Virgil Dobrota
Professor, Ph.D., MIEEE
Head of Communications Department
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Communications Department
26-28 George Baritiu Street, Room 364,
400027 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
+40-264-401226 (office)
+40-264-401264 (laboratory)
+40-264-401816 (research lab)
Ph.D. Advisor
M.Sc. Advisor
Diploma Theses Advisor
Unified Communications Labs
a) Journal Papers (selection)
R. Botez, D. Zinca and V. Dobrota, “Redefining 6G Network Slicing: AI-Driven Solutions for Future Use Cases”, Electronics 2025, 14(2), 368;, WOS:001405206600001 (Q2 Journal).
I.A. Dumitre, S.G. Rugina, L.C. Lengyel, A.B. Rus and V. Dobrota, “Kubernetes Configuration Files Created with a Python Quart Web Interface for Real Life Scenarios of Kubernetes Deployments”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.64, No.2, 2024, pp.15-21.
G.A. Andreica, I.A. Ivanciu, D. Zinca and V. Dobrota, “Integration of the Suricata Intrusion Detection System and of the Wazuh Security Information and Event Management for Real-Time Denial-of-Service and Data Tampering Detection and Alerting”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications", ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.64, No.2, 2024, pp. 1-8.
G.R. Andreica, G.L. Tabacar, D. Zinca, I.A. Ivanciu and V. Dobrota, “Denial of Service Attack Prevention and Mitigation for Secure Access in IoT GPS-based Intelligent Transportation Systems”, Electronics 2024, 13(14), 2693;, WOS:001277655900001 (Q2 Journal).
O.D. Selin, A.T. Sferle, T.M. Blaga, D. Zinca, and V. Dobrota, “WebRTC and PJSIP in Asterisk: A Cloud-Based Approach”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications", ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.64, No.1, 2024, pp.26-35.
A. Lazar, T.M. Blaga, D. Zinca, and V. Dobrota, “Security Issues in Internet of Things Botnets: a High Interaction Honeypot Approach”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.63, No.2, 2023, pp.7-18.
A.T. Costin, D. Zinca, and V. Dobrota, “A Real-Time Streaming System for Customized Network Traffic Capture”, Sensors 2023, 23(14), 6467;, WOS:001036373600001 (Q2 Journal).
R. Botez, A.G. Pasca, A.T. Sferle, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Efficient Network Slicing with SDN and Heuristic Algorithm for Low Latency Services in 5G/B5G Networks”, Sensors 2023, 23(13), 6053; WOS:001030144200001 (Q2 Journal).
D. Zinca, and V. Dobrota, “DDoS Attack Detection Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms over the CIDDOS2019 DataSet”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.63, No.1, 2023, pp.6-11.
G.R. Andreica, C. Stangu, I.A. Ivanciu, D. Zinca, and V. Dobrota, “Secure Access with Teltonika GPS Tracking Devices for Intelligent Transportation Systems”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.63, No.1, 2023, pp. 12-17.
A.G. Mari, D. Zinca, and V. Dobrota, “Development of a Machine-Learning Intrusion Detection System and Testing of Its Performance Using a Generative Adversarial Networks”, Sensors 2023, 23(3), 1315;, WOS:000930773600001 (Q2 Journal).
R. Botez, G. Lazar, I.A. Ivanciu, V. Dobrota, “Leveraging SDN/ SD-WAN in Virtual and IoT Deployments through Automation”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.62, No.2, 2022, pp.1-6.
C.M. Iurian, D. Zinca, I.A. Ivanciu, T.M. Blaga and V. Dobrota, “A SYN Flooding DDoS Attack Detection in P4-Based Programmable Networks”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.62, No.2, 2022, pp.19-24.
D. Deac, E. Teshome, R Van Glabbeek, V. Dobrota, A. Braeken, K. Steenhaut, “Traffic Aware Scheduler for Time-Slotted Channel-Hopping-Based IPv6 Wireless Sensor Networks”, Sensors 2022, 22(17), 6397;, WOS:000851975400001 (Q2 Journal).
R.D. Sustic, A. Moraru, A.B. Rus and V. Dobrota, “Performance Evaluation of ELK Stack Versus Graylog as Open-Source Log Management Tools”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.62, No.1, 2022, pp.17-22.
A.T. Costin, D. Zinca and V. Dobrota, “LAN traffic capture applications using the libtins library”, Electronics 2021, ISSN: 2079-9292, Special Issue: "Real-Time Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems and Applications", Electronics 2021, 10(24), 3084;, WOS:000742426500001 (Q3 Journal).
V.A. Monoranu, T.M. Blaga and V. Dobrota, “Device Level Programmability Using RESTCONF Protocol: An Introductory Approach”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.61, No.2, 2021, pp.25-32.
R. Botez, J. Costa-Requena, I.A. Ivanciu, V. Strautiu and V. Dobrota, “SDN-based Network Slicing Mechanism for a Scalable 4G/5G Core Network: A Kubernetes Approach”, Sensors 2021, 21(11), 3773;, ISSN: 1424-8220, WOS:000660676800001 (Q1 Journal).
D.A. Margin, D.A. Moldovan, I.A. Ivanciu, J. Domingo-Pascual and V. Dobrota, “Security Optimization of IoT Platforms Based on Named Data Networking”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.61, No.1, 2021, pp. 15-20.
R. Botez, I.A. Ivanciu, C.M. Iurian, and V. Dobrota, “Quantum Implementation of the Modified Dijkstra’s Routing Algorithm”, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy - Series A, ISSN 1454-9069, Vol. 22, No. 41, January - March 2021, pp. 91-98, Romanian Academy Publishing House, WOS:000635594600011 (Q3 Journal).
E. Teshome, D. Deac, S. Thielemans, M. Carlier, K. Steenhaut, A. Braeken, and V. Dobrota, “Time Slotted Channel Hopping and ContikiMAC for IPv6 Multicast Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks”, Sensors 2021, 21(5), 1771;, ISSN: 1424-8220, WOS:000628863900001 (Q1 Journal).
A. Taut, I.A. Ivanciu, E. Luchian, and V. Dobrota, “Active Measurement of the Latency in Cloud-Based Networks”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.58, No.1, 2017, pp.22-30.
E. Luchian, I.A. Ivanciu, A.B. Rus, G. Lazar, and V. Dobrota, “Migration of an SDN-Based Testbed into a Private Cloud: An OpenStack Approach”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.57, No.1, 2016, pp. 1-10.
D.B. Zah, B. Mihailescu, A.B. Rus, K. Eder, and V. Dobrota, “Security Analysis of the Architectural Components within a Web-Based Reporting Application”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.55, No.4, 2014, pp.1-6.
I.A. Ivanciu, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “A Tunnel-Based Solution for Seamless Vertical Handover and Load Balancing”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.55, No.3, 2014, pp.20-26.
Z.I. Kiss, A.C. Hosu, G. Lazar, A.B. Rus, V. Dobrota and Z. Polgar, “Seamless Connectivity System for Intelligent Public Transportation Systems: Architecture and Mechanism Design”, Journal of Communications Software and Systems, Vol.10, No.3, September 2014, pp. 195-205,
M.V. Ulinic, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “OpenFlow-Based Implementation of a Gearbox-Like Routing Algorithm Selection in Runtime”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.55, No.2, 2014, pp.23-32.
Z.I. Kiss, Z.A. Polgar, M. Giurgiu, and V. Dobrota, “Network Coding-Based Resource Efficient Congestion Control for Video Streaming”, Telecommunication Systems, Vol.55, Issue: 4, pp. 499-512,, Published: April 2014, WOS:000336751900007 (Q2 Journal in 2013).
G. Lazar, T.M. Blaga, and V. Dobrota, “Implementation Issues for a Video Streaming Server in IEEE 802.11e WLANs”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.54, No.2, 2013, pp. 14-23.
M. Barabas, G. Boanea, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Congestion Control Based on Distributed Statistical QoS-Aware Routing Management”, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 89, NR 2b/2013, pp. 251-256
P. Sevastian, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Simulation of the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm Using OMNET++”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.53, No.2, 2012, pp. 23-29.
A. Cabellos-Aparicio, D.M. Cioran, P. Barlet-Rosa, J. Domingo-Pascual, and V. Dobrota, “fHA: A Flexible and Distributed Home Agent Architecture for Mobile-IP Based Networks”, Information Sciences, ISSN: 0020-0255, Elsevier B.V. 2012,, WOS:000307326900005 (Q1 Journal).
G. Boanea, M. Barabas, and V. Dobrota, “An Overview of Today’s Multipath Routing”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.52, No.4, 2011, pp. 1-6
C. Porumb, B. Orza, A. Vlaicu, and V. Dobrota, “Interactive Learning Concepts in Higher Education”, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iasi, ISSN: 1220–2169, Tome LVI (LX), Fasc. 3, 2010, Section: Electrotechniques, Energetics, Electronics, pp.143-150.
Z. Kiss, Z. Polgar, C. Vinti, M. Varga, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Network-Coding Based Congestion Control at Network Layer: Protocol Design and Evaluation”, International Journal of Computer Networks, and Communications (IJCNC), ISSN: 0974–9322 [Online]; 0975-2293 [Print], Academy, and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), Vol.3, Number 1, January 2011, pp. 119-138.
A.B. Rus, V. Dobrota, A. Vedinas, G. Boanea, M. Barabas, “Modified Dijkstra’s Algorithm with Cross-Layer QoS”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.51, No.3, 2010, pp. 75-80.
M. Barabas, G.L. Boanea, K. Steenhaut, and V. Dobrota, "Evaluating the Performances of the CastGate Tunnel Server over TCP and UDP Links in Multi-Client Configuration", ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.50, No.4, 2009, pp.32-37.
M. Herculea, and V. Dobrota, „Evaluation of Security for an H.323-Based VoIP Emulated Architecture", Novice Insights in Electronics, Communications and Information Technology, ISSN 1842-6085, Issue 7, 2009, pp.56-61.
C.M. Vancea, and V. Dobrota, “Retrieving Call Detail Records from Asterisk Using SNMP”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.50, No.3, 2009, pp.38-43.
A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, „Overview of the Cross-Layer Paradigm Evolving Towards Future Internet", ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.50, No.2, 2009, pp.9-14.
M. Cristian, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, R. Cosma, J. Domingo-Pascual, P. Vale Pinheiro, F. Boavida, and V. Dobrota, “Estimation of a Mobile IPv6’s Home Agent Load”, 8th Edition of the International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ETC 2008, Timisoara, September 25-26, 2008, Scientific Bulletin of the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATIONS, Tom 53(67), Fascicola 2, 2008, pp.129-134, ISSN: 1583-3380.
C.M. Vancea, and V. Dobrota, “Monitoring Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks Using SNMP”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.48, No.3, 2007, pp.5-8.
A. Buzila, G. Lazar, T. Blaga, and V. Dobrota, “Evaluation of QoS Parameters for IPTV”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.48, No.3, 2007, pp.9-14.
T. Blaga, G. Hegedus, and V. Dobrota, “Experimental Performance Determination of End System Multicast and Hypercast”, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.48, No.1, 2007, pp.21-28.
M. Vlad, I. Sandu, V. Dobrota, I. Trestian, and J. Domingo-Pascual, “Software Tool for Passive Real-Time Measurement of QoS Parameters”, 7th Edition of the Symposium of Electronics and Telecommunications ETC’2006, Timisoara, 21-22 September 2006, Scientific Bulletin of the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATIONS, Tom 51(65), Fascicola 2, 2006, pp. 163-168, ISSN 1583-3380.
T. Blaga, V. Dobrota, G. Lazar, and B.Moraru, ”Alternative Solutions toward IPv4/IPv6 Multicast”, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Year 2006, Volume I, Supplementary issue: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control ICCCC’2006, Baile Felix-Oradea, Romania, June 1-3, pp.80-85, WOS:000203014800012 (Q2 Journal for Computer Networks and Communications in 2017).
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, C.M. Vancea, B. Moraru, T. Blaga, F. Copaciu, and G. Lazar, “PSTN/ ISDN/ VoIP-Based Solution for Voice Communications within Cluj-Napoca Academic MAN”, 3rd RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Timisoara, 27-29 May 2004, Scientific Bulletin of the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on AUTOMATIC CONTROL and COMPUTER SCIENCE, Vol. 49(63) 2004 No. 5, pp. 107-112, ISSN 1224-600X.
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, A.V. Gasparel, and V.I. Dragomir, “Developing VoIP Applications with QoS Support”, 6th Edition of the Symposium of Electronics and Telecommunications ETC’2004, Timisoara, 22-23 October 2004, Scientific Bulletin of the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATIONS, Tom 49(63), Fascicola 1, 2004, pp. 367-371, ISSN 1583-3380.
T. Blaga, V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, and G. Lazar, “Multicast Routing in IPv4/IPv6 Using Linux and FreeBSD”, 6th Edition of the Symposium of Electronics and Telecommunications ETC’2004, Timisoara, 22-23 October 2004, Scientific Bulletin of the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATIONS, Tom 49(63), Fascicola 1, 2004, pp. 382-387, ISSN 1583-3380.
F. Copaciu, V. Dobrota, T. Blaga, and B. Moraru, “Performance Analysis of Stream Control Transmission Protocol”, 6th Edition of the Symposium of Electronics and Telecommunications ETC’2004, Timisoara, 22-23 October 2004, Scientific Bulletin of the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATIONS, Tom 49(63), Fascicola 1, 2004, pp. 388-392, ISSN 1583-3380.
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, C.M. Vancea, and G. Lazar, “Developing QoS-aware Applications in LANs”, Scientific Bulletin of the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on ELECTRONICS and COMMUNICATIONS, Tom 47(61), Fascicola 1-2, 2002, pp., ISSN 1583-3380
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, and C.M. Vancea, “Performance Evaluation of Layer 4 Switching in IPv6 versus IPv4”, ACTA TEHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.41, No.1, 2001, pp. 29-34.
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, C.M. Vancea, and A. Vlaicu, “Layer 4 Switching in a TCP/IP Environment for the ATM Sources”, ACTA TEHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.40, No.1, 2000, pp. 13-18.
V. Dobrota, and D. Zinca, “Experimental Results of Traffic Models for Data and Voice Sources in ATM Networks”, ACTA TEHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 1221-6542, Vol.39, No.1, 1999, pp. 5-12.
b) Conference Papers (selection)
D.A. Margin and V. Dobrota, “Data Prediction Algorithms in Real-Time Using Internet of Things and Named-Data Networks”, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2024, Timisoara, Romania, November 7-8, 2024, pp. 1-4, Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9086-5, USB ISBN:979-8-3503-9085-8, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-9087-2, Electronic ISSN: 2475-7861, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2475-787X, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC63109.2024.10797299 .
A. Bulzan, R. Botez, and V. Dobrota, “Permissioned Blockchain-as-Service: Architecting Secure and Efficient Private Blockchain Networks”, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2024, Timisoara, Romania, November 7-8, 2024, pp. 1-4, Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9086-5, USB ISBN:979-8-3503-9085-8, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-9087-2, Electronic ISSN: 2475-7861, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2475-787X, 10.1109/ISETC63109.2024.10797365.
D. Oroian, R. Bolboaca, A.S. Roman, and V. Dobrota, “Network Intrusion Detection System Using Anomaly Detection Techniques”, 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing ICCP 2024, Cluj-Napoca, October 17-19, 2024, pp. 1-8, Electronic ISSN: 2766-8495, Print on Demand (PoD), ISSN: 2065-9946, DOI: 10.1109/ICCP63557.2024.10793023.
R. Botez, A.T. Sferle, I.A. Ivanciu and V. Dobrota, “Work-in-Progress: KubeUT: A Cloud-Agnostic Kubernetes Management Platform”, Proceedings of the 11th International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking BlackSeaCom 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye, 2023, pp. 384-389, Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3782-2, Print on Demand (PoD), ISBN:979-8-3503-3783-9, doi: 10.1109/BlackSeaCom58138.2023.10299745.
V.V. Coman and V. Dobrota, “Open-Source Software-Defined Wide Area Network: An Inter-Cloud Approach”, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2022, Timisoara, Romania, November 10-11, 2022, pp. 1-4, Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5150-5, USB ISBN:978-1-6654-5149-9, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-5151-2, Electronic ISSN: 2475-7861, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2475-787X, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC56213.2022.10010128.
R. Botez, A.G. Pasca and V. Dobrota, “Kubernetes-Based Network Functions Orchestration for 5G Core Networks with Open Source MANO”, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2022, Timisoara, Romania, November 10-11, 2022, pp. 1-4, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-6654-5150-5, USB ISBN:978-1-6654-5149-9, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-6654-5151-2, Electronic ISSN: 2475-7861, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2475-787X, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC56213.2022.10010246.
C.M. Iurian, R. Botez, I.A. Ivanciu and V. Dobrota, “Video Streaming Evaluation Using Priority Queuing in P4 Programmable Networks”, Proceedings of the 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research ROEDUNET 2022, Sovata, Romania, September 15-16, 2022, pp. 1-5, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-6654-5528-2, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-6654-5529-9, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet57163.2022.9921096.
R. Botez, C.M. Petruti, I.A. Ivanciu and V. Dobrota, “Kubernetes-Based Load Balancer as a Service for Private Cloud Infrastructures”, 14th International Conference on Communications COMM 2022, Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romania Section, Bucharest, Romania, June 16-18, 2022, pp. 1-6, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-6654-9485-4, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9486-1, DOI:10.1109/COMM54429.2022.9817323.
D.A. Margin, I.A. Ivanciu and V. Dobrota, “Deep Reservoir Computing Using Echo State Networks and Liquid State Machine”, Proceedings of the 10th International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking BlackSeaCom 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 6-9, 2022, pp. 208-213, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-6654-9749-7, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-6654-9750-3, DOI:10.1109/BlackSeaCom54372.2022.9858322, WOS:000865848800036.
A.F. Sicoe, R. Botez, I.A. Ivanciu and V. Dobrota, “Fully Automated Testbed of Cisco Virtual Routers in Cloud Based Environments”, Proceedings of the 10th International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking BlackSeaCom 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 6-9, 2022, pp. 49-53, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-6654-9749-7, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-6654-9750-3, DOI:10.1109/BlackSeaCom54372.2022.9858288, WOS:000865848800009.
I.A. Ivanciu, R. Botez, C.M. Iurian, A.V. Dumitrescu, T.M. Blaga and V. Dobrota, “An SD-WAN Approach for EUt+ Network”, Proceedings of the 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research ROEDUNET 2021, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, November 4-6, 2021, pp.1-6, Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-1351-0, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-1352-7, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI:10.1109/RoEduNet54112.2021.9638308.
D.A. Margin and V. Dobrota, “Overview of Echo State Networks using Different Reservoirs and Activation Functions”, Proceedings of the 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research ROEDUNET 2021, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, November 4-6, 2021, Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-1351-0, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-1352-7, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI:10.1109/RoEduNet54112.2021.9637715.
B. Kone, A.D. Kora, R. Botez, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Use Case of a Management and Orchestration for Network Functions Virtualization in a VoIP Testbed”, Proceedings of the 9th International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking BlackSeaCom 2021, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania, May 24-28, 2021, pp.1-5, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-6654-0308-5, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-6654-3098-2, ISSN: 2375-8236, DOI:10.1109/BlackSeaCom52164.2021.9527877, WOS:000892556200045.
A. Cepuc, R. Botez, O. Craciun, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Implementation of a Continuous Integration and Deployment Pipeline for Containerized Applications in Amazon Web Services Using Jenkins, Ansible and Kubernetes”, Proceedings of the 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania, December 11-12, 2020, pp.1-6, Electronic ISBN:978-0-7381-1265-7, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-0-7381-1266-4, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI:10.1109/RoEduNet51892.2020.9324857, WOS:000654265900011.
C.M. Iurian, I.A. Ivanciu, B.M. Marian, D. Zinca and V. Dobrota, “An SDN Architecture for IoT Networks Using ONOS Controller”, Proceedings of the 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania, December 11-12, 2020, pp. 1-6, Electronic ISBN:978-0-7381-1265-7, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-0-7381-1266-4, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI:10.1109/RoEduNet51892.2020.9324887, WOS:000654265900035.
M. Csoma, B. Kone, R. Botez, I.A. Ivanciu, A.D. Kora and V. Dobrota, “Management and Orchestration for Network Function Virtualization: An Open Source MANO Approach”, Proceedings of the 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania, December 11-12, 2020, pp. 1-6, Electronic ISBN:978-0-7381-1265-7, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-0-7381-1266-4, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet51892.2020.9324847, WOS:000654265900002.
G.R. Andreica, L. Bozga, D. Zinca, and V. Dobrota, “Denial of Service and Man-in-the-Middle Attacks against IoT Devices in a GPS-based Monitoring Software for Intelligent Transportation Systems”, Proceedings of the 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania, December 11-12, 2020, pp. 1-4, Electronic ISBN:978-0-7381-1265-7, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-0-7381-1266-4, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet51892.2020.9324865, WOS:000654265900017.
R. Botez, V. Strautiu, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Containerized Application for IoT Devices: Comparison between balenaCloud and Amazon Web Services Approaches”, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2020, Timisoara, Romania, November 5-6, 2020, pp.1-4, Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9513-1, Print ISBN:978-1-7281-8921-5, USB ISBN:978-1-7281-9512-4, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9514-8, Electronic ISSN: 2475-7861, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2475-787X, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC50328.2020.9301070, WOS:000612681000082.
C.M. Iurian, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Couchbase Server in Microsoft Azure Cloud: A Docker Container Approach”, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2020, Timisoara, Romania, November 5-6, 2020, pp. 1-4, Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9513-1, Print ISBN:978-1-7281-8921-5, USB ISBN:978-1-7281-9512-4, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9514-8, Electronic ISSN: 2475-7861, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2475-787X, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC50328.2020.9301052, WOS:000612681000084.
R. Botez, C.M. Iurian, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Deploying a Dockerized Application with Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform”, 13th International Conference on Communications COMM 2020, Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romania Section, Bucharest, Romania, June 18-20, 2020, pp. 471-476, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-5611-8, USB ISBN: 978-1-7281-5610-1, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-5612-5, DOI: 10.1109/COMM48946.2020.9142014, WOS:000612723900084.
R. Onet, I.A. Ivanciu, R. Burian, D. Zinca, C.M. Campeanu, and V. Dobrota, “Automatic Deployment of a Network Overlay in an Intelligent Transportation System: Docker and Open Baton Approach”, Proceedings of the 18th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania, 10-12 October 2019, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-5344-5, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-5345-2, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI: 10.1109/ROEDUNET.2019.8909588, WOS:000520513500020.
I.A. Ivanciu, L. Ivanciu, D. Zinca and V. Dobrota, “Securing Health-Related Data Transmission Using ECG and Named Data Networks”, Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2019, Paris, France, July 1-3, 2019, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-1434-7, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-1435-4, Electronic ISSN: 1944-0375, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 1944-0367, DOI: 10.1109/LANMAN.2019.8846993, WOS:000617951400007.
E. Luchian, A. Pop, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Context-Based Routing Algorithm for SIP-Based Infotainment in a Smart Vehicle”, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2018, Timisoara, Romania, November 8-9, 2018, pp. 1-4, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-5925-0, CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-5386-5923-6, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-5926-7, Electronic ISSN: 2475-7861, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2475-787X, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC.2018.8583932, WOS:000463031500040.
C.M. Petruti, B.A. Puiu, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Automatic Management Solution in Cloud Using NtopNG and Zabbix”, Proceedings of the 17th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 6-8, 2018, pp. 148-153, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-7135-1, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-7136-8, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2068-1038, DOI: 10.1109/ROEDUNET.2018.8514142, WOS:000517570500020.
E. Luchian, A. Taut, I.A. Ivanciu, G. Lazar, and V. Dobrota, “Z-Wave-Based Vehicular Blackbox with Automatic Emergency Assistance”, Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2018, Washington, DC, USA, 25-27 June 2018, pp.85-90, doi: 10.1109/LANMAN.2018.8475110, WOS:000447699400015.
C.M. Gheorghe, C.M. Iurian, E. Luchian, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Applications of the Cisco APIC-EM Software-Defined Networking Controller for a Virtualized Testbed”, Proceedings of the 16th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research,”Petru Maior” University of Targu-Mures, Romania, September 21-23, 2017, pp. 18-23, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-3411-0, Print ISBN: 978-1-5386-3410-3, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, DOI: 10.1109/ROEDUNET.2017.8123731, WOS:000425040000003.
E. Luchian, A. Taut, I.A. Ivanciu, G. Lazar, V. Dobrota, “Mobile Wireless Sensor Network Gateway: A Raspberry Pi implementation with a VPN backend to OpenStack”, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks IEEE SOFTCOM 2017, Split, Croatia, September 21-23, 2017, pp. 271-275, Electronic ISBN: 978-953-290-078-1, USB ISBN: 978-953-290-074-3, Electronic ISSN: 1847-358X, DOI: 10.23919/SOFTCOM.2017.8115561, WOS:000417414300050.
R. Carvajal Gomez, E. Luchian, I.A. Ivanciu, A. Taut, V. Dobrota, and E. Riviere, “On the Impact of Indirect WAN Routing on Geo-Replicated Storage”, 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2017, Osaka, Japan, 12-14 June 2017, pp. 1-6, Electronic ISSN: 1944-0375, DOI: 10.1109/LANMAN.2017.7972171, WOS:000426966200043.
L. Grindei, V. Dobrota, and A. Crisan, “European projects – as tools for increasing academic/students’ mobility and learning enhancement through innovative pedagogical approaches”, Proceedings of the 27th EAEEIE Annual Conference, Grenoble, France, June 7-9, 2017, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-0907-7, ISSN: 2376-4198, DOI: 10.1109/EAEEIE.2017.8768592, WOS:000495651800013.
E. Luchian, P. Docolin, and V. Dobrota, “Advanced Monitoring of the OpenStack NFV Infrastructure: A Nagios Approach Using SNMP”, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2016, Timisoara, Romania, October 27-28, 2016, pp. 51-54, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-3748-3, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC.2016.7781055, WOS:000390717800012.
F.L. Lupaescu, I.A. Ivanciu, E. Luchian, and V. Dobrota, “A Firewall Application for Performance Evaluation of the Pyretic Controller in Software-Defined Networks”, 15th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, University Politehnica Bucharest, September 7-9, 2016, pp. 17-21, ISBN: 978-1-5090-5398-8, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet.2016.7753202, WOS:000390713800003.
E. Luchian, C. Filip, A.B. Rus, I.A. Ivanciu, and V. Dobrota, “Automation of the Infrastructure and Services for an OpenStack Deployment using Chef Tool”, 15th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, “Politehnica” University Bucharest, September 7-9, 2016, pp. 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-5090-5398-8, Electronic ISSN: 2247-5443, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet.2016.7753200, WOS:000390713800001.
I.A. Ivanciu, E. Luchian, E. Riviere, and V. Dobrota, “OpenStack-based Clouds as Holons: A Functional Perspective”, 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2016, Rome, Italy, June 13-15, 2016, Electronic ISSN: 1944-0375, DOI: 10.1109/LANMAN.2016.7548849, WOS:000390839800011.
M. Padurariu, B. Rosca, I.A. Ivanciu, E. Luchian, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Automatic Control of an OpenFlow-Based Network Using Lua Scripts and SPLAY", 11th International Conference on Communications COMM 2016, Military Technical Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romania Section, Bucharest, Romania, June 9-11, 2016, pp. 299-302, DOI: 10.1109/ICComm.2016.7528286, WOS:000383221900062.
A. Comsa, I.A. Ivanciu, E. Luchian, V. Dobrota, and K. Steenhaut, “End-to-End Delay Minimization in an Application-Aware Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, 14th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research NER'2015, Agency ARNIEC/RoEduNet and University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania, September 24-26, 2015, pp.80-84, Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-8179-6, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet.2015.7311832, WOS:000378414300014 (000374591200014).
I.A. Ivanciu, A.B. Rus, V. Dobrota, and J. Domingo-Pascual, “Active Measurement of the Available Transfer Rate Used in an Algorithm for Generalized Assignment Problem", Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2014, Timisoara, Romania, November 13-14, 2014, Print ISBN: 978-1-4799-7265-4, pp.147-150, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC.2014.7010770, WOS:000366633300035.
I.A. Ivanciu, A.C. Hosu, Z.A. Polgar, and V. Dobrota, “Capacity and Available Transfer Rate Evaluation for Wireless Links”, 10th International Conference on Communications COMM 2014, Military Technical Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romania Section, Bucharest, Romania, May 29-31, 2014, pp.1-4, DOI:10.1109/ICComm.2014.6866693, WOS:000345844600037.
A.G. Furculita, M.V. Ulinic, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Implementation Issues for Modified Dijkstra’s and Floyd-Warshall Algorithms in OpenFlow", 12th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Constanta, Romania, September 26-28, 2013, ARNIEC/RoEduNet Agency, IEEE Romanian Section, “Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy Constanta, Ministry of National Education, pp.50-55, DOI:10.1109/RoEduNet.2013.6714208, WOS:000349849400028.
Z.I. Kiss, A.B. Rus, V. Dobrota, A. Consoli, M. Egido, and Z.A. Polgar, “Seamless Connectivity Platform Architecture for Public Transportation”, 21st International Conference on Software, Telecommunications, and Computer Networks IEEE SOFTCOM 2013, Split-Primosten, September 18-20, 2013, Croatia, INSPEC Accession Number: 13917302, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/SoftCOM.2013.6671900, WOS:000335559300034.
S.M. Magda, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Nagios-Based Network Management for Android, Windows and Fedora Core Terminals Using Net-SNMP Agents", 11th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Sinaia, Romania, January 17-19, 2013, ARNIEC/RoEduNet Agency, IEEE Romanian Section, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Ministry of Education and Research, ISSN-L 2068-1038, pp. 115-120, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet.2013.6511742, WOS:000320558100019.
F. Stoicuta, I.A. Ivanciu, E. Minzat, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “An OpenNetInf-Based Cloud Computing Solution for Cross-Layer QoS: Monitoring Part Using iOS Terminals”, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2012, Timisoara, Romania, November 15-16, 2012, Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-1177-9, DOI: 10.1109/ISETC.2012.6408102, pp.167-170, WOS:000318702700039.
I.A. Ivanciu, F. Stoicuta, M. Anghel, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Enhancement of Information Object Management Tool about Audio-Video/ Network Status/ QoS Content in OpenNetInf", 35th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing TSP 2012, July 3-4, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1116-8, Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-1117-5, pp.111-115, WOS:000308143100020.
A. Comsa, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Simulation of the Floyd-Warshall Algorithm Using OMNeT++ 4.1”, 9th International Conference on Communications COMM 2012, Military Technical Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romania Section, Bucharest, Romania, June 21-23, 2012, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-0057-6, pp.229-232, WOS:000307808200053.
M. Barabas, G. Boanea, and V. Dobrota, “Multipath Routing Management using Neural Networks-based Traffic Prediction", 3rd International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence EMERGING 2011, November 20-25, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, ISBN: 978-1-61208-174-8, pp. 118-124
W. Colitti, K. Steenhaut, N. De Caro, B. Buta, and V. Dobrota, “REST Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks for Seamless Integration with Web Applications”, IEEE MASS 2011 - IoTech Workshop on Internet of Things Technology and Architectures, October 17-22, 2011, Valencia, Spain, ISSN: 2155-6806, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1345-3, pp. 867-872
W. Colitti, K. Steenhaut, N. De Caro, B. Buta, and V. Dobrota, “Evaluation of Constrained Application Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, 18th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2011, October 13-14, 2011, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, ISSN: 1944-0367, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1264-7, pp. 1-6, WOS:000298000900014.
A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Case Study of a Gearbox-Like Routing Algorithm Selection in Runtime”, 18th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2011, October 13-14, 2011, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, ISSN: 1944-0367, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1264-7, pp. 1-6, WOS:000298000900018.
M. Barabas, G. Boanea, A.B. Rus, V. Dobrota, and J. Domingo-Pascual, “Evaluation of Network Traffic Prediction Based on Neural Networks with Multi-task Learning and Multiresolution Decomposition”, 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing ICCP 2011, August 25-27, 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, IEEE Romania Section, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-1-4577-1478-8, pp.95–102
Z. Kiss, Z. Polgar, M. Giurgiu, and V. Dobrota, “Resource Efficient Network Coding Based Congestion Control for Streaming Applications”, 34th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing TSP 2011, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 August 2011, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1410-8, pp. 85-90, WOS:000299568700018.
Z. Kiss, Z. Polgar, A.B. Rus, V. Dobrota, “Integration of Coding and Cooperation Techniques into Communication Networks: An Architecture Framework”, 10th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Iasi, Romania, June 23-25, 2011, ARNIEC/RoEduNet Agency, IEEE Romanian Section, “A.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, ISSN 2247-5443, pp. 24-29, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet.2011.5993682.
G. Boanea, M. Barabas, A.B. Rus, V. Dobrota, and J. Domingo-Pascual, “Performance Evaluation of a Situation Aware Multipath Routing Solution”, 10th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Iasi, Romania, June 23-25, 2011, ARNIEC/RoEduNet Agency, IEEE Romanian Section, “A.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, ISSN 2247-5443, pp. 51-56, DOI: 10.1109/RoEduNet.2011.5993687.
M. Barabas, G. Boanea, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota “Routing Management Based on Statistical Cross-Layer QoS Information Regarding Link Status”, 11th International Conference on Knowledge in Telecommunication Technologies and Optics KTTO 2011, Szczyrk, Poland, 22-24 June 2011, Publisher: VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, ISBN 978-80-248-2399-7, pp.12-17
J. Carapinha, R.Bless, Ch. Werle, K. Miller, V. Dobrota, A.B. Rus, H. Grob-Lipski, and H. Roessler, “Quality of Service in the Future Internet”, Proceedings of the 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope “Beyond the Internet? - Innovations for Future Networks and Services”, Pune, India, 13-15 December 2010, 92-61-13171-9/CFP 1038E, S4.4, pp.1-8
A.B. Rus, M. Barabas, G. Boanea, and V. Dobrota, “Implementation of QoS-Aware Virtual Routers”, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2010, Timisoara, Romania, November 11-12, 2010, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1003L-ART, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8460-7, 978-1-4244-8458-4, IEEE 2010, pp. 161-164, WOS:000296356700033.
G. Boanea, M. Barabas, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, “Design Principles and Practical Implementation of a Situation Aware Multipath Routing Algorithm”, 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications, and Computer Networks IEEE SOFTCOM 2010, Split-Bol (Island of Brac), September 23-25, 2010, Croatia, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-8663-2, INSPEC Accession Number: 11637618, pp.321-325
C. Vinti, M. Varga, Z. Polgar, A.B. Rus, and V. Dobrota, „Signaling Protocol for Network Coding-Based Congestion Control at Network Layer”, 9th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Sibiu, Romania, June 24-26, 2010, ARNIEC/RoEduNet Agency, IEEE Romanian Section, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, ISSN 2068-1038, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-7335-9, pp. 304-309, WOS:000290548400052.
A.B. Rus, M. Barabas, G. Boanea, Z. Kiss, Z. Polgar, and V. Dobrota, “Cross-Layer QoS and Its Application in Congestion Control”, 17th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2010, Long Branch, NJ, USA, May 5-7, 2010, ISSN: 1944-0367, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-6067-0, INSPEC Accession Number: 11416542, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/LANMAN.2010.5507149, pp.1-6
D. Hintea, T.M. Blaga, and V. Dobrota, “Installation and Performance Analysis of Asterisk on a Wireless Router”, 8th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, The Agency for Administration of the National Network for Education and Research, RoEduNet, Galati, Romania, December 3-4, 2009, ISBN 978-606-8085-15-9, pp.72-77
M. Herculea, and V. Dobrota, “Security Assessment for an H.323-Based VoIP Virtual Environment”, 8th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, The Agency for Administration of the National Network for Education and Research, RoEduNet, Galati, Romania, December 3-4, 2009, ISBN 978-606-8085-15-9, pp.63-67
C.M. Vancea, and V. Dobrota, “SNMP Agent for WLAN Networks”, 8th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, The Agency for Administration of the National Network for Education and Research, RoEduNet, Galati, Romania, December 3-4, 2009, ISBN 978-606-8085-15-9, pp.35-40
Z. Polgar, Z. Kiss, A.B. Rus, G. Boanea, M. Barabas, and V. Dobrota, “Preliminary Implementation of Point-to-Multi-Point Multicast Transmission Based on Cross-Layer QoS and Network Coding”, 17th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications, and Computer Networks IEEE SOFTCOM 2009, Split-Hvar-Korkula, Croatia, September 24–26, 2009, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-4973-6, INSPEC Accession Number: 10951348, pp.131-135, WOS:000275055300027.
F. Coras, L. Jakab, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, J. Domingo-Pascual, and V. Dobrota, “CoreSim: A Simulator for Evaluating Locator/ID Separation Protocol Mapping Systems”, Trilogy Future Internet Summer School (Posters), FP7-ICT-2008-216372-TRILOGY “Architecting the Future Internet”, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 24-26 August 2009
T. Blaga, G. Lazar, and V. Dobrota, „Generalized AGCS with PIM-SM”, Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium ELMAR 2008, Croatian Society Electronics in Marine, IEEE Region 8, IEEE Croatia Section, Croatian Academy of Engineering, Zadar, Croatia September 10-12, 2008, pp.261-264, ISSN: 1334-2630, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3364-3, WOS:000261021200061.
G. Lazar, T. Blaga, and V. Dobrota, „Framework for IPTV QoS”, Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium ELMAR 2008, Croatian Society Electronics in Marine, IEEE Region 8, IEEE Croatia Section, Croatian Academy of Engineering, Zadar, Croatia September 10-12, 2008, pp.161-164, ISSN: 1334-2630, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3364-3, WOS:000261021200037.
G. Lazar, V. Dobrota, and T. Blaga, „Practical Evaluation of H.264 Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11e Devices by Cross-Layer Signaling”, Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 3-6, 2008, pp.13-18, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2027-8, WOS:000265332000003.
M. Herculea, T. Blaga, and V. Dobrota, “Evaluation of Security and Countermeasures for a SIP-based VoIP Architecture”, 7th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 28-30, 2008, pp.34-39, ISBN 978-973-662-393-6, Editura U.T.PRESS 2008, WOS:000264285200007.
A.B. Rus, R. Serral Gracià, J. Domingo-Pascual, and V. Dobrota, “WAN Emulator”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference “Communications 2008”, Military Technical Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romania Section, Bucharest, Romania, June 5-7, 2008, pp.225-228, ISBN 978-606-521-008-0, Editura Printech 2008
A.F. Gabor, V. Dobrota, K. Steenhaut, and T. Blaga, „Preliminary Implementation of Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Protocol for Unicast and Multicast”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment OPTIM 2008, Transylvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania, May 22-23, 2008, Vol. IV, pp.217-220, ISBN 978-973-131-032-9, WOS:000258474700037.
T. Blaga, V. Dobrota, F. Szasz, and R. Vidrascu, “An on Demand IPv4/IPv6 Multicast Translator”, 6th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Craiova, Romania, November 23-24, 2007, pp.38-43, ISBN 978-973-746-581-8, WOS:000264284900001.
C.M. Vancea, and V. Dobrota, “Enabling SNMP for IEEE 802.15.4: A Practical Architecture”, 6th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Craiova, Romania, November 23-24, 2007, pp.49-53, ISBN 978-973-746-581-8, WOS:000264284900003.
A. Bikfalvi, P. Patras, C.M. Vancea, and V. Dobrota, "The Management Infrastructure of a Network Measurement System for QoS Parameters", 14th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications, and Computer Networks SOFTCOM 2006, Split-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 29 – October 1, 2006, S6-6128-2909, ISBN 953-6114-87-9, pp.242-246, WOS:000245523900049.
T. Blaga, I. Trestian, G. Lazar, and V. Dobrota, “Performance Evaluation of IP Multicast Routing”, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference “Communications 2006”, Military Technical Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romania Section, Bucharest, Romania, June 8-10, 2006, pp.317-320, ISBN 973-718-479-3, 978-973-718-479-5
T. Blaga, G. Lazar, B. Moraru, and V. Dobrota, "Performance Metrics for AGCS Applied to CastGate Technology and Native Multicast", 5th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Sibiu, Romania, June 1-3, 2006, pp.176-180, ISBN (10) 973-739-277-9, ISBN (13) 978-973-739-277-0, WOS:000248117300035.
T. Blaga, V. Dobrota, K. Steenhaut, I. Trestian, and G. Lazar, “Steps towards Native IPv6 Multicast: CastGate Router with PIM-SM Support”, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN’2005, Chania, Greece, September 18-21, 2005, pp.1-6, WOS:000234636200012.
I.A. Katona, V. Dobrota, T. Blaga, and G. Lazar, „Performances Evaluation of BGP-4+ in IPv4/IPv6”, Proceedings of the 4th RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Sovata, May 20-22, 2005, „Petru Maior” University of Targu-Mures, pp.66-75, ISBN 973-7794-26-5, WOS:000248025600010.
F.Z. Dracman, and V. Dobrota, “Secured Transmission Using Hyper-Chaotic Systems in Discrete Time”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference “Communications 2004”, Military Technical Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romanian Section, Bucharest, Romania, June 03-05, 2004, Volume 1, pp. 141-145, ISBN 973-640-035-2
T. Blaga, and V. Dobrota, “Routing Protocols in IPv4/IPv6 Using Linux”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference “Communications 2004”, Military Technical Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, “Electronica 2000” Foundation and IEEE Romanian Section, Bucharest, Romania, June 03-05, 2004, Volume 2, pp. 453-458, ISBN 973-640-035-2
T. Blaga, V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, and C.M. Vancea, “Mobile IPv6: Configuration and Trials”, 2nd RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Iasi, June 5-6, 2003, pp. 27-34, ISBN 973-85791-9-8
B. Moraru, F.Copaciu, G. Lazar, and V. Dobrota, “Practical Analysis of TCP Implementations: Tahoe, Reno, NewReno”, 2nd RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Iasi, June 5-6, 2003, pp. 125-130, ISBN 973-85791-9-8
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, C.M. Vancea, and G. Lazar, “A Practical Quality of Service Evaluation for Voice over IP: IntServ Approach versus DiffServ Approach”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference “Communications 2002”, Bucharest, 5-7 December 2002, ISBN 973-8290-67-8, pp. 73-78
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, C.M. Vancea, and G. Lazar, “Protocols for Communication Between QoS Agents: COPS and SDP”, Proceedings of the 3rd COST #276 Workshop on Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication, Budapest, Hungary, 11-12 October 2002, pp.53-58
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, C.M. Vancea, and G. Lazar, “A Practical Evaluation of QoS for Voice over IP”, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, LANMAN 2002, 11-14 August 2002, Stockholm-Kista, Sweden, pp.65-69
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, C.M. Vancea, and G. Lazar, “A Practical Quality of Service Evaluation for Voice over IP: IntServ Approach”, Proceedings of the International Workshop “Trends and Recent Achievements in Information Technology”, UT Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, ISBN: 973-8335-49-3, pp. 134-139
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, C.M. Vancea, and G. Lazar, “Voice over IP Solutions for CAMAN: H.323 versus SIP”, First RoEduNet International Conference “Networking in Education and Research”, Cluj-Napoca, 18-19 April 2002, ISBN: , pp.
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, and C.M. Vancea, “Estimating the Optimal Model for Layer 4 Switching in IPv6 and IPv4”, 11th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN’2001, Boulder, Colorado, USA, pp.68-71.
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, and C.M. Vancea, “Layer 4 Switching Experiments with IPv6 versus IPv4”, Proceedings of the International Conference “Communications 2000”, Bucharest, Military Technical Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest and IEEE Romanian Section, 7-9 December 2000, pp.300-303.
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, C.M. Vancea, and A. Vlaicu, “Layer 4 Switching Experiments for Burst Traffic and Video Sources in ATM”. 10th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, LANMAN’99, 21-24 November 1999, Sydney, Australia, pp.66-69
V. Dobrota, K. Pusztai, D. Zinca, and E.Cebuc, “Practical Aspects of the Interconnection Between ATM Switches”, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Bases of Electronics SBE'99, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 10-11 June, 1999, pp.303-306.
A. Vlaicu, V. Mesaros, B. Orza, and V. Dobrota, “A Modern Multimedia Communication Environment for Distance Learning Applications”. 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Digital Telecommunication Services ICOMT’98, 28-30 October 1998, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 183-192.
T. Stef, and V. Dobrota, “Secure Information over Internet through PostgreSQL Database Systems with Java Client”. 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Digital Telecommunication Services ICOMT’98, 28-30 October 1998, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 259-266
V. Dobrota, and D. Zinca, “Traffic Models for Data, Voice and Video Sources in ATM”. Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications “ETc.98”, 17-18 September 1998, Timisoara, Romania, pp. 166-170.
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, and A. Vlaicu, “The Future of the Internet Systems: IP Switching or Native ATM?”. 13th International Conference on Systems Science. 15-18 September 1998, Wroclaw, Poland, Vol.III, pp.175-182
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, A. Vlaicu, and K. Pusztai, “Evaluation of ATM Traffic Parameters in Heterogenous Networks”. Proceedings of AC235 “WATT” Symposium “Windowing to ATM Technology through ACTS Projects”, 9 September 1998, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 139-148.
A. Vlaicu, V. Dobrota, V. Mesaros, and B. Orza, “Distance Education Application Using Heterogenous Multimedia Networks”. European Distance Education Network Conference EDEN’98, 24-26 June 1998, University of Bologna, Italy, pp.422-428.
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, A. Vlaicu, and K. Pusztai, “Evaluation of ATM Traffic Parameters in Heterogenous Networks”. 9th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, LANMAN’98, May 17-20, 1998, Banff, Alberta, Canada, pp.304-309.
A. Vlaicu, S. Iacob, and V. Dobrota, “Applications of Heterogeneous Networks for Distance Education in Central and Eastern European Countries”, International Workshop on Copper Wire Access Systems “Bridging the Last Copper Drop” CWAS’97, 27-29 October 1997, Budapest, Hungary
V. Dobrota, A. Vlaicu, and D. Zinca, “Performance and Capabilities of Access Networks Based on DSL Technologies (xDSL, ISDN)”. International Workshop on Copper Wire Access Systems “Bridging the Last Copper Drop” CWAS’97, 27-29 October 1997, Budapest, Hungary
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, and M. Cosma, “Software Simulator of an ATM Statistical Multiplexer with Variable Parameters”, Symposium on Communications’96, Technical Military Academy, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest and IEEE Romanian Section, November 28-29, 1996.
V. Dobrota, A. Vlaicu, D. Zinca, M. Cosma, and S. Persa, “Implementation of DSM-CC Specifications for User-to-Network Protocols”, International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Digital Telecommunication Services ICOMT’96, Budapest, Hungary, October 28-30, 1996
D. Zinca, V. Dobrota, M. Cosma, and A. Vlaicu, “Software Traffic Analyzer and Frame Generator for IEEE 802.3u”. 8th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN’96, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany, August 25-28, 1996.
V. Dobrota, D. Zinca, M. Cosma, and A. Vlaicu, “Simulator for a Broadband Communications System Based on ATM Statistical Multiplexer/Switch with Fast-Ethernet Link”. Eleventh International Conference on Systems Engineering ICSE’96, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA, July 9-11, 1996.
V. Dobrota, F. Cristurean, M. Cosma, D. Zinca, and A. Vlaicu, “Software Evaluation Tool for ATM Traffic Parameters”, IEEE Symposium of Electronics and Telecommunications, ETc.’96, Timisoara, September 26-27, 1996
A. Vlaicu, V. Dobrota, N. Crisan, D. Zinca, and C. Miron, “Distributed Image System: An Interactive Processing and ISDN Transmission of 2D and 3D Medical Images”, Second International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing. Budapest, Hungary, 8-10 November 1995, pp.266-273.
V. Dobrota, “Interworking of Signalling Between the B-ISDN and the N-ISDN”. 26th Conference Military Technical Academy and “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, 16-17 November 1995, Bucharest, pp.39-46.
V. Dobrota, S.D. Bate, M. Cosma, and D. Zinca, “Understanding the Programming Techniques for Client-Server Architectures”. SEHE’95 Second International Conference on Software Engineering in Higher Education, Alicante, Spain, 22-24 November 1995, pp. 303-310, Transactions on Information and Communications Technologies, Vol.12, 1995 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3517, DOI: 10.2495/SEHE950371, WOS:A1996BF14C00037.
V. Dobrota, C. Miron, D. Zinca, M. Cosma, and F. Cristurean, “Simulator for Bandwidth Management in ISDN”. SYSTEMS SCIENCE XII - International Conference on Systems Science. Technical University of Wroclaw, 12-15 September 1995, Poland, Volume III, pp.52-56.
V. Dobrota, C. Miron, and A. Vlaicu, “Broadband-ISDN Functional Model Simulator with IN Capabilities”, AIENG’95 Udine 4-6 July 1995, Italy. Published in Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering X, editors: R.A. Adey, G. Rzevski, C. Tasso. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton UK 1995, pp.475-482, Transactions on Information and Communications Technologies, Vol. 10, 1995, WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3517, DOI: 10.2495/AI950511, WOS:A1995BE03J00051.
V. Dobrota, “Use of the Symbolic Concurrent Programming ERLANG to Test the Integrated Digital Networks Access”. SEHE’94 First International Conference on Software Engineering in Higher Education, Southampton 23-25 November 1994, UK. Included in SEHE’95 Proceedings, pp.267-274, Transactions on Information and Communications Technologies, Vol.12, 1995 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3517, DOI: 10.2495/SEHE950331, WOS:A1996BF14C00033.
Last update: 2 February 2025
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