncini, Diego Arnone, Florin Pop, Exploiting data centres energy flexibility in smart cities: Business scenarios, Information Sciences, 2019, ISSN 0020-0255 WoS Q1 DOI

Marcel Antal, Tudor Cioara,Ionut Anghel, Radoslaw Gorzenski, Radoslaw Januszewski, Ariel Oleksiak, Wojciech Piatek, Claudia Pop, Ioan Salomie and Wojciech Szeliga, Reuse of Data Center Waste Heat in Nearby Neighborhoods: A Neural Networks-Based Prediction Model, Energies 2019, 12(5), 814 WoS Q3 DOI

Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Teodor Petrican, Andreea Valeria Vesa, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Ewa Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, MoSiCS: Modeling, simulation and optimization of complex systems–A case study on energy efficient datacenters, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2019, ISSN 1569-190X WoS Q1 DOI

D. Moldovan, A. Visovan, M. Bologa, C. Pop, V. R. Chifu, I. Anghel, T. Cioara and I. Salomie, Random Forest and Sequential Model for Anomalies Detection in the Activities of the People with Dementia, MediTech 2018, IFMBE Proceedings, vol 71. Springer, Singapore, 2019,

Dorin Moldovan, Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Viorica Chifu, and Cristina Pop, Kangaroo Mob Heuristic for Optimizing Features Selection in Learning the Daily Living Activities of People with Alzheimer’s, CSCS22, 2019,

Razvan Zanc, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Forecasting Financial Markets using Deep Learning, ICCP 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Andreea Valeria Vesa, Nicoleta Ghitescu, Claudia Pop, Marcel Antal, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, A Stacking Multi-Learning Ensemble Model for Predicting Near Real Time Energy Consumption Demand of Residential Buildings, IEEE ICCP2019, September 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Dorin Moldovan, Ionuț Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Time Series Features Extraction Versus LSTM for Manufacturing Processes Performance Prediction, SPED 2019, Timisoara, Romania


Marcel Antal, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Claudia Pop and Ioan Salomie, Transforming Data Centers in Active Thermal Energy Players in Nearby Neighborhoods, Sustainability 2018, 10, 939. WoS Q2 DOI

Claudia Pop, Tudor Cioara, Marcel Antal, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie and Massimo Bertoncini, Blockchain Based Decentralized Management of Demand Response Programs in Smart Energy Grids, Sensors 2018, 18(1), 162. WoS Q2 DOI

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Lina Barakat, Simon Miles, Dianne Reidlinger, Adel Taweel, Ciprian Dobre, Florin Pop, Expert system for nutrition care process of older adults, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 80, March 2018, Pages 368-383, ISSN 0167-739X. WoS Q1 DOI

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Massimo Bertoncini, Ioan Salomie, Diego Arnone, Marzia Mammina, Terpsi Velivassaki, Marcel Antal, Optimized Flexibility Management enacting Data Centres Participation în Smart Demand Response Programs, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 78, Part 1, January 2018, Pages 330-342. WoS Q1 DOI

Tudor Cioara, Terpsi Velivassaki, Massimo Bertoncini, Artemis Voulkidis, Ariel Oleksiak, Nicolas Saintherant, Vasiliki Georgiadou, Ionut Anghel, Maria Adele Paglia, Claudia Pop, Converting Data Centres in Energy Flexibility Ecosystems, IEEE 18th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2nd Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe 2018

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Claudia Pop, Massimo Bertoncini, Vincenzo Croce, Dimosthenis Ioannidis, Konstantinos Votis, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Luigi D'Oriano, Enabling New Tehnologies for Demand Response Descentralized Validation using Blockchain, IEEE 18th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2nd Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe 2018.

Viorica Rozina Chifu, Cristina Bianca Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Dorin Moldovan and Ioan Salomie, Identifying the Polypharmacy Side-Effects in Daily Life Activities of Elders with Dementia, Volume 798 of the Studies in Computational Intelligence series, ISSN 978-3-319-99625-7, IDC 2018.

Dorin Moldovan, Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Adrian Olosutean, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, and Ioan Salomie, Spark-Based Classification Algorithms for Daily Living Activities. In: Silhavy R. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems. CSOC2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 764. Springer, Cham DOI

Cristian Pintea, Eugen Pintea, Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Cioara Tudor, Ionut Anghel and Ioan Salomie, CoolCloudSim: Integrating Cooling System Models in CloudSim, ICC P2018.

Dorin Moldovan, Adrian Olosutean, Viorica Chifu, Cristina Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie,Big Data Analytics for the Daily Living Activities of the People with Dementia, ICCP 2018.

Claudia Pop, Marcel Antal, Cristian Pop, Andreea Valeria Vesa, Cioara Tudor, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie and Teodor Petrican Descentralizing the Stock Exchange using Blockchain: An Ethereum-based implementation of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, ICCP 2018

Teodor Petrican, Andreea Valeria Vesa, Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel and Ioan Salomie Evaluating Forecasting Techniques for Integrating Household Energy Prosumers into Smart Grids, ICCP 2018.

Roxana Jurca, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Dorin Moldovan, Activities of Daily Living Classification using Recurrent Neural Networks, RoEduNet Conference 2018.

Dorin Moldovan, Viorica Chifu, Cristina Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Chicken Swarm Optimization and Deep Learning for Manufacturing Processes, RoEduNet Conference 2018.

Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Dorin Moldovan, Ioan Salomie and Madalina Maria Tomus, Prediction of Manufacturing Processes Errors: Gradient Boosted Trees Versus Deep Neural Networks, EUC-2018.

M. Antal, C. Pop, D. Moldovan, T. Petrican, C. Stan, I. Salomie, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, Distributed Systems – Laboratory Guide, Editura UTPRESS Cluj-Napoca, 2018 ISBN 978-606-737-329-5

T. Cioara, I. Anghel - Distributed Frameworks for Managing Cyber Physical Production Systems in Smart Factories, UT Press, 2018, ISBN: 978-606-737-296-0, 105 pagini.

I. Anghel, T. Cioara - Ambient Intelligence for Elders Care, UT Press, 2018, ISBN: 978-606-737-297-7


Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Methodology for Energy Aware Adaptive Management of Virtualized Data Centers, in Energy Efficiency, April 2017, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp 475–498 WoS Q2, DOI

Marcel Antal, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Claudia Pop, Ioan Salomie, Massimo Bertoncini, and Diego Arnone. 2017. DC Thermal Energy Flexibility Model for Waste Heat Reuse in Nearby Neighborhoods. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 278-283 DOI

D. Moldovan, P. Stefan, C. Vuscan, V. R. Chifu, I. Anghel, T. Cioara, I. Salomie, Diet Generator for Elders using Cat Swarm Optimization and Wolf Search, International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology; 12th - 15th October 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, IFMBE Proceedings, vol 59. Springer, pp 238-243, 2017, DOI

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Dan Valea, Ioan Salomie, Victor Sanchez Martin, Alejandro Marchena, Elisa Jimeno and Martijn Vastenburg, Adaptive Workspace Interface for Facilitating the Knowledge Transfer from Retired Elders to Start-up Companies, Ambient Assisted Living and Enhanced Living Environments: Principles, Technologies and Control, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, pp. 287-309, ISBN: 978-0-12-805195-5, 2017, DOI

C. Pop, A. Craciun, C. Knoblau, M. Antal, D. Moldovan, T. Cioara, I. Anghel and I. Salomie, "Semantic data factory: A framework for using domain knowledge in software application development," 2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2017, pp. 21-28. ISBN: 978-1-5386-3368-7

D. Moldovan, T. Cioara, I. Anghel and I. Salomie, "Machine learning for sensor-based manufacturing processes," 2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2017, pp. 147-154. ISBN: 978-1-5386-3368-7

T. Petrican, C. Stan, M. Antal, I. Salomie, T. Cioara and I. Anghel, "Ontology-based skill matching algorithms," 2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2017, pp. 205-211. ISBN: 978-1-5386-3368-7

M. Antal, C. Pop, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, I. Tamas and I. Salomie, "Proactive day-ahead data center operation scheduling for energy efficiency: Solving a MIOCP using a multi-gene genetic algorithm," 2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2017, pp. 527-534. ISBN: 978-1-5386-3368-7

M. Antal, A. Burnete, C. Pop, T. Cioara, I. Anghel and I. Salomie, "Self-adaptive task scheduler for dynamic allocation in energy efficient data centers," 2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2017, pp. 535-541. ISBN: 978-1-5386-3368-7


Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, and Ioan Salomie, Context Aware and Reinforcement Learning based Load Balancing System for Green Clouds, Resource Management for Big Data Platforms, Springer, pp. 129-144, ISBN 978-3-319-44881-7, 2016, DOI

Dorin Moldovan, Claudia Pop, Marcel Antal, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Semantic Web Application Generator – A Library for Using Ontologies as Web Services, ICCP2016, DOI

Marcel Antal, C. Pintea, E. Pintea, Claudia Daniela Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Thermal Aware Workload Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers, ICCP2016, DOI

Adel Taweel, Lina Barakat, Simon Miles, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil, Ioan Salomie, A service-based system for malnutrition prevention and self-management, in Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2016. WoS Q1 DOI

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Marcel Antal, Massimo Bertoncini, Diego Arnone, Optimizing the Power Factor of Data Centers Connected to the Smart Grid, 5th International workshop on energy-efficient data centres, E2DC 2016 June 21 Waterloo, Canada, DOI


Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, ICT architecture for supporting elder employees to make conscious decisions under time pressure, The 2nd International Conference on Smart Learning Environments, September 2015, DOI download

Massimo Bertoncini, Diego Arnone, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Terpsichori Helen Velivassaki, Next Generation Data Centers Business Models Enabling Multi‐Resource Integration for Smart City Optimized Energy Efficiency. e-Energy 2015: 247-252 DOI

Dorin Moldovan, Marcel Antal, Dan Valea, Claudia Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Tools for Mapping Ontologies to Relational Databases: A Comparative Evaluation, ICCP 2015, DOI download

Claudia Pop, Dorin Moldovan, Marcel Antal, Dan Valea, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, M2O: A Library for Using Ontologies in Software Engineering, ICCP 2015, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Marcel Antal, Sebastian Crisan, Ioan Salomie, Data center optimization methodology to maximize the usage of locally produced renewable energy. SustainIT 2015: 1‐8 DOI download

Marcel Antal, Claudia Pop, Dan Valea, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Optimizing Data Centres Operation to Provide Ancillary Services On-demand, GECON 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. DOI


Ionut Anghel, Massimo Bertoncini, Tudor Cioara, Marco Cupelli, Vasiliki Georgiadou, Pooyan Jahangiri, Antonello Monti, Seán Murphy, Anthony Schoofs, Terpsi Velivassaki, GEYSER: Enabling Green Data Centres in Smart Cities, E2DC 2014, DOI

Adel Taweel, Simon Miles, Lina Barakat, Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Thomas Sanders, Jim Charvill, DIET4Elders: a service‐oriented architecture for the prevention and self-management of malnutrition, Broader, Bigger, Better – AAL solutions for Europe, Proceedings of the AAL Forum 2014 Bucharest Romania. download


Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Ionuţ Anghel, Daniel Moldovan, Georgiana Copil, Context aware adaptive systems with applicability in green service centres, ISBN 978-973-662-851-1, UT Press Cluj-Napoca, 2013 BOOK

Ionuţ Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan, Autonomic computing techniques for pervasive systems and energy efficient data centres, ISBN 978-973-662-850-4, UT Press Cluj-Napoca, 2013, BOOK

Ionut Anghel, Cristina Bianca Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Iulia Vartic - A Swarm-inspired Technique for Self-Organizing and Consolidating Data Centre Servers - Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Vol 14 (2), 2013, DOI download

Alexander Kipp, Tao Jiang, Jia Liu, Mariagrazia Fugini, Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Daniel Moldovan and Ioan Salomie - Energy-Aware provisioning of HPC services with virtualised web services – Evolutionary Based Solutions for Green Computing, Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 432, 2013, pp 29-53, DOI

Marcel Antal, Ionut Tamas, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie - A Swarm-based algorithm for Optimal Spatial Coverage of an Unknown Region - IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2013. DOI download


Barbara Pernici, Cinzia Cappiello, Maria G. Fugini, Pierluigi Plebani, Monica Vitali, Ioan Salomie, Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, et al. - Setting energy efficiency goals in data centres: the GAMES approach – Energy Efficient Data Centers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7396, 2012, pp 1-12, DOI download

Cristina Bianca Pop, Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie and Iulia Vartic - A Swarm-inspired Data Center Consolidation Methodology - WIMS'12, International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, 2012, DOI download

Daniel Moldovan, Georgiana Copil, Ioan Salomie, Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara - A Membrane Inspired Model Applied on Service Center Workload Distribution - IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 281-288, 2012, DOI download

Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan, Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Diana Borza - Cloud SLA Negotiation for Energy Saving – A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach - IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 289-296, 2012, DOI download

Adrian Cosinschi, Cristian Botau, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, and Ioan Salomie. 2012 - A Workload Prediction Based Controller for Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Virtualized Data Centers - In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 21st International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2012, pp. 109-114, DOI download


Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Daniel Moldovan, Georgiana Copil and Alexander Kipp - Energy Aware Dynamic Resource Consolidation Algorithm for Virtualized Service Centers based on Reinforcement Learning - The 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 163-169, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4540-0, 2011, BEST PAPER AWARD , DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan, Barbara Pernici - A Context Aware Self-Adapting Algorithm for Managing the Energy Efficiency of IT Service Centres - Ubiquitous Computing And Communication Journal – Special Issue of RoEduNet, pp. 619 - 630, ISBN: 1994-4608, 2011, download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie - A Self-configuring Middleware Solution for Context Management - e-Business and Telecommunications, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 130, Part 5, pp. 332-345, ISBN: 978-3-642-20076-2, 2011, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Ionut Anghel, Iulian Chira, Alexandru Cocian, Ealan Henis, Ronen Kat - A Dynamic Power Management Controller for Optimizing Servers’ Energy Consumption in Service Centers – Service-Oriented Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6568, pp. 158-168, ISBN: 978-3-642-19393-4, 2011, DOI download

Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Daniel Moldovan, Georgiana Copil, Pierluigi Plebani - An Energy Aware Context Model for Green IT Service Centers – Service-Oriented Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6568, pp. 169-180, ISBN: 978-3-642-19393-4, 2011, DOI download

Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan, Cristina Pop - Dynamic Frequency Scaling Algorithms for Improving the CPU’s Energy Efficiency - IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing Special Session: Green Computing, pp. 485 – 491, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1479-5, 2011, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan, Marius Grindean - Time Series based Dynamic Frequency Scaling Solution for Optimizing the CPU Energy Consumption - IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing Special Session: Green Computing, pp. 477 - 483, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1479-5, 2011, DOI download

Georgiana Copil, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Daniel Moldovan, Diana Borza - A Genetic-inspired Negotiation Algorithm for QoS and Energy Consumption Tradeoffs in Virtualized Service Centers - IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing Special Session: Green Computing, pp. 471 – 476, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1479-5, 2011, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Daniel Moldovan, Georgiana Copil, Pierluigi Plebani - Dynamic Consolidation Methodology for Optimizing the Energy Consumption in Large Virtualized Service Centers - 3rd Workshop on Software Services: Semantic-based software services, pp. 1005 - 1011, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0041-5, 2011, DOI download


Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Anca Rarau - Middleware for Smart Environments Management -International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Vol. 5/2, pp. 148-159, ISSN 1841-9836, 2010, WoS Q3 download

Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan – An Autonomic Algorithm for Energy Efficiency in Service Centers - Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 281 – 288, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8228-3, 2010, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Cristina Bianca Pop, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Irina Condor, Fodor Mihaly – Immune-inspired Technique for Optimizing Server’s Energy Consumption, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP2010), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 273 – 280, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8228-3, 2010, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan - A Self-Adapting Algorithm for Context Aware Systems - Proceedings of the 9th IEEE RoEduNet International Conference, pp. 374 – 379, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7335-9, 2010, DOI download

Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan - An Autonomic Context Management Model based on Machine Learning - Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, pp. 335 – 338, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9816-1, 2010, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan - A Reinforcement Learning based Self-healing Algorithm for Managing Context Adaptation – Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010), pp. 859-862, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0421-4, 2010, DOI download


Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Anca Rarau - A Self-Configuring Middleware for Managing Context Awareness - Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, INSTICC Press, pp. 131-138, 2009, BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu - A Generic Context Model Enhanced with Self-configuring Features - Journal of Digital Information Management, Volume 7, Number 3, pp. 159-165, ISSN: 0972-7272, 2009, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu - A Policy-Based Context Aware Self-Management Model -Proceedings of the 2009 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, pp. 333 – 340, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5910-0, 2009, DOI download

Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Anca Rarau - A Policy Driven Self-healing Algorithm for Context Aware Systems – Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 229-236, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5007-7, 2009, DOI download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu - A Context-based Semantically Enhanced Information Retrieval Model - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 245-250, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5007-7, 2009, DOI download

Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Laura Dansorean, Marius Georgiu, Ion Carja, Ioan Dragan, Livia Ardelean - Information Extraction from Romanian Archival Documents – Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume 18, No. 2, pp. 283-288, ISSN: 1221-437X, 2009, download

Ioan Salomie, Cristina Bianca Pop, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Marius Grindean, Ioan Dragan, Livia Ardelean, Ion Carja - Applying Rule-based Knowledge Acquisition on Historical Documents - Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume 18, No. 2, pp. 277-282, ISSN: 1221-437X, 2009, download

Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Ioan Salomie, Cornel Rat, Sorin Suciu, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Dragan, Livia Ardelean, Ion Carja - Hierarchical Data Models for the ArhiNet Ontology Representation and Processing – Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume 18, No. 2, pp. 289-295, ISSN: 1221-437X, 2009, download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu and Anca Rarau - A Self-configuring Middleware for Developing Context Aware Applications - Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue: Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, Volume LIV, ISSN: 1224-869x, pp. 300-304, 2009, download

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu- A Self-configuring Middleware for Developing Context Aware Applications: extended version - Knowledge Engineering Principles And Techniques Selected Papers, pp. 365-372, ISSN: 2067-1180, 2009 download

Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, An Agent-based Context Awareness Management Framework -Proceedings of the 8-th International Conference RoEduNet 2009, Galaţi, România, ISBN - 978-606-8085-15-9, pp. 107-113, 2009 download


Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Tudor Salomie, Distributed Computing and Systems, ISBN 978-973-650-234-7, Editura Albastra Cluj-Napoca, 2008, BOOK, DOI

Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu - A Generic Context Model with Autonomic Features – Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Information Management, pp. 891-896, ISSN: 978-1-4244-2916-5, 2008, DOI download

Ioan Salomie, Ionut Anghel, Tudor Cioara, Mihaela Dinsoreanu - A Context Awareness Model Enhanced with Autonomic Features -Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 239-246, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2673-7, 2008DOI download

Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Mihaela Dinsoreanu – RAP A Basic Context Awareness Model – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 315-318, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2673-7, 2008, DOI download

Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Tudor Salomie - Industrial Business Process Modeling, Verification and Simulation with Application in Food Industry - Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 102 - 111, ISSN: 1221-437X, 2008 download

Ioan Salomie, Sergiu Nedevschi, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Tudor Salomie, Workflow Integration Testing for Complex Industrial Processes using Machine Simulation with Application in Food Industry - Proceedings of the Workshop on Traceability and Systems for Traceability, ICCP 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-973-133-358-8, 2008.

Ioan Salomie, Sergiu Nedevschi, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Tudor Salomie, Cristina Bianca Pop, Sorin Liviu Suciu, Industrial Workflow Verification using Process Algebra - Proceedings of Workshop on Traceability and Systems for Traceability, ICCP 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-973-133-358-8, 2008

Sergiu Nedevschi, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Tudor Salomie, Cristina Bianca Pop, Sorin Liviu Suciu, Methodology for Industrial Business Process Modeling with Upstream and Downstream Traceability Features -Proceedings of the Workshop on Traceability and Systems for Traceability, ICCP 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-973-133-358-8, 2008


Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Ioan Salomie - Machine Simulation for Workflow Integration Testing - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 193-199, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1491-8, 2007 DOI download

Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Ioan Salomie - A Layered Workflow Model Enhanced with Process Algebra Verification for Industrial Processes – Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, pp. 185-192, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1491-8, 2007 DOI download

Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Salomie, Workflow models enhanced with process algebra verification for industrial business processes, Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, pp. 501-506, 2007 DOI download

Ioan Salomie, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Tudor Salomie, Machine and business modeling and simulation for workflow integration, in Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modeling & Simulation, pp. 165-170, 2007 DOI download